11 Tasty Twists on Traditional Thanksgiving Side Dishes - Healthy Recipes Center - Everyday Health (2024)

Healthy Recipes

Swap starchy mashed potatoes and gooey green bean casserole for these lighter Thanksgiving recipes that are still tasty enough to gobble up.

11 Tasty Twists on Traditional Thanksgiving Side Dishes - Healthy Recipes Center - Everyday Health (1)


Annie Hauser

11 Tasty Twists on Traditional Thanksgiving Side Dishes - Healthy Recipes Center - Everyday Health (2)

Does it seem like your family’s go-to Thanksgiving side dishes have been around longer than the Macy’s Thanksgiving Day Parade? It’s okay to admit you’re getting a little sick of the same plain mashed potatoes and glazed yams year after year. And even though Thanksgiving may very well be synonymous with indulgence, trimming the calories, fat, and sugar from your typical fare can help you avoid the weight gain, belt loosening, and pig-out regret that many people experience after the feast. These recipes add plenty of vitamins, antioxidants, fiber, and other healthy nutrients with punched-up flavor and creativity to boot.

If you already pride yourself on healthful, tasty Thanksgiving side dishes, keep reading for a host of new recipes to make this year’s spread the best one yet.

Pear, Prosciutto, and Hazelnut Stuffing

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This stuffing is so flavorful, it just might steal all the turkey’s attention. Prosciutto (yes, it can be healthy when served in a small portion) and plenty of savory spices add flavor while the pears serve as delightful sweet surprises in the midst of the stuffing. Use low- or no-sodium chicken broth and whole wheat bread crumbs for maximum health benefits.

Maple-Roasted Sweet Potatoes

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With only 96 calories per serving (a vast improvement over those glazed sweet spuds with marshmallows that can pack as many as 400 calories in a serving) these roasted sweet potatoes are still decadent. For a bigger health boost, use pure maple syrup for the potatoes’ glaze: It contains antioxidants and other nutrients that have antibacterial, anti-cancer and possibly anti-diabetic properties, researchers at the University of Rhode Island found. Artificial syrup made with corn syrup or other sweeteners does not have the same benefits.

Yukon Gold and Sweet Potato Mash

11 Tasty Twists on Traditional Thanksgiving Side Dishes - Healthy Recipes Center - Everyday Health (5)

Mixing equal parts Yukon gold and sweet potatoes ups the nutritional value of plain white mashed potatoes. Sweet potatoes are full of potassium and magnesium, as well as vitamins A and C and fiber. Plus, adding bright orange spuds to blah yellow potatoes transforms a boring dish into a brightly colored side.

Green and Yellow Beans With Mushrooms

Ditch the casserole — and the fatty cream of mushroom soup, fried onions, and cheddar cheese that goes with it — and make this year’s green beans fresh and flavorful. Pick your favorite varieties of mushrooms to top string beans and yellow wax beans for a fast, easy side that will please your veggie-loving guests.

Roasted Baby Vegetables

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An easy dish to whip together at the end of your meal prep, this recipe calls for nothing but carrots, turnips, and pearl onions with thyme, salt, pepper, and a touch of pure maple syrup. Combine the ingredients and roast in the oven for 30 minutes. When the veggies have started to brown, they’re ready to serve.

Gingered Cranberry-Raspberry Relish

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The key to a good relish is giving the ingredients time to mix together. Make this dish the day before or morning of by combining chopped fresh cranberries, fresh raspberries, sugar, and ginger. Unlike traditional cranberry sauce, there’s no cooking required, so these cranberries will add a welcome crunch to your meal.

Brussels Sprouts With Chestnuts and Sage

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If you’re one of the world’s many sprout haters, this recipe will change your mind. Chestnuts give Brussels sprouts a tasty crunch and festive flair while fresh sage adds an herby flavor. The key to this dish is cooking sprouts just long enough to be tender, but not soft.

Wild Rice With Dried Apricots and Pistachios

11 Tasty Twists on Traditional Thanksgiving Side Dishes - Healthy Recipes Center - Everyday Health (10)

Red onion, red pepper, and apricots give this dish a palatable color while long-grain wild rice’s high fiber content makes it both healthy and hearty. And at only four calories each, pistachios have been linked to weight loss. Need to save cooking time on Turkey Day? Use instant rice instead of the standard dried kind.

Pumpkin-Walnut Biscuits

11 Tasty Twists on Traditional Thanksgiving Side Dishes - Healthy Recipes Center - Everyday Health (11)

A guaranteed crowd-pleaser, these pumpkin-walnut treats are best served warm. Whisk together pumpkin puree and fat-free milk for biscuits that are bursting with vitamins A, C, and E. Since the dough doesn’t have to rise, you can go from mixing ingredients to enjoying a biscuit in 45 minutes flat.

Fruit Salad With Cranberry Dressing

11 Tasty Twists on Traditional Thanksgiving Side Dishes - Healthy Recipes Center - Everyday Health (12)

This recipe calls for tossing grapes, pineapple, pear, and kiwi with a simple cranberry dressing, which can give it a slightly tropical feel. But the best part about fruit salad is that there are no rules: Use apples, oranges, bananas — whichever fruit floats your fancy and goes with the rest of your menu.

Easy Rosemary Wheat Rolls

11 Tasty Twists on Traditional Thanksgiving Side Dishes - Healthy Recipes Center - Everyday Health (13)

Give classic dinner rolls a much-needed makeover with whole-wheat flour and fresh rosemary. Throw the simple dough together, then bake it in a muffin tin to create 15 perfectly portioned rolls. In no time at all, your house will be filled with the aroma of fresh baked bread, and your guests’ mouths will be watering.

11 Tasty Twists on Traditional Thanksgiving Side Dishes - Healthy Recipes Center - Everyday Health (2024)
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