Car Photography: 10 Tips to Take Better Pictures (2024)

As car enthusiasts, we know that car photography is a pretty popular hobby. But are you taking car photos the right way? In this blog post, I will be discussing 10 tips to take better car pictures. Whether you’re looking for some advice on how to frame your subject or what camera settings work best with certain lighting conditions, these car photography tips should help!

Table of Contents

What is Car Photography?

Car photography is a way of capturing the beauty and spirit of your automobiles. Car photography is the art of capturing a vehicle’s sleek style, sexy curves and powerful engine. Pictures are most often taken in front of lavish backgrounds that add to the car’s beauty. Common examples include beaches with sand dunes or mountains shrouded by fog–the perfect setting for your next campaign if you are running business that is related to cars.

Understanding the Types of Photography

Photography can be a fun and exciting hobby to take up, but it is also an art form that has many types. There

Tips for Better Car Photography Mastery

The Basics of Photography Are Important

Photography is the art of capturing a compelling image and preserving it for posterity. However, there are still some basics to remember when taking a picture:

Don’t forget about light exposure; sometimes bright images can be overexposed or underexposed depending on what you want to emphasize in your photograph. Light should either come from the front (for softer shadows) or behind (to avoid harsh glare). -Be mindful of composition by ensuring that all elements have equal weightiness and do not draw attention away from each other, so they stand out individually instead as part if one whole piece! All forks belong next to knives…all shoes at foot level….don’t make people look up too much unless intentionally done for special effect.

Bokeh Effect is Your Friend

The bokeh effect is not only your friend; it’s also a best-kept secret of the photography world.

The word “bokeh” comes from Japanese and means blur or haze, but in this case refers to that dreamy out of focus quality you get when shooting with narrow depth of field (DOF). This technique has been made popular by photographers like Ryan Brenizer who have created their own spin on what we know as art today.

With bokeh, you can creatively blur backgrounds to focus on your subject and create beautiful and polished images that capture the attention of viewers.

Bokeh is an effect in photography where out-of-focus points within a photographic field are more noticeable because they are not blurred as much by camera movement or other factors like depth of field. This can be achieved with light sources such as candles, lamps, flashlights etc., which produce circular patterns called “bokehs” from their diffusing discs: these disks may appear similar to those used for softboxes but differ because they have different shapes (typically round) and usually do not come equipped with handles).

Avoid Shooting from Eye-Level

One of the most important steps for automotive photography is to avoid shooting from eye-level. Eye-level shots can look boring because they’re what we are used to seeing cars from, and it doesn’t do a good job of showing off car lines.

So start by getting down low and see how that changes your feel on images – when you shoot artistic style photos, this can be done in order to make a car appear more imposing or larger than life. Don’t be afraid to lie right down on the ground (make sure you don’t wear anything nice). You can also get high up to the car and shoot down at it (this is called shooting “down-low”).

Work Your Angles

To really make car photography a success, you need to work your angles. Shooting from different perspectives will give you endless opportunities for new images that have never been seen before. You could try getting close by having someone stand at eye level with the car – but be warned: this angle requires some patience because of how difficult it may be to hold focus on both car and person in frame together. If you want more interesting shots, then lie low or go high! The best advice I’ve ever heard about automotive photography was ‘to always think outside of the box’.

Shoot close ups, wide shots (from both sides), overhead shots for ceilings, flooring…keep your eyes peeled for little details that make cars special–even if they’re not visible right off the bat. Think about what people would want to see on social media: does this car have canary yellow paint? Bright red seats? An AM/FM radio? A diamond plate bumper guard or chrome accents?

To get a better car photo, try tilting your camera 45 degrees and use your car as the subject matter for these kinds of shots. This angle will give viewers an opportunity to see more than just what is on top or at eye level, which can be great if there are other cars around yours that you want them to focus on instead; this also creates perspective so people viewing it know how high off the ground they are looking down from.

You should NEVER shoot with flash when using overhead light because not only does it create harsh shadows but also causes reflection issues within car windows and windshields making everything look distorted due to its intense brightness!

Pay attention to Post – Production

Post – production is an important step when it comes to car photography. To create dramatic images and incredible photos, your editing skills should be excellent. Obviously, you should also master your photo editing software like Photoshop. No car photos can be perfect if the post – processing part is ignored.

Car Photography Angles

There are a number of angles to shooting photos with a digital camera. Experiment with different angles to see which ones work best for you.

An image is never just one of the subject; it’s always the composition that makes the difference between a dull picture and an exciting photograph. The main things to think about when taking an original car image are angle and depth. When taking a car shot, you’ll have to decide whether the picture is going to be a close up or a wide angle. In order to get sharp, clear and polished images, you’ll need to use a lens with a fast aperture (small number). A fast aperture lets in more light. This means that the shutter speed will have to be slow (long exposure) to let in enough light for you to see clearly in the dark.

To get a sharp shot, you’ll need to position your camera low down, but not directly underneath the car. Position the camera so that the car is in the center of the frame, with a big empty space on the left and right side. This will give you more room to maneuver, and you’ll also give yourself a little more room to crop out any unwanted elements that are in the picture.

If you’d prefer not to use a flash to take a shot of your car, you could try using a tripod. This way, you won’t have to worry about the flash reflecting off the car’s bodywork, and you won’t have to use a flash gun to fill in the shadows. You can also use the car’s lights to illuminate your picture.

The most important thing to remember when taking photos of your car is that there’s no such thing as a “perfect” picture. No matter how perfect your shot is, you’ll always be able to improve it in some way. Take the original car image and look at it again later. Try to see the photo from a new perspective, and see if you can make it better.

Try looking at your car in a different way by taking pictures of your car from different angles. Then try to shoot a few photos of your car in different locations, against different backgrounds. You’ll be surprised at how different the results can be!

More Tips to Take Good Car Pictures

We love shooting cars for a number of reasons. They’re beautiful. They’re powerful. They move. They inspire. And we always enjoy trying to capture the personality of each car in its own unique way. In this article we want to share some of our favorite ideas and tips to help you achieve stunning results, whether you’re a hobbyist, professional or aspiring automotive photographer.

Take lots of shots.

The best way to ensure you get great results is to shoot lots of different types of cars. Whether you shoot street scenes, portraits, close-ups, wide shots, landscapes, or whatever else you fancy, the more variety you have, the better you’ll be able to hone in on your best style and technique. Try to shoot in a variety of locations. Try new angles, compositions and lighting. If you can, you might want to try out some unusual poses, or even add in some unusual props, like a bicycle or car hood, to create a fresh angle.

The more you practice, the better you’ll become at capturing those wonderful moments in cars.

Use the right settings.

We’ve all seen some amazing shots taken at night, so it stands to reason that the best shots are usually taken at night. Why? Well, they can be easier to capture. The lack of ambient light gives us a sharper and more detailed shot.

However, when taking pictures during the day, we prefer using a lower shutter speed. This enables us to freeze the moment, but still have some blur around it, giving it a softer, more dreamy feel.

Set a creative and relaxed mood.

You’ll want to have a relaxed, creative mood when shooting cars. You don’t need to go overboard with your set up and lighting, but you should try to avoid a too dark or too bright a mood. Instead, focus on having a good balance between both. You can achieve this by shooting in a well-lit room, with a few soft light sources, and then playing around with the colors and contrast, to see how it can transform your images.

Keep a safe distance.

If you want to avoid getting scratched by the windscreen of your car, you’ll need to keep your camera at a safe distance away. If you’re holding the camera over the top of your car, it might fly away. To prevent this, you’ll need to lay it on a flat surface, and stand further back.

Position the camera correctly.

When taking photos of cars, you’ll need to position your camera so you can get the best shot. As a rule, you’ll want to have the engine pointing towards you and the window pointing away from you. You’ll also want to have the front end of the car pointing towards the camera. To do this, you’ll need to get as close to the car as possible, without touching the window, and adjust the camera accordingly. If you do touch the window, you’ll be able to capture a clear and sharp shot, but you’ll probably have to use a longer lens, which will reduce the depth of field, making it harder to isolate certain details in the photo.

This is why, most of the time, you’ll be better off staying a safe distance away. However, if you can’t avoid this, make sure you know what angle the best shot will come out at. Also, you can use a mirror to reflect the car onto yourself, creating a nice background for your image. You’ll also want to make sure you’ve covered your lens with a small piece of cloth, to prevent it from scratching.

Take advantage of tracking shots, panning shots, and action shots

Tracking shots, panning shots, and action shots are optional. But if you can maximize the benefits of using these types of shots, you can create cool photos and compelling images.

Consider the composition.

A successful photograph is one which presents a good and interesting composition. The key to a good composition is to keep the viewer’s eye looking at one specific point of interest. So, don’t just take a picture of the whole car. Instead, you’ll want to try to isolate one element of the car and place that into the frame.

For example, you might consider shooting an engine in the middle of a field, with a few trees in the background. Or, you might find a car driving down the road at sunset, with the sun highlighting the car’s paintwork. In both examples, the photo will work better because it’s more interesting than simply a shot of the car itself.

Make sure you’re in the right place.

You can sometimes be lucky and stumble across a perfect location, where everything is arranged to perfection. Other times, you’ll need to drive around a bit before you find your desired scene. In either case, it’s important to find a suitable location, where you can capture the right kind of car.

Shooting Interiors of the Car

Lighting is difficult to control on the inside of a car. The best option I have found so far has been shooting through glass and dealing with reflections in post-production, but this isn’t always feasible.

Shooting interiors can be tricky as lighting becomes harder to control due to all the reflective surfaces around you from windows or headlights outside at night time; your only real options are either playing it by ear or using window light which causes camera noise problems because they’re too bright for proper exposure settings making them overexposed most of the time while still being underexposed when photographed into properly without any glare reduction filters used resulting in pictures that look quite bad unless fixed manually later on after editing.

For interiors of the car, you should use a slower shutter speed for better photoshoots.

Night Time Car Photography

Night time car photography is an exciting new hobby for many people.

To avoid car interior photography problems, I recommend shooting at night with the windows down and using natural light. This way photos will be clearer while having less glare on the car’s windshields or dashboard screens. Alternatively you can use an external flash to highlight specific parts of your car without needing too many other lights in front to create a more dramatic effect for those who want that; unless they’re looking for something else then by all means go ahead!

Your Photo Background

Pay attention to the background because it may distract viewers from looking closely enough at your subject; if you’re taking car photos outside, consider shooting in the shade. To avoid distractions, try to keep backgrounds as simple and clutter-free as possible.

Exposure Settings

When car photography, you’ll be taking photos with a wide range of exposures depending on the day’s lighting; it is recommended that your camera has an automatic setting or manual function because sometimes both will need to work together in specific cases.

Lighting for Car Photography

Shooting car photos outside during daylight hours can produce great results but there are other considerations such as car color and glare from direct sunlight which may affect how people see them online so take care when photographing cars outdoors! For those who want even more control over their car photo light sources, they have the option of shooting under artificial lights indoors.

Driving shots

Shooting a car out of another moving vehicle is an easy way to get cool images. One example would be shooting the car while driving at 37 mph (60 km/h) with shutter speed set around 1/100s or so, which will give nice movement on both the road and wheels. If you want even more motion blur from your camera shake, decrease that shutter speed further – but beware this may increase your chances of blurry photos!

Think about the color of the car when shooting

Shoot your scene with the color of a car in mind. Be sure to consider not just what colors you think would work best but also how they will look on camera and if any objects are close by that may make it difficult for filming.

Let the nature become harmonious with the car

Give your car a chance to interact with nature. You can do this by taking it on long drives where you see the scenery change around you, or by leaving in outside when not using it for extended periods of time.

Cars are great places to take photos from because they offer an unusual view of your surroundings that would be hard to find in any other setting. Just make sure you have permission before taking pictures and always ask if pedestrians or drivers can get their car out of the shot!

TIP: Find interesting people around town who like cars as much as you do and see what they think about when it comes to car photography tips. They may turn into some new friends with common interests after chatting!

The key is not just photographs but capturing moments too so don’t forget to snap away at anything that looks good along the way!

Camera Settings for Car Photography

There are many ways of capturing great car photos but few are as popular as photographing them against the setting sun. A sunset photo shoot requires some planning as the best times to take these photos are during an hour before sunrise and at the very end of the day. When the light is right, the sky should be orange or pinkish in color. The light coming through the windows of a car at this time of day looks different and warmer than the sunlight that hits the road, buildings and cars during the daytime.

When you’re driving through the countryside, look for suitable locations and set the camera on the dashboard so it’s ready to go. The best photographs are usually taken from the front passenger seat, since it’s easier to use the zoom lens and you’ll get more space for your composition.

When choosing the settings for your photo shoot, it’s a good idea to keep the ISO low (ISO 100 is the optimum setting), as the shutter speed will need to be as fast as possible. When it comes to the aperture, a wide open aperture (f/2.8 is ideal) will let in more light, making the shadows softer. If you have a tripod, you can use it to make sure the shutter is completely open for the duration of the photo shoot. The car should be parked in a quiet spot where there’s little traffic so you can get the perfect image.

A simple backdrop will be sufficient. Try a brick wall, tree or a field. Avoid using any reflective surfaces such as a mirror.

If you want to add some movement, try to capture the car in a stationary pose. It’s best to start the shoot when the light is changing, as you won’t get the same effect again in the afternoon. The car should be parked on a slight incline to create movement, or the professional car photographer can stand on the ground and raise the camera. Try using a tilt-shift lens and adjusting the focus manually. When the subject is in focus, it will appear blurred. Move the lens closer and further away from the car to blur the background.

Promote Your Car Photos

Many automotive photographers make great money from selling photographs of their cars online. For many car photographers, the most popular site is Flickr. However, this isn’t the case for everyone and not everyone would choose to use Flickr. If you want to sell your photos to websites then there are other options available. The following advice will help you make the most of your photos and get them noticed online.

If you plan to sell photos of your car online then you need to have a good selection of high-quality pictures. The picture needs to show the car as clearly as possible. Try to photograph it from different angles. Also make sure that you include plenty of detail, including the number plate and any details that may be visible in the registration document. A well-written caption should explain any interesting information in the photo. You might want to consider adding a little background to the photo. This could be an interesting tree, sign or building, for example.

You can create a website to showcase your car photos. This can be done using a content management system (CMS) such as WordPress. You can make your website look professional by installing a theme from a reliable developer. It may also be worth investing in a domain name for your website. This could be a free domain name such as You can also add a logo to your site and make sure your business card is easily displayed.

Make sure that your website is easy to use. You should aim to give visitors a clear idea of what they will see when they visit. Your homepage should display a clear list of your car photos, along with a brief description. You should also have a clear call-to-action button. This should lead people to a gallery of your car photographs.

You can promote your website by placing a link to your site on your social media accounts, including Facebook and Twitter. This could be a banner ad on the side of your page. You can also use other platforms, such as Instagram and Pinterest.

Your site might need to be updated regularly. Remember to check the stats to see how often your site is being viewed. You should take a close look at your competition. If they have a similar site you might want to copy some of the ideas you have seen. The following tips can help you improve your site and attract more visitors.

Make your photos stand out.

When people view a gallery of car photographs they will notice the quality of your images. To make sure that they notice, you can edit your photos using the tools in Adobe Photoshop. You could increase the contrast, brighten the colours, and sharpen the image. This will make your photos stand out from the crowd.

Take the time to prepare your photos.

To get the best results from your photos, you will need to take some time to prepare them. Take the time to focus the camera on the subject, compose the photo and take the shot. Make sure you set the camera settings carefully. For example, you will need to decide whether you will use flash. This will depend on your environment. Finally, you will need to take the time to post the finished product.

Car Photography Ideas

Car Photography: 10 Tips to Take Better Pictures (1) Car Photography: 10 Tips to Take Better Pictures (2) Car Photography: 10 Tips to Take Better Pictures (3) Car Photography: 10 Tips to Take Better Pictures (4) Car Photography: 10 Tips to Take Better Pictures (5) Car Photography: 10 Tips to Take Better Pictures (6) Car Photography: 10 Tips to Take Better Pictures (7) Car Photography: 10 Tips to Take Better Pictures (8) Car Photography: 10 Tips to Take Better Pictures (9) Car Photography: 10 Tips to Take Better Pictures (10) Car Photography: 10 Tips to Take Better Pictures (11) Car Photography: 10 Tips to Take Better Pictures (12)Car Photography: 10 Tips to Take Better Pictures (13) Car Photography: 10 Tips to Take Better Pictures (14) Car Photography: 10 Tips to Take Better Pictures (15) Car Photography: 10 Tips to Take Better Pictures (16) Car Photography: 10 Tips to Take Better Pictures (17) Car Photography: 10 Tips to Take Better Pictures (18) Car Photography: 10 Tips to Take Better Pictures (19)

Frequently Asked Questions about Car Photography

How to get into car photography professionally?

Car photography is a great way to make money while getting out of the house and working on your passion. Whether you are an aspiring artist or just enjoy taking pictures, there is no better time than now for automotive photographers. You can find any type of camera that will give you the perfect shot: DSLR’s, mirrorless cameras, point-and-shoot models; even smartphones! One thing about this profession though… it isn’t as easy as one might think when they only have their cell phone or small compact digital camera at hand because these days most people don’t want anything but professional quality photos in order to show off with family and friends–or post online themselves if so inclined (see YouTube reviews).

It is not easy to get into the business, but it can be done. From capturing photos of cars on your phone camera when stopped at stoplights and posting them online with good lighting, angle and captioning-you will start gaining traction in your area until someone contacts you about shooting for their company or event. You want work that pays well because photography isn’t cheap!

Can you be a good photographer without a car?

You can be a good automotive photographer without having to have your own vehicle. One of the many skills an automotive photographer must have is knowing how to stand in for vehicles they don’t own.

However, there are several essential gear needed for this type of photography such as: cameras with powerful telephoto lenses; computer software editing programs; tripods or monopods which stabilize camera movements while taking pictures (e.g., car races); etc

How to take pictures of cars at night?

As one of the most popular hobbies in recent years, automotive photography has grown into a vibrant and diverse hobby. The process can be tricky and it takes some practice to get it right but there are plenty of tutorials out on how you go about taking pictures at night.

When taking pictures of cars in low-lit conditions, there are a few things to consider. For one thing, don’t use the flash when it’s dark outside! This will make people appear as if they have glowing eyes and stand out like sore thumbs from their surroundings. It also creates an unflattering effect on your subject (the car). Instead try using different techniques to get better results with lighting: turn off all other lights around you; use light sources that aren’t too bright but not overly dim either; or capture headlights coming toward you by making sure the camera is angled upward slightly before pressing any buttons—that way no glare makes its way into shots while reflecting onto glass surfaces such as windshields and windows.

Car Photography Tips: Turn off all other lights around you; use light sources that aren’t too bright but not overly dim either; or capture headlights coming toward you by making sure the camera is angled upward slightly before pressing any buttons—that way no glare makes its way into shots while reflecting onto glass surfaces such as windshields and windows. Use side lighting when taking pictures of cars to avoid unflattering effects from sunlight shining directly on them. When shooting in the day time make sure your subject (the car) stands out against a darker background like trees or buildings so it can be easily recognized

How to improve my automotive photography?

1) Make sure the camera settings are appropriate for what you want in a photograph, such as high quality or low light scenes. A higher ISO can help with night shots while lower angles may work better if you’re photographing smaller objects close up like jewelry or flowers on an outdoor table setting during daylight hours. Don’t forget about aperture and shutter speed too! Changing these will give different effects on focus depth and movement depending which one of them is set at its lowest number (e.g., f/6). Next time before taking pictures try experimenting with all three so that way when an opportunity arises naturally, they’ll be ready to capture the moment in its most crisp and clear form.

Beware of these common mistakes that detract from a good car photo: hazy or blurred images, dents and other car damage (such as chipped paint), bad angles, looking down on the car’s hood (a great vantage point is eye level with the top half of the vehicle). Keep your car clean – it will make you happier when photographing too! Lastly, include something interesting in the background such as an outdoor building scene or city skyline or even bring props like flowers or a bicycle into your shot. Be creative! In general take photos at mid day where there are fewer shadows

Are car pictures copyrighted by car companies?

When taking pictures of cars, it’s important to consider whether or not they could be copyrighted by the manufacturer. The presence of a trademark logo on the car is usually enough for copyright purposes – but logos can also appear elsewhere too!

Copyright is a major factor when it comes to people being able to freely take pictures of cars.

Copyright law protects the rights of companies who produce things like vehicles, but there are exceptions that allow for photography by enthusiasts and other non-commercial businesses.

Is it illegal to post pictures of random people’s cars?

Just as it is illegal to post pictures of random people’s homes, posting photos and videos of cars on social media can be a violation. In many places around the world, taking unauthorized photographs or recordings in public areas may result in fines for those who break this law (and also have their digital devices confiscated). Cars are private property that should not be photographed without permission from the owner – even if you were just driving past them!

How to shoot a 360 degree car interior using a DSLR?

A new trend in photography, this style of shooting offers a more dynamic perspective than the standard straight ahead shot. Now all you need to do is set up your camera on tripod and start taking pictures around the inside part of your vehicle; it’s as simple as that. You can also use an extension cord if needed or even better yet buy one with wi-fi capability for remote control (read our article on wireless remotes). One thing we have to warn you about though: don’t be surprised when people try looking at what they think are windows because there aren’t any while driving down the street.

What is FDL technique in photography?

FDL technique is a photographic process that involves exposing film to light through an aperture in the lens. The result can produce images of incredible contrast and sharpness with tones as deep, rich, or vivid colors. The FDL technique is a way of shooting portraits that makes subjects appear more friendly and approachable.

How should a photographer choose a camera?

One of the most important decisions an automotive and commercial photographer can make is choosing his or her camera. There are many different manufacturers with an array of cameras to choose from, so what should you consider? Do you want something that will focus and take pictures quickly because all your subjects might not be still for long periods at time? Perhaps it would be better if your primary concern was battery life; some professional photographers go through batteries like water! Let’s break down this decision into three categories: speed, power consumption, and portability.

The size and weight of the pro-sumer DSLR is important because some people find them too heavy or bulky. Some prefer cameras with interchangeable lenses while others might like having access to an inbuilt zoom lens so they can shoot from afar without carrying around another piece of equipment for shooting up close shots using macro photography techniques – this could be done through digital zooming on your phone’s front facing camera instead and then taking a picture but you wouldn’t have any control over what depth of field you get!

It’s also important to learn how to use the manual modes on your camera so you can adjust shutter speed, aperture and ISO sensitivity for shot types like car detail shots or panning scenes which might need a high level of sharpness and clarity. It doesn’t matter what kind of lens you’re using because the principles are all the same but it helps if you know more about lenses while researching them before making any final decisions! However, people often have different opinions about certain lenses being better than others depending on whether they take portraits or not.


If you are looking for a way to take better pictures of your car, one that doesn’t involve expensive equipment and is easy on the pocketbook, these tips will help. With just some basic knowledge about photography techniques and your camera settings, you can get professional quality shots without spending hundreds or thousands of dollars in the process. Do any of these photo taking strategies sound like something you want to try? Let us know!

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Car Photography: 10 Tips to Take Better Pictures (2024)


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Detail shots are crucial for interior images. Capture the steering wheel, the stitching on the seats and any other special features. And don't forget to snap shots of what's under the hood too. Car fans love shots of stylish details, but images of the engineering that makes cars run is also key.

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Detail shots are crucial for interior images. Capture the steering wheel, the stitching on the seats and any other special features. And don't forget to snap shots of what's under the hood too. Car fans love shots of stylish details, but images of the engineering that makes cars run is also key.

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Shoot the car from straight on at eye level, get side views, and capture shots at 45-degree angle views of each corner of the car. “One of the biggest tips l give beginners is to know the angles of cars,” Petty explains. “Every car looks best at a three-quarters angle. That's kind of like the go-to shot.

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Tips for Taking Great Photos
  • Understand the rule of thirds. ...
  • Eyes should always be in focus. ...
  • Pay attention to the background. ...
  • Understand the exposure triangle. ...
  • Be careful with your on-camera flash. ...
  • Invest in a tripod. ...
  • Shoot in the early morning and evening. ...
  • Learn from your mistakes.

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Five steps to 'picture perfect' photos
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  • Find a good location. ...
  • Lighting. ...
  • Have an eye for detail.

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Use a wide aperture size (f/5 or lower) to blur out the background, or a narrow one (f/8 and up) to keep both the car and the background in focus. In general, you should also use a low ISO setting and a quick shutter speed.

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First of all – don't zoom. Instead of standing in one spot and zooming, move around the car and try different angles with your primary lens. Just a subtle shift can completely change the visual weight and impact of a vehicle's lines. And explore the distance between the camera and the car.

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35mm f/1.4 — If the car is sitting still, there's no better lens than the 35mm. It gives you a wide angle to shoot the entire car and the background without forcing you to stand too far away. And, since it's a prime lens, you can shoot at wide apertures (low f-stops) to create a bokeh effect in the background.

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While sensor type and size, megapixel count and pixel size are all important when it comes to image quality, there are other, often overlooked, factors such as lens choice, file type, and the setting combinations used to capture the image that also have an impact.

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So, a good way to make sure your photos look professional is to do some degree of editing on them. It doesn't need to be fancy, just a check of the white balance and exposure, noise reduction and sharpening, and adding a little contrast and saturation can do wonders for an image, particularly if you shoot in RAW.

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Use the rule of thirds.

It involves evenly dividing the frame between two equally spaced horizontal and vertical gridlines, creating a three-by-three grid. In order to create balance and flow within the image, compositional elements should be placed where these lines of the grid intersect or segment your image.

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There are seven basic elements of photographic art: line, shape, form, texture, color, size, and depth. As a photographic artist, your knowledge and awareness of these different elements can be vital to the success of your composition and help convey the meaning of your photograph.

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Name: Dong Thiel

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Introduction: My name is Dong Thiel, I am a brainy, happy, tasty, lively, splendid, talented, cooperative person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.