Department of Mathematics - Course Requirements (2024)

IMPORTANT NOTE: The course requirements listed below are for informational purposes only. Math majors should refer to their degree audits (available via Testudo) to check their progress in the major.

If you are going to be a mathematics major, or are thinking about majoring in mathematics, this page is for you. Please read it carefully. You should use it in conjunction with advice from your advisor to plan your program of study. It also will be necessary for you to refer to the Undergraduate Catalog or a departmental brochure for course descriptions. For further information please drop by the Department to see the Mathematics Advisor: Ida Chan, Room: 1115, Math Building, Phone: (301) 405-7582, Email: .


The program in mathematics leads to a degree of Bachelor of Science in mathematics and offers students training in mathematics and statistics in preparation for graduate work, teaching, and positions in government or industry. See our career opportunities page. Mathematical training is integrated with the computer use in several courses. Because a strong mathematical background is important in several fields, over a third of UMCP mathematics majors are double majors. For the description of all campus courses see the Undergraduate Catalog.

There are four tracks for the major:

  • Traditional Track
  • Secondary Education Track
  • Statistics Track
  • Applied Math Track

The Secondary Education Track is for students seeking to become certified to teach mathematics at the secondary level (for more information click here). However, students planning to complete the Five-Year Integrated Master's with Certification Program are required to complete the Traditional Track. The Statistics Track is either for students preparing for graduate work in Statistics or who would like to prepare for one of the many occupations that require a strong Statistics background.

Traditional Track

All new students matriculating in Fall 2012 or later must earn a grade of C- or better in all of the following courses. In addition, students must earn an overall 2.000 average in these major courses to meet graduation requirements.

1. The introductory sequence MATH 140, 141, 240, 241, 246, or the corresponding honors sequence MATH 340-341. Completion of MATH 340 satisfies the requirement for MATH 241; completion of MATH 340-341 satisfies the requirement for MATH 240-241-246. In addition, the MATH 240 requirement may be fulfilled by MATH461. In addition, the MATH 246 requirement may be fulfilled by MATH 414, 436 or 462. If MATH 414, 436 or 462 is used to fulfill the MATH246 requirement, it may also be used to fulfill the upper level math requirement in (3)(f) below. Please note that MATH462 requires MATH246 as a prerequisite.

2. MATH 310, unless otherwise exempted.

3. Eight MATH, AMSC and STAT courses at the 400 level or higher, at least four of which are taken on the College Park campus. The eight courses must include the following.

  1. At least one course from MATH 401, 403, 405
  2. One course from AMSC 460, 466
  3. MATH 410
  4. A one-year sequence which develops a particular area of mathematics in depth, chosen from the following list: (i) MATH 410-411, (ii) MATH 403-404, (iii) Math 403-405, (iv) STAT 410-420.
  5. Effective Fall 2019, one STAT4xx, other than STAT464
  6. The remaining 400 level MATH/AMSC/STAT courses are electives, but cannot include any of: MATH 461, 478, 480-484, or STAT 464. Also, students with a strong interest in applied mathematics may, with the approval of the Undergraduate Office, substitute two 400 level-courses with strong mathematics content (with MATH141 as prereq) from outside the Mathematics Department for one upper level elective course

4. One course from CMSC 106, 131, 132, AOSC247, ENAE 202, ENME202, ENEE150, PHYS 165, PHYS265, AOSC358L.

5. One of the following supporting three-course sequences. These are intended to broaden the student's mathematical experience. Other sequences might be approved by the Undergraduate Office--but they would have to make use of mathematical ideas, comparable to the sequences on this list.

  1. PHYS 161, 260/1, 270/1
  2. PHYS 171, 272, 273
  3. ENES 102, PHYS 161, ENES 220 (non-Engr students may not be able to access ENES courses)
  4. CMSC 131, 132, 216 (non-CS students may not have priority to CMSC courses)
  5. CHEM 146/77, 237, 247
  6. CHEM 131/2, 231/2, 241/2
  7. ECON 200, 201, and one of ECON 305, 306, 325 or 326
  8. BMGT 220, 221, 340 (note holdfile requirement for BMGT 340)
  9. BSCI 105 or (170 and 171), 106 or (160 and 161), and one of CHEM 131/2 or CHEM 146/7.
  10. ASTR 120, 121 and one of PHYS 161 or PHYS 171
  11. GEOL 100/110, and two of GEOL 322, 340, 341, 375
  12. AOSC 200/1 and any two additional 400-level AOSC courses

Secondary Education Track (Please check with College of Education regarding GPA requirements)

All new students matriculating in Fall 2012 or later must earn a grade of C- or better in all of the following courses. In addition, students must earn an overall 2.000 average in these major courses to meet graduation requirements.

1. The introductory sequence MATH 140, 141, 240, 241 or the corresponding honors sequence MATH 340-341. Completion of MATH 340 satisfies the requirement for MATH 241; completion of MATH 340-341 satisfies the requirement for MATH 240-241-246. In addition, the MATH 240 requirement may be fulfilled by MATH461.

2. MATH 310, unless otherwise exempted.

3. One of MATH 246, MATH 341, MATH 401, MATH 452, MATH 462, AMSC 460, AMSC 466.

4. Seven MATH, AMSC and STAT courses at the 400 level or higher, at least four of which are taken on the College Park campus. The seven courses must include the following.

  1. MATH 410
  2. MATH 402 or 403
  3. MATH 430
  4. STAT 400 or STAT 410
  5. At least one course from MATH 406, 445, 446, 456 or 475
  6. At least one course from MATH 246, 341, 401, 452, 462 or AMSC 460 or 466. If MATH 246 or Math 341 is chosen, it will not count as one of the seven upper level courses
  7. The remaining 400 level MATH/AMSC/STAT courses are electives, but cannot include any of: MATH 461, 478, 480-484, or STAT 464

5. One course fromCMSC 106, 131, 132, AOSC247, ENAE 202, ENME202, ENEE150, PHYS 165, PHYS265, AOSC358L.

6. All of the following education courses, many of which also satisfy General Education requirements: TLPL 101, 102, MATH274, TLPL (Knowing and Learning), TLPL (Classroom Interactions), TLPL (Reading), TLPL (Functions and Modeling), TLPL (Research Methods), TLPL (Project Based Instructions), EDCI355, EDCI474, EDCI450, EDCI451.

7. One of the following supporting two-course sequences. These are intended to broaden the student's mathematical experience.

  1. CHEM 131/2 and 231/2
  2. PHYS 161 and 260/1
  3. BSCI 105 and 106
  4. ASTR 120 and 121
  5. GEOL 100 and 110, and one of GEOL 322, 340, 341, and 375
  6. AOSC 200, AOSC 201 and any 400-level AOSC course.

Statistics Track

All new students matriculating in Fall 2012 or later must earn a grade of C- or better in all of the following courses. In addition, students must earn an overall 2.000 average in these major courses to meet graduation requirements.

1. The introductory sequence MATH 140, 141, 240, 241, 246 or the corresponding honors sequence MATH 340-341. Completion of MATH 340 satisfies the requirement for MATH 241; completion of MATH 340-341 satisfies the requirement for MATH 240-241-246.In addition, the MATH 240 requirement may be fulfilled by MATH461.In addition, the MATH 246 requirement may be fulfilled by MATH 414 instead. If MATH 414 is used to fulfill the MATH 246 requirement, it may also be used as one of the upper level math requirements in (3)(g)(ii) below.

2. MATH 310, unless otherwise exempted.

3. Eight additional courses, at least four of which must be taken at College Park. The eight courses are prescribed as follows.

  1. MATH 410
  2. One course from AMSC 460 and 466
  3. One course from Math 401 and 405
  4. STAT 410
  5. One course from STAT 401 and 420
  6. STAT 430
  7. Two additional courses from the following list.
    1. Any 400 level or higher STAT courses except STAT 464
    2. MATH 411, 420, 424, and 464
    3. BIOM 402

4. One course from CMSC 106, 131, 132, AOSC247, ENAE 202, ENME202, ENEE150, PHYS 165, PHYS265, AOSC358L.

5. One of the three-course supporting sequences listed in the "Traditional Track" above.

Applied Math Track

All new students matriculating in Fall 2012 or later must earn a grade of C- or better in all of the following courses. In addition, students must earn an overall 2.000 average in these major courses to meet graduation requirements.

1. The introductory sequence MATH 140, 141, 240, 241, 246 or the corresponding honors sequence MATH 340-341. Completion of MATH 340 satisfies the requirement for MATH 241; completion of MATH 340-341 satisfies the requirement for MATH 240-241-246.In addition, the MATH 240 requirement may be fulfilled by MATH461.In addition, the MATH 246 requirement may be fulfilled by MATH 462 instead. If MATH 462 is used to fulfill the MATH 246 requirement, it may also be used as one of the upper level math requirements in (3)(f) below. Please note that MATH462 requires MATH246 as a prerequisite.

2. MATH 310, unless otherwise exempted.

3. Eight additional courses, at least four of which must be taken at College Park. The eight courses are prescribed as follows.
a. MATH410
b. STAT410
c. STAT4xx (any STAT course other than STAT400, STAT 410, STAT 464)
d. One of MATH 401 or MATH 405
e. One of AMSC 460 or AMSC 466
f. One of MATH416, 420, 424, 431, 452, 456, 462, 463, 464, 475
g. A one-year sequence which develops a particular area of mathematics in depth, chosen from the following list: (i) MATH 410-411 or (ii) MATH 416-464 or (iii) STAT410-420 or (iv) MATH462-463
h. The remaining 400 level MATH/AMSC/STAT course is an elective, but cannot include any of: MATH 461, 478, 480-484, or STAT 464

4. One course fromCMSC 106, 131, 132, AOSC247, ENAE 202, ENME202, ENEE150, PHYS 165, PHYS265, AOSC358L.

5. One of the three-course supporting sequences listed in the "Traditional Track" above.


Students majoring in mathematics should complete the basic sequence of MATH 140, 141, 240, 241 (or the corresponding mathematics honors sequence MATH 340, 341) as quickly as possible. These courses prepare you for the upper division courses. However, you are urged to take some upper division courses, and/or MATH 310, before completing the basic sequence. (Courses such as MATH 445 or STAT 400 may be taken after MATH 141 but before completing the basic sequence.)


The University CORE/GenEd program requirements must be satisfied by all MATH/STAT majors. Consult the Undergraduate Catalog for these requirements.


The Mathematics Honors Program is designed for students showing exceptional interest and ability in mathematics. For those interested in this program, a special honors brochure is available from the Undergraduate Office or see the Honors Program page.

Comments and questions to .

Department of Mathematics - Course Requirements (2024)


What is required for a math degree? ›

There are five categories: algebra, combinatorics and number theory; logic and foundations; analysis; geometry and topology; applied mathematics. From three of the five categories, at least two courses in each must be completed.

What are the requirements for Harvard math department? ›

Students are required to take four courses in either Mathematics, Applied Mathematics, or Statistics of which at most two can be in Statistics. The Mathematics and Applied Mathematics courses must be numbered 104 or higher; Statistics courses must be numbered 110 or higher.

What math level is required for college? ›

Three years of college-preparatory mathematics required (four years are strongly recommended), including or integrating topics covered in: elementary algebra, two-and three-dimensional geometry, advanced algebra.

What is the highest math degree? ›

A doctoral degree is the highest level of education available in mathematics, often taking 4-7 years to complete.

What is the hardest math course? ›

1. Real Analysis: This is a rigorous course that focuses on the foundations of real numbers, limits, continuity, differentiation, and integration. It's known for its theoretical, proof-based approach and can be a paradigm shift for students used to computation-heavy math courses.

What do you need for a maths degree? ›

Most universities will require students to hold an A-level in Maths in a grade B, and above, as well as a high UCAS tariff points score. You can also see our Maths personal statement examples; these will help you to gain an insight into what you need for your personal statement.

Is MIT better than Harvard for math? ›

Although both Harvard and MIT offer 50+ majors in different fields, MIT is more geared toward science, math, and technology, while Harvard embraces a broader range of fields, especially liberal arts and humanities majors.

Can I get into Harvard without calculus? ›

Students' math records are viewed holistically, and no specific course is required. Specifically, calculus is not a requirement for admission to Harvard.

What's the lowest math class in college? ›

Below is a list of common college math classes, ordered from least to most difficult:
  1. College Algebra / Finite Math.
  2. Pre-Calculus.
  3. Calculus I (Differential Calculus)
  4. Calculus II (Integral Calculus)
  5. Calculus III (Multivariable Calculus)
  6. Differential Equations.
  7. Linear Algebra.
  8. Discrete Mathematics.
Feb 28, 2024

What is the easiest math class in college? ›

While the "easiest" math class can vary depending on individual strengths and weaknesses, many students find that "College Algebra" or "Introduction to Statistics" can be on the easier side as these courses often review materials that most students are exposed to in high school.

What majors don't require math? ›

16 college majors with no math
  • Anthropology. Anthropology is the study of humans. ...
  • Linguistics. Linguistics majors study language structure and how humans use it, which means they have a variety of paths they can take. ...
  • Theology. ...
  • History. ...
  • Psychology. ...
  • Sociology. ...
  • Occupational therapy. ...
  • Culinary arts.
Aug 15, 2024

What is the hardest math in university? ›

However, some of the universally acknowledged challenging math courses include: 1. Real Analysis: This course is sometimes referred to as the most difficult undergraduate math course because it delves deep into the theoretical foundations of calculus.

Is trigonometry harder than calculus? ›

In general, calculus is considered to be more difficult than trigonometry due to the complexity of the concepts. However, the difficulty level can also depend on your personal strengths, interests, and previous experience with math courses.

Is calculus the hardest math? ›

Calculus is widely regarded as a very hard math class, and with good reason. The concepts take you far beyond the comfortable realms of algebra and geometry that you've explored in previous courses. Calculus asks you to think in ways that are more abstract, requiring more imagination.

How do you get the degree in math? ›

Explanation: To find the degree of the polynomial, add up the exponents of each term and select the highest sum.

Is math a hard major? ›

Mathematics (and being a mathematics major) is very difficult and time consuming. Do not despair if you spend two hours on one homework problem. Start your homework early so that you have plenty of time to think about the questions and let them simmer.

Is a mathematics degree worth it? ›

Employers frequently look for those with a mathematics background for their critical thinking skills. With a projected growth of 30% by 2032, which is faster than the average for other occupations, the overall employment outlook for mathematicians and statisticians is highly positive. Plus, mathematics is a fun major!

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