Faculty - Neve Yerushalayim (2024)

World-renowned lecturers,
acclaimed Jewish authors

Answering your questions

Neve’s classes are taught by leading educators, scholars, and rabbis. Many of our faculty give inspirational lectures around the world, and several have authored books on Jewish thought. Neve’s teachers spark discussions inside and outside the classroom, stimulating the minds and hearts of our students. They spend individual time with each student, to guide, nurture and apply the lessons to their personal lives.

Our leadership

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Faculty - Neve Yerushalayim (2)

Rabbi Dr. D. Refson

founder and dean

Rabbi Dr. Dovid Refson founded Neve College for Women in 1970. Originally, Rabbi Refson intended to establish a school for men, but when six women responded to his advertisem*nts, and no men, he changed his vision and created a Jewish women’s college. He saw Neve as a place where women without

a religious background could explore Judaism. Neve has since broadened its mandate and now offers a variety of levels of Jewish study which are relevant to modern-day Jewish life

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Rabbi A. Edelstein

education director

Rabbi Avraham Edelstein is the Education Director of Neve College for Women. A native of South Africa, Rabbi Edelstein brings over 30 years of experience in Jewish education and outreach. He has founded several Jewish organizations, sits on the board of numerous Jewish educational institutions,and is in demand

as a speaker throughout the Jewish world. AsNeve’s Director, Rabbi Edelstein works with Dean and Founder Rabbi Dovid Refson to oversee Neve’s programs, curriculum, faculty, facilities, and extracurricular activities. He incorporates student feedback into every aspect of life at Neve, and his enthusiasm and drive for excellence have created an unstoppable dynamic energy throughout the campus.

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Rabbi Y.A. Refson

assistant dean

Rabbi Yona Aryeh Refson, is a Neve Yerushalayim lecturer and staff member and son ofthe Dean and Founder of Neve Yerushalayim, Rabbi Dovid Refson. He lives on campuswith his wife and children and contributes to the daily living experiences on the Nevecampus. He teaches classes onTanya and is the director

of the Office of Developmentand Alumnae Affairs.

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Mrs. Chaya Levine

dean of students

Mrs. Chaya Levine is the Dean of Students at Neve College for Women. In addition to working in Jewish outreach for over 30 years, Mrs. Levine is a successful counsellor by profession. She has developed several Jewish educational organizations and is a teacher, author, and accomplished public speaker. Mrs. Levine is responsible

for addressing the academic andpersonal needs of Neve’s students. With her natural warmth and honed counselling skills, she ensures that Neve students thrive intellectually, emotionally, and spiritually. She strives to make Neve a “home away from home” for each and every student.

Our faculty

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Rebbetzin Heller

teacher & lecturer

Rebbetzin Tzipora Heller is one of the most premier educators in the Jewish world today and an internationally acclaimed speaker. She is the author ofsix popular books, including

Here You Are, Battle Plans, and This Way Up, writes a popular weekly newspaper column on Jewish personal growth as well as a monthly newsletter numbering in the thousands, and recently launched a daily video program based on the timeless Jewish wisdom of the Torah classic, Duties of the Heart. Rebbetzin Heller has been a full-time lecturer at Neve Yerushalayim since 1980 and serves as principal of Bnos Avigayil seminary on the Neve Yerushalayim campus.

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Rabbi Eliezer Liff

director of mechina

Rabbi Eliezer Liff is a Baltimore native. He studied at Yeshiva Kol Torah and Yeshiva Mir and received his rabbinical ordination in Israel. Before coming to Neve,Rabbi Liff spent six

years in Hartford, Connecticut as a day school Rebbe, youth group leader and university outreach teacher. When the Liffs made Aliyah in 1980, the Mechina program at Neve couldn’t wait to hire him. Rabbi Liff, now the program director of Neve Yerushalayim’s Mechina program, is known for his easygoing warmth and relaxed, approachable manner.

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Rabbi Y. marcus


Rabbi Yaakov (Jerrold) Marcus was born in Baltimore, Maryland. He has been involved in Jewish education professionally for over 20 years. From 1989 to1995, he and his wife

organized and ran an outreach shul in the Toronto, Canada area. In 1995, they moved to Israel where he joined the rabbinical faculty of Neve Yerushalayim. His Torah classes integrate a variety of sources, woven together to create powerful and deep philosophical arguments. Rabbi Marcus presently teaches and runs programs at Neve while lecturing at other prestigious institutions and outreach training organizations.

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Rabbi M. Nissel


Rabbi Menachem Nissel Rabbi Nissel studied in Itri and Mishkan Hatorah Yeshivot and is a student of Rav Shlomo Wolbe zt”l and lbc”l Rav Moshe Shapiroshlita. He has a MBA

from the London Business School. He has taught for over twenty years in yeshivot such as Ohr Somayach, Ohr Yerushalayim and Torat Shraga, as well as in seminaries such as Darchei Binah, Michlalah, Midreshet Tehillah and Neve Yerushalayim. Rabbi Nissel is a senior lecturer for Ner Le’Elef – World Center for Jewish Leadership Training and Community Outreach, and is the Rabbinic Resource for NCSY. He is an international lecturer, and the author of the books Rigshei Lev – Women and Tefillah (Targum / Feldheim 2001) and Jerusalem Jems (Targum 2002)

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Rabbi Shlomo Cohen


Dayan Cohen, originally from London, is a graduate of The Institute of Monetary Law, Yeshivat Hanegev, and City of London Polytechnic. He also received semicha to practice as a Dayan

inEngland. Rabbi Cohen spent many years learning in Yeshivat Hanegev in Netivot, followed by close to a decade studying dayanut under Dayan Ezra Basri. Dayan Cohen has been a dayan at the Beit Din Ahavat Shalom of Rav Yaakov Hillel since 2005. He’s a sought-after lecturer of monetary halacha and a Choshen Mishpat, and is the author of Pure Money: A Straightforward Guide to Jewish Monetary Law. Dayan Cohen’s clear style, combined with years of experience settling financial disputes, makes for a comprehensive course on the particulars of proper business conduct.

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Mrs. Chana Levitan


Mrs. Levitan, M. Sc. is originally from New York, and now lives in Jerusalem with her husband and children. She is an educator, speaker, therapist and author. She is well known

forher book, I Only Want to Get Married Once, a practical guide to choosing the right marriage partner, and is in the process of publishing her next book. Mrs. Chana Levitan has lectured across the world and counseled thousands of men and women. She teaches at many institutions, including Neve Yerushalayim, bringing a fun atmosphere and a love of people, music and nature.

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Mrs. Rutie Abraham


Mrs. Rutie Abraham hails from London. She is a graduate of Gateshead Teachers Training College. Rutie is a passionate and eclectic teacher who presents on a wide range of

topics. She lives in Har Nof with her husband and three children.

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Rav Gav Friedman


Rav Gav, as he is known, is originally from New York and now resides in Yerushalayim with his wife and children. He has spent the last 15 years studying and teaching invarious yeshivot

throughout Jerusalem. He currently teaches at Aish HaTorah Jerusalem and Neve Yerushalayim and is a featured speaker for the Jewish Women’s Renaissance Program (JWRP). About teaching at Neve, Rabbi Friedman says that it is “a breath of fresh air to be at a place with girls who are truly interested in learning and growing.” He is a sought-after speaker and has lectured in dozens of locations around the globe, using his charisma to captivate and inspire people across the Jewish spectrum. His special ability to present Torah concepts in a deep yet entertaining fashion leaves his audiences thirsting for more.

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Mrs. Raquel Kirszenbaum


Raquel Kirszenbaum was born on Margarita Island in Venezuela and moved to Panama when she was six years old. After completing high school, she had a life-changing

experience at Neve Yerushalayim which made her decide to become a Torah educator. She received her degree at Ma’alot College and now teaches for numerous programs, including Neve. She is continuously invited to speak to groups and in programs around the world, thanks to her unique sense of humor and true love of life that make her such a beloved teacher. She lives in Har Nof, Jerusalem with her husband and daughters.

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Mrs. Leah Levy


Leah Levy was born and bred in Los Angeles, Leah Levy attended the Jewish schools there while dreaming of Jerusalem. After finishing high school,Yaakov teacher’s

institute, where she studied in both the American and Israeli programs. After some time spent teaching in the Hillel Hebrew Academy and the Bais Yaakov of Los Angeles, she met her husband, Rabbi Binyamin Levy, of Jerusalem. She has been involved in teaching in many different seminaries, both for women who are products of institutions of intensive Jewish learning as well as for beginners.

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Mrs. Malka Glick


Mrs. Malka Glick was born and raised in Los Angeles, and moved to Israel almost 10 years ago. She has a Masters in Jewish Education from YU, and has been teaching Torah for over 12

years with her distinct passion and relatability. In Neve, Mrs. Glick teaches multiple subjects and serves as one of Neve’s core mentors, for which Neve is famous. She is a much sought-after kallah teacher. She lives in Givat Zeev with her husband and children.

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Rabbi H. Gottesman


Rabbi Chaim Gottesman is a popular teacher in Neve. He finds himself inspired to grow by the Neve students. Rabbi Gottesman and his wife, Hali, are most recently from Baltimore, Maryland.

As a young man, he studied in Israel in Be’er Yaakov under the illustrious Mashgiach HoRav Shlomo Wolbe, Zt”l, and in the famed, Baltimore Yeshiva, Ner Israel, from where he received his ordination. He has a master’s degree in education from Loyola College. Rabbi Gottesman was in business for several decades, while involved in teaching and outreach as well. He and his wife are frequent Shabbat hosts for students, singles and young married couples. Throughout the year, Rabbi & Mrs. Gottesman host the well-attended, and thoroughly delicious, Friday morning informal “coffee klatch” discussions in their Rechavia apartment replete with American coffee and donuts.

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Mrs. Rochel Silber


Mrs. Silber holds a BA from Queens College and from Esther Schonfeld Teachers’ College. She has been a lecturer since 1973 in schools including Ezra Academy,

Ba’er Miriam, Yeshiva Simchat Shlomo, and Neve Yerushalayim. Mrs. Silber founded a unique website dedicated to inspiration and expansion through the Torah. You can learn more about this groundbreaking project at www.kolrena.org

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Faculty - Neve Yerushalayim (36)

Mrs. Ayelet Elnecave


Mrs. Ayelet Elnecave received a B.A. in Jewish Studies from Vanderbilt University in 2005. She then taught English as a second language in Mexico for three years before making

Aliyah in 2010. Her online parsha class is one of the most popular on social media today and reaches thousands every week online. A rising star in the Jewish world, her enthusiasm for Torah is contagious, and she is beloved among students for being so relatable, for being able to “speak their language”. She lives down the block from Me’orot with her husband and family.

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Mrs. Sarah Slater


Mrs. Sarah Slater is originally from Chicago and graduated from the Women’s Division of Hebrew Theological College with a degree in education and Judaic studies. She lives in Har Nof

with her husband and two children.

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Ms. Galya Kalfa


Galya Kalfa was born and raised in Toronto and made Aliyah to Yerushalayim at the age of 12 with her family. She is a Wingate Institute certified Health and Fitness Coach,

as well as a Hydrotherapist. She studied in Shiras Sarah, a Teacher’s Training Fellowship, under the guidance of Rabbi Yitzchak Feigenbaum. She has been involved in Kiruv and education- teaching, mentoring and managing programs since 2016. She teaches Jewish Philosophy and Thought, and is a mentor at Neve Yerushalayim. She is a much sought after teacher for other programs and seminaries in Israel.

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Rabbi A. Kilstein


Avraham Kilstein hails from Paramus, New Jersey. He came to Israel for gap year and continued gapping until today. After learning in the Mir Yeshiva for many years, he received semicha from

Yeshivat Ahavat Shalom. Rabbi Kilstein loves Jews and loves sharing his Torah with all. He and his wife Goldie host thousands of guests every year for Shabbat meals.

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Rabbi Avi Klots


Rabbi Klotz studied in the Toras Moshe Kollel for 13 years, receiving his rabbinic ordination from Rabbi Mordechai Friedlander. He is a popular teacher in numerous seminaries,

covering a wide variety of topics in Jewish law and philosophy. He is currently working on a new translation and in-depth analysis of the halachik classic, the Mishna Berurah of the Chofetz Chaim.

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Rabbi M. Salasnik


Rabbi Menachem Salasnik was raised in London in a Rabbinic family. He went on to take a BSc in Optometry in Manchester University and later received Semicha from Rav Yitzchok Berkovits in

The Jerusalem Kollel. Rabbi Salasnik was previously the Director of 'Shevet', the orthodox education track on FZY/Young Judaea Year Course, working with Jewish teenagers from a variety of backgrounds and levels of religious commitment.He founded journeytobetterspeech.com – a site dedicated to improving the way we speak to and about each other, and he is the author of the weekly Journey to Better Speech parsha sheet exploring aspects of speech in the weekly Parsha. He campaigns on this topic in Israel and England, speaking in Shuls, seminaries, businesses and homes, and jointly ran the 'Green Speech Campaign', a worldwide Shemiras HaLashon program during the 'three weeks'.Separate to his work in Jewish education, Rabbi Salasnik is a specialist in Low Vision and Geriatric Optometry, flying to England regularly to work, where he helps to rehabilitate people who are losing their sight as a result of severe eye disease. He lives in Har Nof with his wife, Kate, and their 7 wonderful children.

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Mrs. Jenny Serle


Mrs. Jenny Serle worked in Jewish outreach, first through NCSY and then J-Life YP, for over a decade. Her specialty is to provide tools and confidence that enable healthy and

successful integration into our students in their Torah lives. Mrs. Serle’s first publication, Balanced Teshuvah: Guidance and Inspiration for Baalei Teshuvah was published in 2019 through Mosaica Press. In addition to teaching, mentoring and providing workshops at Neve, Mrs. Serele currently runs multiple weekly groups, and regularly mentors’ young women on issues such as personal growth, dating, marriage, and parenting. She is a trained kallah teacher.Mrs. Serle lives in Ramat Beit Shemesh with her husband and children.

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Mrs. Tobi Stern


Mrs. Toby Stern was born and raised in Jerusalem. She is a graduate of Gateshead Teachers Training College. Toby oversees the Chavruta program at Neve where the girls are set up to study with

a Torah-proficient learning partner. Through this they build a lifelong connection and love for Torah. Additionally, she teaches the highest Chumash class level.

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Mrs. Gabi Weber


Gabi is originally from Johannesburg, South Africa and has had the privilege of living in Jerusalem for the last 6 years. She graduated in 2017 with a degree in Organisational Psychology

and Sociology. After completing her degree, she spent a year and a half as a student in Neve and then six months as a Neve Madricha. She's worked for a Jewish outreach organization for the last eight years simultaneously. She has a passion for working with people, logistics, development and encouraging holistic growth in peoples' lives.

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Faculty - Neve Yerushalayim (54)

Mrs. Shayna Katz


Shayna Katz is originally from New York and holds a Masters in education and administration from Azrieli graduate school. She joined the Neve staff after much experience in community and campus outreach.

Shayna loves connecting with current and prospective Neve students. She lives with her husband and family in Ramat Beit Shemesh

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Mrs. Tali Goldberg

extra curricular

Tali Goldberg was born and raised in Baltimore, MD. Prior to joining Neve she worked as a Marketing Director and Director of Operations for a business consulting company.

When the opportunity to work at Neve came up, Tali was excited to use her project management skills to help women experience Torah. Tali is passionate about creating meaningful extra-curricular programming that integrates Torah and provide a hands-on experience of Judaism and Israel. Tali holds a Bachelors in Psychology. She resides in Har Nof with her husband and children.

Our founders

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Rabbi Dr. D. Refson


Rabbi Dr. Dovid Refson founded Neve College for Women in 1970. Originally, Rabbi Refson intended to establish a school for men, but when six women responded to his advertisem*nts, and no men, he changed his vision and created a Jewish women’s college. He saw Neve as a place where women without a religious background could explore Judaism. Neve has since broadened its mandate and now offers a variety of levels of Jewish study which are relevant to modern-day Jewish life

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Rabbi A. Stefansky z"l

Director General Emeritus

Rabbi Avrohom Stefansky became Director General in 1989 being responsible for all monies received and spent. Before this time, Rabbi Stefansky was responsible for the development of our current 6 acre campus. From his second floor window, he can look out on the many beautiful buildings and landscaped gardens, and take pride in a job well done. Not only is Rabbi Stefansky an outstanding Director General, totally dedicated and exceedingly capable, but he is also in his ruchniyus an inspiration to all of us.

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Rabbi M. Chalkowski


Rabbi Chalkowski was one of the pioneers in the establishment of Neve Yerushalayim in 1970. The school had been in existence for one year when Rabbi Chalkowski was asked by Rabbi Refson and Rebbetzin Rochel Levy, z"l, to teach Pirkei Avos twice a week. Rabbi Chalkowski's involvement at Neve continued to increase with the institution's growth. Rabbi Chalkowski is currently the Chairman of the School of General Jewish Studies at Neve and a renowned lecturer.

Faculty - Neve Yerushalayim (60)

Come for a week or stay for a year

No matter your timeframe, we'll make Neve work for you

Faculty - Neve Yerushalayim (2024)
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Name: Roderick King

Birthday: 1997-10-09

Address: 3782 Madge Knoll, East Dudley, MA 63913

Phone: +2521695290067

Job: Customer Sales Coordinator

Hobby: Gunsmithing, Embroidery, Parkour, Kitesurfing, Rock climbing, Sand art, Beekeeping

Introduction: My name is Roderick King, I am a cute, splendid, excited, perfect, gentle, funny, vivacious person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.