Flower child's Mother Earth bowl — Recipes (2024)

If I’m being honest, my diet lately hasn’t been the best. Nothing against chick-fil-a but i've been doing a lot of drive through runs lately. I’ve realized I need to get more veggies into my diet. Its something I always struggle with. In order for me to get my veggies in, I need to have some good ass recipes! As I said eating in my previous post, eating good is a form of self care. When you eat good, you feel better and you have more energy… which in turn leads to better parenting in my opinion. My child is a ball of energy soooo yeah I need all the nutrients from food I can get!

We recently visited flower child in Del Mar, CA. It is a healthy restaurant that has a lot of vegan, vegetarian, and gluten free options. I tried this bowl called the mother earth bowl. I was blown away. It was so damn good! My husband had the same thing and he was a fan, which was shocking because he’s usually a burgers and fries kinda guy. After we left I knew I had to recreate this because this is something I can eat often and make changes to mix it up!

So I did all the hard work, did some research of individual recipes on ingredients in the bowl and I threw it all together so here ya good!

Mother Earth bowl

Quinoa mixture

sweet potato

Arugula & micro arugula mixture

Mushroom mixture

Cucumber relish

Broccoli pesto


Hemp seeds

Protein of choice

Bitchen sauce

Kinda of a whole lot going on in this bowl but there is so much goodness! Pretty much prepare everything and place it all in a bowl and enjoy!

Quinoa mixture

So I went to my local Frazier farms and I was looking for some quinoa mixture and the only ones I could find were small bags for like 10 bucks, and i’m so not down for that. So I went to their bulk section and mixed together my own grain mixture. I mixed quinoa, millet, & barley.

To cook it I measured out 1 cup. Browned it in a pan with avocado oil, then poured 2 cups of water with salt. I let it come to a boil then lower the heat and simmer covered for 15 min.

Once it was cooked, and all the water was absorbed I tossed with with more oil, lemon, and salt.

Sweet potato

Peel & dice up a sweet potato into 1 inch cubes. Toss in oil (I used avocado) pink Himalayan salt & pepper and roast in the oven at 350 degrees for 40 minutes. I placed my sweet potatoes on these non stick baking mats. Sweet potatoes tend to get a little sticky and messy when they cook so these non stick mats make my life way easier!

Arugula & micro arugula mixture

I love me some arugula! Although i’ve never had micro arugula. I honestly can’t even really taste it, but it seems to have a lot of health benefits. In a bowl I grabbed a handful of each and tossed it with oil, lemon, salt and pepper. Every layer to this bowl must have flavor!

Mushroom mixture

In a pan I sautéed about a quarter of a sweet onion and 1 cup of mushrooms. I sautéed it in a little bit of oil, salt, pepper, a splash of coconut aminos, and a dash of lemon. Sauté the mixture until they are cooked!

Cucumber relish

For this I used 3 Persian cucumbers. Peels and removed the seeds. Then dice up the cucumber into small cubes. Mix in a bowl

2 tablespoons rice wine vinegar with 1 teaspoon of sugar

1 teaspoon sesame seed oil

5 mint leaves diced thinly

1 teaspoon of sesame seeds.

Once mixed add the cucumber and store it in the fridge for about an hour to marinade before using.

Broccoli pesto

This is my new obsession. I really am not to into pesto but this is good and its full of veggies so its a great way to sneak in those veggies. For this you will need

1/2 c broccoli

1 cup kale

1 cup spinach

1/4 c pistacios

1 tsp garlic

5 mint leaves

1 tsp lemon zest

1 tbsp lemon juice



Avocado oil

Start by steaming the broccoli and kale, once cooked placed then in ice cold water to stop the cooking process. In a blender or food processor combine all the ingredients. Slowly add oil until you get the right consistency. I personally like mine more on the thicker side. I used about 1/4 cup of oil.

With this bowl there are so many different options you can create. For breakfast this morning I didn't use my quinoa, but I used everything else and I added poached eggs. Adding eggs makes it a healthy breakfast option! This recipe can be made vegan as well with using vegan protein options. Get creative

Flower child's Mother Earth bowl — Recipes (2024)
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Author: Van Hayes

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Name: Van Hayes

Birthday: 1994-06-07

Address: 2004 Kling Rapid, New Destiny, MT 64658-2367

Phone: +512425013758

Job: National Farming Director

Hobby: Reading, Polo, Genealogy, amateur radio, Scouting, Stand-up comedy, Cryptography

Introduction: My name is Van Hayes, I am a thankful, friendly, smiling, calm, powerful, fine, enthusiastic person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.