Latest Twitter Threads by @OurShallowState on Thread Reader App (2024)

May 7 12 tweets 3 min read

Latest Twitter Threads by @OurShallowState on Thread Reader App (1)

1 - You knew it - originally - as PROPAGANDA.
With the advent of social media algorithms, it became DISINFORMATION.
When a pathological liar and conman ascended the political ladder, it became FALSE NARRATIVES.
At the end of the day - it's all LIES. BULLsh*t. UNTRUTHS.
AND - it's our #1 public and private enemy.
We're making a film about it, aptly named #UNTRUTH - and we've got news.2 - #UNTRUTH is a follow-up film to #UNFIT - which was released in 2020 and seen by millions.(You can still watch it free, on Prime.) #UNTRUTH will put psychological (and sociological) science above politics; facts above feelings; information above judgmentalism. It will educate and inform.

May 6 8 tweets 2 min read

1- EVERYTHING about Trump, is FAKE, FRAUDULENT, and FALSE. Secrets and lies - going back decades to his grades in school and the size of his inheritance and continuing through to those recently staged bodega and Chick-fil-a visits, permeate everything he is and does.2 - When you see people standing behind him in rallies, they are selected (even demographically) and paid. When he posted a week ago that thousands of people were turned away from the courthouse to support him, the true number is closer to ...ZERO!

May 5 10 tweets 3 min read

Sunday Rant on: Normalization, the Media, and Truth

(1/10) History will speak to the cult; how easily they were gaslit; how they embraced the most flawed cult leader ever; rallied around his grievance; railed against their own interest; relied on an obvious con. But the true disaster was AND IS widespread normalization of a madman.(2/10) That disaster continues to ratchet. And after Trump, there will be Trump residue. The Republican Party is dug into the commitment to avoid inclusion, so they know that if they don't regain power now, they'll not regain it for some time. Beyond personal gain, THIS is what drives their cravenness, and willingness to discard our current form of democracy for Minority Rule.

May 3 13 tweets 4 min read

(1/13) When we roll our eyes at MAGA, I think we're often asking the wrong question. Instead of asking: "How can they believe this nonsense," or "how can they follow and support the worst human being ever," I think we should ignore what they say they believe, and even put Trump aside long enough to instead ask: "What IS it about being in MAGA that endears them to it, and makes them so willing to suppress reasoned thought?"2- Put aside judgmentalism for a minute. There are a lot of answers to the question of what they get out of being part of MAGA. First and foremost is "the need to belong." They can share and do stuff together - it's a brotherhood of purpose. Second is "the need to believe." Some people are wired to believe things, like the "faith" part of religion. AND - let's face it - it's easier to "believe," than to think.

May 3 10 tweets 3 min read

Latest Twitter Threads by @OurShallowState on Thread Reader App (2)

1 -
Propaganda ... Disinformation ... False Narratives ... UNTRUTHS ... Lies for Power ... Lies for Profit ...
THIS is our #1 enemy!!!
Trump is being normalized and Biden is being demonized.
And it's risking Democracy!2 -
Do Trump supporters really believe what they say they believe?
Why are so many Americans susceptible to false narratives?
How can so many Americans follow such a flawed leader?
Why do so many distrust and eschew science, experts, and authority?

May 2 9 tweets 3 min read

***UPDATE ---- #UNTRUTH ---- UPDATE***

1 -
We've received many requests for an UPDATE on our film #UNTRUTH. This THREAD updates the film, the content, who's in it, when it'll be released, why we think it'll be so important, PLUS a link to a trailer we hope everyone watches.2 -
#UNTRUTH is a follow-up film to #UNFIT - which was released before the election in 2020 and has been seen by millions. #UNFIT, as many know, was about the Psychopathology of Trump. It introduced Malignant Narcissism into the lexicon.
#UNTRUTH is about 2024 - today - the rampant disinformation we face - the Psychology underlying TrumpISM and the cult -- and the War for Democracy.

May 1 13 tweets 4 min read

Latest Twitter Threads by @OurShallowState on Thread Reader App (3)

1 -
You knew it - originally - as PROPAGANDA.
With the advent of social media algorithms, it became DISINFORMATION.
When a pathological liar ascended the political ladder, it became FALSE NARRATIVES.
At the end of the day - it's all under the umbrella of.... UNTRUTH. It's our #1 public and private enemy.
We're making a film about it, aptly named #UNTRUTH - and we've got news.
(I've been waiting eagerly to be able to finally post this.)2 -
#UNTRUTH is a follow-up film to #UNFIT - which made a difference in 2020 and has been seen by millions.(You can still watch it free, on Prime Video.)
#UNTRUTH will put psychological (and sociological) science above politics; facts above feelings; and information above judgmentalism. It will educate and inform.

May 1 8 tweets 3 min read

Latest Twitter Threads by @OurShallowState on Thread Reader App (4)

What to watch ...

(1/8) Today is going to be VERY interesting. Trump has rallies in Wisconsin and Michigan. He hasn't had rallies lately. Even though he's had many opportunities for them, he's chosen to golf instead, which tells us some of what we need to know.(2/8) Trump NEEDS his rallies. They provide narcissistic energy to offset the narcissistic beatdown he's taken in court and elsewhere. Narcissistic energy is what toxic individuals, such as Trump, feed off to prop up their false constructs. It's the fuel for their controlling behavior, and the mechanism whereby they prove to the universe that they're strong, smart, successful ... grandiose. We tweet often about how crucial narcissistic energy is for Trump.

Apr 13 5 tweets 2 min read


(1/4) With all the MAGAs being triggered, defensive, and defiant today over the upcoming criminal trial (and boy, are they ever) - it's a good day to speak to MALIGNANT NORMALITY. Psychologist Robert Jay Lifton coined the phrase: a degenerative societal phenomenon where mass numbers of people view reality through a skewed lens of a "leader", adopting his traits. When Trumpers act LIKE Trump, see him as speaking truth, and even seem to be reacting as if they are feeling exactly what Trump says HE feels, THAT'S WHAT IT IS.(2/4) "Cult" is a simpler word, easier to process. But "malignant normality" is more accurate. Trump is a narcissist AND sociopath. His supporters, by and large, are not. They ARE imitative. They are emotionalized. They have been fear-mongered. They were susceptible. Why? Many reasons. For some, it was the lure of the crowd, or what they saw as the movement, or the brotherhood. Many other reasons. Then they got opinion disguised as information in echo chambers, and got dopamine rushes every time a world view that was placed upon them got validated. They tell themselves it's about winning and doing something noble, but it's really about beating the other side, and getting that next rush, even if it means adopting a position that works against their own interests.

Apr 13 8 tweets 3 min read

Although I've posted most of this before, it seems like a good day to post it again, as something to keep in mind while watching Trump face his first criminal trial:
(1/8) Trump is terrified. But not all the fear emanates from the criminal trial. In fact, malignant narcissists like Trump practically LIVE in fear. They are insecure; they desperately crave respect and legitimacy. Trump can't command that, not from the people he wants it from. So, he compensates for insecurity with bluster and bravado, AND he builds false constructs, which becomes HIS reality. He then force-feeds that reality, repetitively and with all his strength.(2/8) Trump is unique in that he has built an edifice of false constructs over decades; all based on secrets and lies. His grades ... his inheritance ... his success ... his wealth ... his acumen ... his health --- it's ALL contrived or enhanced. He's also unique in that he commands an extra-large audience upon whom to force feed his reality.

Mar 28 6 tweets 2 min read

(1/6) HAVE YOU NOTICED? Trump's limitations borne of desperation and dementia have become increasingly pronounced. He can still make a short in-house video, because we won't see how many takes it took him to enunciate the words without gaffing.(2/6) He can still speak in very friendly environs and field softball questions for very short periods of time.
He can still sit in a courtroom and say nothing. He can still go outside the courtroom, rant for two minutes, not take questions, turn around and leave.

Mar 25 4 tweets 1 min read

(1/3) Looking back, it was the Sharpie weather map incident that was truly a missed opportunity to speak to Trump's pathology. He doctored it - IN PLAIN VIEW. Sat there on TV ranting. This should have been seen as concrete evidence of how uncontrollably dysfunctional he is.(2/3) Sharpie is ALSO an example of an incident where mental health pros could and should have been engaged on TV for opinion and expertise. Back then, ANYONE criticizing him for ANYTHING got retaliated against. Many colleagues were willing - and didn't care about backlash.

Mar 23 6 tweets 3 min read


(1/6) Trump enters this weekend a very frightened man. As we've said umpteen times, a malignant narcissist already lives in fear, using bluster and bravado to counter it. A malignant narcissist's driving fear is that their falsities will be exposed. Their GREATEST fear is HUMILIATION. Trump is dancing pretty close to it these days. You see his franticness in his posts. He is not only more desperate to force-feed his false narratives BUT - he's now ALSO desperate to reclaim his grandiosity.(2/6) Very few malignant narcissists have been more steeped in falsities as Trump. When I have dialogue about Trump with colleagues, the degree of his falsities, and his effort and (to an extent), his prior success at protecting them, is a frequent subject of our wonderment. Think of how many there are, and how far they go back!

Mar 21 4 tweets 2 min read

(1/4) There is a pattern of events emerging that could indicate Trump is getting closer to narcissistic collapse. He's already been narcissistically pummeled. We can see when there IS narcissistic energy (like a rally, a friendly interview, or anything where he gets a "win"), he desperately tries to feed on it like oxygen. And when there's more narcissistic injury, as there has been lately, he deflates and/or attacks in a repetitive and flailing manner.(2/4) NARCISSISTIC COLLAPSE is when someone with narcissistic personality disorder can no longer uphold their grandiose self-image and feels threatened, belittled, made fun of, targeted, disrespected, and enraged ... AND ... that then gets combined with a near-total absence of validation.

Mar 21 5 tweets 2 min read

The fact that hundreds of mental health professionals have signed on to Dr Gartner's petition attesting that Trump has "probable dementia" is VERY significant. Mental health professionals are exceptionally careful. I want to point out three things:2- First, the cumulative data available to these professionals is enormous, because Trump speaks visibly, in all kinds of forums, every day. Observation IS what this is about. Being in the same room with Trump adds nothing in this case.

Mar 18 8 tweets 1 min read


(1) TRUMP(2) IS

Mar 17 15 tweets 3 min read


Is Trump becoming more psychopathic?

(1) The short answer: NO - HE'S BECOMING MORE DESPERATE. The source of his desperation is multipronged; foremost in relevance is NARCISSISTIC INJURY. And, with HIS added desperation comes added erraticism. To better explain-(2) Malignant narcissism is already THE most dangerous pathology known, responsible for great inhumanity throughout history. Malignant narcissism is a toxic syndrome of narcissism (NPD), sociopathy (ASPD), paranoia, and sadism.

Mar 14 8 tweets 2 min read

Let experts speak!
(1/7) Excuse me while I climb onto a soapbox and scream it FOR THE 10,000TH TIME! The mainstream media NEEDS to interview and enlist opinions (if not diagnoses) of mental health professionals. NOW! Is anything more relevant? (Rhetorical: there isn't.)(2/7) One key reason Trump is so dangerous, so untrustworthy, is his inability to see past himself. He is pure id. And this is PURE PATHOLOGY! We need experts. Every global autocrat knows they can woo him with praise. Every wealthy leader knows they can entice him with money.

Mar 13 5 tweets 1 min read

(1/4) Many psychologists increasingly use Addiction Theory to explain the cult of Trump. The premise: Trump supporters engage compulsively, pursue rewarding stimuli, ignore adverse consequence. Like addicts. Explains why they adopt arguments that work against their own interests.(2/4) One example of Trump supporters adopting an argument or action that works against their interests was not getting vaccinated. Another is sending him $. The former is defiant. The latter is compulsive. MAGA are addicted. The reward is owning the libs. The drug is dopamine.

Mar 13 5 tweets 2 min read

The Cult - a Very Basic Primer
1 - Trump supporters validate who they are by their "beliefs." Pretty easy to do. If you say you believe something and a lot of others say they believe it too, it must be real. Belief is emotional, requiring minimal thought. It's easy to become defensive, too. Because - who the hell are you to tell me what to believe?2 - Think about the simplicity - why work so hard to discern information and ascertain knowledge when it's way simpler just to seek validation for what you feel or believe? And beliefs are easily expanded into false narratives. "I don't believe in vaccines or masks" morphs into "I don't believe in scientific authority, or even science itself."

Mar 10 15 tweets 4 min read

(updating the Cognitive Decline of Trump)

(1) Most of us don't watch Trump speak. It's hard to. But those of us who do, who are neither radicalized nor hyper-partisan, know (or suspect) they are watching him deteriorate. How will his aides handle that in the coming months? It certainly bears watching closely. It's been only a few weeks now since his gaffes, slurs, phonemic aphasia, and other symptoms of neurological decline got more frequent and noticeably worse.(2) Yesterday was significant. Because Biden just scored on the SOTU. This added urgency for Trump yesterday. He wanted and needed to show acuity as he ranted. Well, he harped on the Big Lie 1 minute in, indicating he felt defensive off the bat. Then - after a fairly gaffe-free 10 to 15 minutes, he began faltering badly. Neither he, nor the prep or meds given him by his aides, could hold it off. Because Trump IS neurologically decaying, meaning - what he has, is degenerative.

Latest Twitter Threads by @OurShallowState on Thread Reader App (2024)
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