Pittsburgh Post-Gazette from Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania (2024)

15 THE PITTSBDIIGn GAZETTE TIMES, WKUXESDAY, 17, 1913, NEWS OF THE COURTS PRODUCE I1EIS MUNICIPAL BOND OFFERINGS HILLVALE Some Realty Business Despite Encroachment of the Primary Election. berg Tresp 2047 Phillips Mine sV Bup Co Aug Hafhn Tresp :051 Pgh Rys Co Finnegan et ux Tresp Docket L. 2032 Thurston Leon Mis Martha Robinson, use Assp 2036 Koerner Jesse Agnes Loekhart 8 Mtg 204 Maxwell I Wm Clear Tresp 20(4 Wkbg Boro Ernest Kimmel et 2t4S Nat Tube Co Antoni Zabawsky Tresp High-Grade Municipal Bonds are now selling at lower prices than they have for 3-ears. We are offering several issues, the obliga--tions of prosperous Pennsylvania Towns and School Districts, at prices to yield from 420o to 4.40. Your name on our mailing list will insur" your receiving all our offerings.

If you desire, (ue shall be glad to have a representative call on you. Robert D. Coard, Manager Ernest Crist, Asst. Manager Mellon National Bank Bond Department 510 Smithfield Street Christiana Metcaif. ot thi city, who died learlae; ma estate of 12S.0OO, bequeathed all to her boaband.

William Metcaif, daring bis life and make him executor, requiring no bond. He authorized to sell, lease or mortgage a 'arm In Westmoreland county. The will of Ellen H. Stanton, filed in the register" office, leave ail of her estate, which ia not estimated, to her three children. The dwelling and grounds In Oermantown.

Philadelphia, are placed In trust to be used as a home for her children. The residue of the estate is to be held In trust for the children. At the marriage of each child IS.0U0 is to be given him as his share. The will of John 3. Chlvers or Hridgevllle.

died leaving an estate of bequeaths all to his wife. Sarah M. Chivers. during her life, except 13O0 which is wilted to a daughter. Hannao Mary Totltn.

At tho death of the wife the estate is to be divided equally among the three children, Joseph Hobert Chlvers. Arthur Chivers and Edith Olivers. John J. Moran of North Versailles township left his entire estate, valued at to his wife, Sarah 1. Moran, and named her executrix.

DAILY COURT RECORD. NKW 8V1T3. October Term. 1913. Jjocket A.

defendant. 1s1 Alleg To et 1--B Ptratton Equity 19 A Ilea Wilbur Bettv Hanklns Cap Tresp 1997 Lutx A Lappe Ex Att 2aj Horninger Haielwood Brew Co Ex Att I'aSS Rafferty Wm Levlne Bx Att 3M1 Lamp Wm Mrs A McClure et Tresp 2046 Knder Danl Ernest Kimmel et 1-041 DiOIl II Co Bridget Bherry Tresp Tocket B. 2042 Meade Bros Alex Wainauskis Tresp Pel. Rya Co Louis Amhelm Tresp 20f.0 Ambrose Ollle Patton et ux Tresp Ijffertv F.IIen Frank Ina Co. .3 Mtg 3 Uear David Jno Sheridan Appeal Docket C.

Pgh Iron Fold Bed Co Hvman' Ham- PERSONALS. Thousands of families are wanted to claim fortunes. Many now living In poverty are rich. but don't know it. Our 400-page rlothbound Index, entitled "Missing Helra and Next of Kin," alphabetically arranged, con-taina authentic list of unclaimed estates aruJ heirs wanted and Advertised for in America, and abroad to claim forturies.

Also contains Chancery Court of England ajid Ireland lists, and Hank of England unclalnifed dividend Ht. Thousands of names In book. Yours or your ancestors' names may be among them. Send Jc stamp at once for free booklet. INTERNATIONAL, CLAIM AGENCY, C.

41S 8. Dtlh-ridge near Forbes Pittsburgh. Pa. THIS 18 A LIFBLINK. GRASP IT.

Every seemingly INCURABLE Chronlo Dyspeptic. Stomach Special lots. Physicians enl Hospital should give Ross' Peerless Stomach. Remedy an Impartial trial to prove Its real unsurpassed merits. It cannot harm the most delicate.

Absolute satisfaction guaranteed, or money refunded. Price 11.00. Rose Remedy Dept. 10. 22 Burling street, Chicago.

Trasses and Bandages for Men. Women and Children. Surgical Supplies. Elastic Blockings. Crutches', OTTO HELMOLD, (12 Bmlthfleld St.

COMMUNICATION desired with Plttsburgher who wrote letter In Huntsville paper wishing for list of cottage sltas In Lake of Bays district. Advertiser can Introduce to him several lovety locations also furnished cottages. P. B. Wahnsley, Fox Point, Can.

BK FEAnTIFUL. Ugliness Is enemy to happiness. Let us reveal to you the Inner secrets love and -beauty. Let us tell you how to win love and hold it. Write today.

Full particulars free. Address J. L. Webster, Alex, Oklahoma. DR.

LWrD, FOOT SPECIALIST Coma, bun-lons. Ingrown nails. Lyceum PATENT 4. PENSION ATTORNEYS. PATENTS THAT PROTECT-Our three books for inventors mailed on receipt of i cents, tamps.

R. H. A. B. LACE Y.

Rooms 7 to 27. Pacific Building. Washington. D. Established M69.

INVENTIONS Have your models, metal patterns and general work done by the Aithclas Mfg. Third ave. 13ell 661 Court. PATENTS and copyrights secured and marketed. Peters, 730 Wabash let JgaSPEARl Interest centering; in the primary election was responsible for the moderate volume of business transacted in tte local produce markets yesterday.

To mall orders arrtvlnr over niht wa attributed the bulk of the movement for shipping- account. Price 40langes consisted principally of cuts in values on bay, corn and oats In the wboleaale hay and grain list. Young chickens and spring ducks In coop lots are showing more firmness, with a slight advance resulting from moderate supply for aulck delivery. 'Butter. egsr and fruits held to steady figures for strictly prime offerings.

Gen-eiaily, the market for vegetables showed an tone, because considerable quantities were delayed In transit and suffered thereby. 1 Prices on hay and grain are furnished by Pittsburgh Exchange. The flgurea Riven, are baael on cash quotations in car lots. Iealerg charge an advance on broken lots.J HAY AND GRAIN. Receipts.

Pennsylvania Lines. cars hay. 7 cars straw, 3 cars shelled corn, car ear com. 3 cars oats. 3 cars rye, 4 cars feed: Baltimore and Ohio Railroad.

13 cars hay. car ear oorn; Pittsburgh and Lake Brie, 6 cars hay. 1 car corn. 1 car oats. 1 car rye.

Corn. Clover. Xo. I H5.50gH.fl0 Do No. Mixed NO.

Straw. nt- ejrva to on Ko. 2 ear Po No. 3 SiiS(i3c No. 2 Do No.

Oats. New. mats tg.rtSnA Xo. 2 white. Wheat 8.USi0 Standard Feed.

No. 3 4HScj No. 1 white middlings tai.0O932.00 Hay. Do No. No.

1 time- No. 1 brown, ga.004,30.00 hv tlS.o0S19.50Coarse winter Do No. bran J26.506 27.00 GROCERIES. Flour. Beans.

FPllng fancy Winter 34.86Gr4.90j H. 3240 Rye 43. 85 3. 90 Red kidney 12.60 Graham, case USlRoman. 6Uc Cormneal, bbl $4.00 Do 10-lb bags, per 100 lbs 3.10 California lima, Rice, extra fancy head, lb 77ic De fancy.

Japan bWic Choice h(a iVic Honey comb w. fancy, lb 18319c Do w. c. lb 3c Citron. 10-lb.

boxes, lb 15c Italian macaroni. domestic. 13-lb. Koueo. oats, bbl So.ffi Roasted Coffee, Packages.

Anosa 321, 30! sons rancy olend Molasses, fancy reunea Do 2-ib. doz. Sugar. 120-lb cases 100-lb cases Granulated boxes 87o .34.90 Olives, Queen. gallon (590c Lnion A.

i yeiiow 34.S6 Do bottle, 10-os. No. 2 yellow j4.i(, to i.oz No. 3 pnnntTpw Potatoes, bbl. 75! Tomatoes, home vuuouns, i gtewn.

cnlps Bushel $1.00 Cabbage, new Do Giants. bu.S0a5c barrels Sweet potatoes, (Parsley, dox S)U40c Jersey, Ashta-Do hamper. bula. hot house. Do bbl.

$2.502.751 chips 50360c EKcDlant baiket $1.5081.75 Turnips, new. dozen aniJia.nc hamper Horseradish root. Green and wax Celery, bunch. beans hamp. $1.2551.

50 Carrots, new. unions, sacks. S2.tiiij. v.a...v.,4,.i.., uurii iOdVU Spanlsh.c'te.$l.a(Kl.0' Osage SOcfrtl.CO Spinach, bu Wa 70c Standard Carrots. bbl.J.'.ootiZ.asjRoekv Fords.

Peppers, standards $2.502.75 Wateniielons. IJumbo $2.75 Per $25.0036. cranberries. Beets, new. doz.sory35c; box FRUIT.

Lemons. Apples, fancy, Messina barrel Cal. oranges (California fancy plums 32.00I&2.25 Bo Cal. pears $2.753.00 Do choice. Apples, Pineapples, red new, hamp.

Spanish Do g-basket 50u60c guar loaf. Peaches, bu. BUTTER AND CHEBSB. Butter. Wisconsin Prints SnftSjcl Swiss, new 20'ei21c Tubs 34H34'-ci L'o 5-lb brick.

Ohio aiamcitionglwrne Cooking 20-lb brick. Cheese. pou id l'(J19f; New York full (Imported Swiss. n'Ac cream. Ohio, new le'VqncI uo x-Ut Ptaiadelphta cream.

doz TEXCHANGS rr.ICES. Butter firm: receipts l.mv packages. Creamery extras. 32c; extra lusts, 31o; firsts. 23c; packing stK'k, 24c.

Eggs steady; receipts l.SflJU casts. Fresh extras, 2ic; extra, firsts, 2c; firsts. 27c; refrigerator extras, 25c; extra tirsts, 24c. IROVISTO.V3. Smoked Mats.

I Breakfast bacon. Large hams, IS to 30 lbs Large hams, IS 18 lbs Medium hams, clear, to 111 lbs. uo oack strips 17o Uo 10 to 12 Dry Salt Meats. Sides, extra short clears Bellies, over 20 14 to 16 Small hams. 12 to 14 lbs- lbs Lo to 10 lbs HPiciBellies, fruxu hi Skinned hams.

to 20 lbs 15; 24 to 30 lbs licl Dry gait Smoked Boneless boiled Meats. hams extra California bams, 1 short to 8 io over 20 Do 8 to 10 lbs 13ijc to 25 lbs Shoulders iNew I Vork cui 13Vic Shoulders 14c Breakfast bacon, i rib. 3 to 10 19c Eellies, from to 20 lbs Bellies, under II lbs Pure lard, tierces. CAN-NED GOODS. Apples, T.

L. C- gallon $2. PineaDDlea 002.70 OOtl.40 Do T. 32.10 Corn Baspbenies. doz.

Tomatoes tonnelwrr Cherries white Lima Succotash, 1-lb cans $1. String beans. I lfll.15 2-ib SOli 90c Salmon. Do fancy Do red $2. I3o Dink, ih Peas, si.

-T) Do eariv 31 Do soaked Chipped 003. 0 Sardines, domest Si 05 Ic. Hs $2 338.K POULTRY AND GAME. Alive. I Dressed.

Broilers. lb lRrt30cjTurkeys, lb 23jza6c Koosierw, iu ire Ducks, apng, lb 1'b2Uc n-. lh 1R'1S'1 i ui fvc Geese, lb EGGS. Silected fresh. mark Storage grades classified under pure food law: Extras, candled.

I At Mark. May 24o April ro June At mark. April 2ocl Bo July 23c The Metal Market. NEW YORK. Sept.

16. Copper flrmr standard spot, $16 ttvais SO; September, October and November, $16 ou16 62; electrolytic. $16 87 17 00; lake. $17 00; casting. $16 62j16 75.

Tin steady; spot, $42 00; September. $42 72'n! 43 00; October. $42 S7a42 76; November. $42 60 (U42 67. Antimony dull; Cookson's, $li 30.

Iron firm and unchanged. London market closed as follows; Copper quiet; spot, 75 2s 6d: futures. 74 13s Std. Tin quiet; spot, 14 10s; futures, 14. Iron, Cleveland warrants, 64s Boston Copper Stocks.

(Beported by A. E. Masten Co.) Par Clt The Gazette Times Register's Notice The following Executors. Administrators. Guardians and Trustees have seittled tbstr respective accounts In the office of the Register and clerk of Orphans' Court, and th same win be presented for confirmation, to the Orphan's Court ot Allegheny County, at the Court Huubo, Pittsburgh, on MONDAY, OCTOBER 6th, 1913.

No. Estates ot 0 Accountants. F11e4. 2 Tucker. Charles Harrison, F.

O. executor August 2. 111 1 Schmit't, Peter Sehmitt. Peter administrator, t. -August 3, lull 4 Rons John Marvin W.

executor August 2, li SMcPherson. McFherson. John Henry, administrator 4. 191 6 Beckett. John Beckett.

Edmund executors August 4, 191 7 Steckel. Maria (or Marie). Falkenstein. Sophia administratrix; -d. b.

August 1911 n. c. t. a 8 RIsher Elisabeth A Risher William C. administrator August 1911 9 Itiley Fanny, i Vandevort.

May Klley. administrator 6, 1913 10 McKown Ann McKown. John administrator August 7, I91J H-ullen, Mary Ctillen, Peter administrator It, 1911 12 Hartman, Louisa Meslng. William, administrator August 12, 1913 13 Gallagher. Patrick Gallagher.

Dennis, administrator August IX J9H 14 Zoeller. Madalena Fink, John, executor August 12, 1911 35 Zschoegner Johanna Zsehofgner, 1-oulaa. administratrix -August 12, 1911 16 Remaley. Joseph Tarentum Savings Trust -August 2L 1911 17 Weir James Weir, John, executor 14, 1913 15 O' Toole Patrick Geary, Catherine, executrix August 14, 1911 19 Haggeriy, Michael Kerr. John testamentary guardian August 15, 113 20 Woods, Charles Woods, Charles administrator c.

t. a August 15. 1911 21 'Hogg, Balbina Hogg. John, executor August 16, 1911 22 Samuel Arch executor August 16, 1913 23 Fennerty. Sara Thompson, Fennerty, Mary administratrix, e.

t. a August 18, 1911 24 Franklin' Robert Franklin, Mary, August 19, 1911 25 O'Brien John O'Brien. Margaret, administratrix, c. t. August 19, 1913 26 Lawall Anna Lytle.

3. et executors 19, 1911 27 Dauler Oeorge Sr. F. et 'executors August 19, 1911 29 Anderwerth, Mary Brethauer. J.

executor -August 20. 1911 29 Hungerman, Bernard, August 20, 1911 811 Vetter, Stephen Taufkirch, Andrew, guardian August 20, 1911 31 Petty John Bind Savings tc Trust August 20. 1911 32 Margaret Flaccus, George executor August 21. 3911 53 luffer. Barbara Lauffer.

Joseph, administrator August 22. 1913 34 Gross. Charles Helen, Elizabeth and Catherine. Charles testamentary guardian August 21, 1911 Metachan Philip Metschan, Eliiabeth administratrix August 22, 1913 36 Frederlkson Gustav Lundell. Nils, administrator August 22.

IMS 37 Jernberg Charles. Alma administratrix August 23. 1913 3gAdler. Louis Adler. Mary, administratrix -August 25.

lsll 3 Walfh Jetse Scully. Arthur administrator August 25, 1911 Dolan, Patrick Thomas, administrator 26, 191 41 Rodl Giuseppe Nalali. Joseph, administrator 26. 39ta 42 Harrison. Frederick Weber, Henry, guardian 26, 1SU3 43 Home.

Mary Timothy administrator, August 26, 1913 44 Shane John Br Shane. W. C. executor August 26, 1911 45 Hamm, Hstrrv M. guardian August 26, 1911 46 Koncar.

Jovan Gulentz, Charles, ancillary administrator August 27, 19is 47 jovic Yoviehi. Nikola Gulents. Charles, ancillary administrator August 27, iwt 48 Dickson George Dickson. T. gusg-dian August 27.

1911 49 Borland. Mima McGaughey. Men on executor August 27, 191 BO Barrett, Maria Bungar, W'ilhelmina administratrix 28. 1911 51 Menke Louis Menke, Mary, administratrix. -August 28, ills 52 Beattie Mary Beattle, John W-.

administraur. c. t. a August 29, 1911 63 Wenzei' Peter Wenzel Peter executor. .....4 August 2S.

191,1 54 Lewis. Letltia Edwards. D. executor August 29. 1913 55 Shannon.

Isabel Shannon. William administrator 29. l1l 56 Lingenfeiser, Elizabeth I.ingetifelser. Frederick, trustee August Si. 57 Bennett Thomas Bennett, James et executors August 30 1911 5S Reed.

Frank Sarah August 30. Weissing. Christian Giles. Christina E-, administratrix September 2. 1911 60 Hammond.

Ida Hammond Rebecca, administratrix September 2. jsi-t 61 Cunningham. Domlnlck Cf.Sterrett, Jme R. et executors September 3 isijj 62 Campbell. Thomas W'llltam, et executors September 3' lsij 63 Judge, Ellen Anna, administratrix c.

t. a. 3 S113 94 Goetz. Mathias. Goetz.

George administrator September 3' 1913 65 Perry Man- Fisher. Joseph, administrator 3 iti' 66 Martin Gulentz. Charles, administrator September jjrjji 67 Miaiic, Josip (Joseph Ml- loch Gulentz. Charles, administrator --September 3 tn' 6S Lager Iger. Adam, administrator September a' R9 Runnette, John Flaccus.

Grace Runnette, administratrix September 11 70 Hav. R. Millie September 4 riuj 71 -Wilson, Mary Wilson, William administrator and trustee. 4 isij 72 Kruwitz. Lazer Kruwitz.

Minnie, administratrix September 4' im; 73 Gaber. Joseph Gaber, Joseph, administrator 4' isij 74Espy, Emit Espy, Gustav et al. administrators September 4 liij 75 Speer, Harrv A Speer, Lena, administratrix September 4L isi- Ruppert, George Commonwealth Trust Co. of Pittsburgh, ad- ministrator c. t.

a September 4 isu 77 Sherman, Allen Title Trust September 4 lins 7S Stewart. Marion Guarantee Title Trust guardian September 4' jsij 79 Jeffries, Samuel Commonwealth Trust Co. of Pittsburgh, ftuardlan September 4 tin suimsie, Barbara Side Trust Co. of Pittsburgh, 5, 191J 81 Hughes. Lida 'toff Met- calfel South Side Trust Co.

of Pittsbargh. guardian. -September 1 H4U Jones. Alberta South Side Trust Co. of Pittsburgh, ivt 53 Nestle.

Henrietta South Side Trust Co. of Pittsburgh, ad ministrator September 5. tns g4 Gilligan, Luella South Side Trust Co. of Pittsburgh, ad- ministrator c. t.

a September Ml S3 Hi llman. Elizabeth Ernest, September 5 lt3 SS Rutter, George Rutter, Reuben, surviving executor September 5, 1913 S7 Sticht, Joseph Stlcht, Henry, executor September 5, ij 8S ndre. Bvron Andre. Kate C. administratrix September lil3 S9 Schneider.

Elizabeth Herold. Ernest administrator -'-September s' lsli i Kingsbury, Joseph A Carmack, H. ancillary administrator September 5 pus il McCandless. Mary McCandless. S.

C. administrator September 5 191s io Dovle. Julia Fidelity Title Trust guardian September s' 1-til S3 Graham. Leo Fidelity Title Trust guardian September 1013 94 Martin, Marie A Fidelity Title Trust September 6, 1913 5 Carrick, Rollin Desmond Fidelity Title Trust guardian September 5, 1913 Ki Stewart. Elizabeth Fidelity Title Trust guardian ---September 5 liij 'i7 Luxon.

William Fidelity Title Trust guardian September 5' jii'x js Morsan. Beatrice Fidelity Title Trust guardian si 1913 V9 Ballantvne, Ford Fidelity Title Trust guardian September 5 ljirj lilO Iwanick'l. Michael Fidelity Title Trust administrator September 5' 1913 j01 Wood, Joseph Fidelity Title Trust ancillary admin- istrator September 5. p13 Wherry, W. Fidelity Title Trust administrator ct.a..

-September' 5 1913 103 O'Leary. Arthur Fidelity Title A Trust administrator, a. b. n. e.

t. a September 8. It' 3 im Berbach. John Voelker. John, executor September 6 1911 IAS Rogers.

James The Colonial Trust Company, administrator September 5' 1913 106 Reich Gertrude The Colonial Trust Company, administrator September 5' 9-j 107 Knapp. Anton The Colonial Trust administrator, d. b. n. c.

t. a ltS-Smiih, Mathilda -The Colonial Trust aumlnlstritor j. b. n. e.

t. a. September 5 i' 1 Rehir.son. "William The Colonial Trust Company, executor September 110 rtuescher, Jacob Bueaeher, William --September s' iwls" 111 Johnson Ralph Beeson, Charles E-, administrator September 5' 1913 U- Benson, Carl Paynes. James administrator 5 1313 113 Kenny.

Charles Commonwealth Trust Company of Pittsburgh. executor September 6. lil 114 Hammili. Owen Commonwealth Trust Company of Pittsburgh. trustee in partition September 5 ij 115 Goetz Mary Goetz.

George executor September s' 1911 U6 Kauffeld. Minnie KaufTeld. Eilas. gtun-dian September 5' 1911 117 Wilson, Marv Adams. William executor September s' 191a IIS Smith William A.

Trent, Edmund K-, ancillary administrator Soorember s' "913 liq Kdwards. Fred. Alice executrix September '113 120 Kirby Mary The Safe Deposit Trust Co. of Pittsburgh, fuardian September 113 11 Wood, Bessie The Safe Qeposit Trust Co. of Pittsburgh.

guardian September 5 3911 r'Aaer. Joseph The Safe Deposit Trust Co. of Pittsburgh. 1 guardian September 1913 l30'Br1en. Eln O'Brien.

James executor September b' in 124 piegwarth. Philip Siegwarth, Annie, administratrix September 5 113 l-ri-Auherle. Pauline Volk. surviving trustee August 11 1913 l-6Walsh, Michael Walsh. Mary, trustee August ti, 197 Gibson.

Mary F. Shoemaker, Ixmis trustee August 28 1111 Rachel Commonwealth Trust Co. of Pittsburgh, trustee. September 4L 191s ion Havs Laura Reamer Commonwealth Trust Co. of Pittsburgh, trustee.

September 4L 3913 5 li'o-Weber. Robert Amelia and Arthur C. Guarantee Title Trust Company, 4. leix 131 xrawm, Sarah or Ellen Mck Fidelity Title Trust Company, trustee September 5 1t ir Porter Ednrt Fidelity Title Trust Company, trustee 5' '913 133 Patterson. Sadie Title A.

Trust Company, trustee September 1911 134 Fmher Kate Fidelity Title Trust Company, trustee September S. Isis 135 Knapp'. Anton The Colonial Trust Company, trustee September 5. 1913 136 Jacoby. George The Safe Deposit ft Trust Company of Pitta-.

September 5. 1U burgh, trustee AUDIT NOTICE All parties Interested are hereby notified that an Audit 1.1st will be made up of all the foreKoing accounts (except Ouardans'), which shall show balances for distribution and all accounts to which exceptions shall be filed, and that suld Audit i.ist win he taken up on MONDAY, OCTOBER 20, 1913, and continue thereafter each day. (Saturday and Sunday excepted) until the whole list shall have been disposed of. WILLIAM CONNER. Register and Ex-Offlcio clerk of Orphans' Court.

Pittsburgh. September 5th, 1S13. Bureau of Resorts sSlsJ? i rltlirr Is i bvlovr BANKRUPTCY PETITIONS. Ijia. Assets.

6895 Porter Shultz. J3.240 I'OLNTV COURT. Defendant. Hein Jas Hmtts Co Assp Louis Amshel Titus Pope Tresp Phitilp Arts 8 Delps 2144 2145 2146 2147 2149 2150 118 119 120 Fred Kre'ser Ed Dambach Co Assp I Jno Connelly 1st rat us. tTostDurg.A.stp Max Arnold A Sargent Assp Keaggy Dr Benjamin Goldstein Appeal Wevera.

A Joe A West Hits A McAfee Appeal JUDGMENTS. Docket A. Defendant. 718 Oct 13 'Hussey Susan A Wat- tersnn 720 Oct 13 'Downing Kath et al McMahon 723 Oct 'Forrester Fredk Merchants Bk 725 Oct 13 Condict Sllaa A Prov Col Asso Docket B. 2038 Oct 13 Douglass Citizens Nat Bk.

Connetlsville Docket C. 863 Oct 13 Carnilchae Sarah est, et al A Evana 183 290 766 1.150 521 374 10.SS3 1471 Oct 13 Bateman Susan LAO David King Docket D. 24 Jan 13 Erdner John Bellevue Realty Co 484 71 Oct 13 'McDonald Floyd Son 163 713, 714 Oct IS 'Tode Fed or Herron 1,581 712 Oct 13 TWhite Robt Jno 89J Confessed Judgment. EXECUTIONS. October Term, 1913.

Defendant. 403 Tri County Nat Gas Co Bk of Buffalo 8 508 04 Turk Homer Marv Murray et al 2,083 403 Sunder Ludwig, est, notice Safe Co 553 406 Walther Julius A Nat Ben Frauk Ins Co 700 407 Shiekler Geo Davia, ex 2.824 Ex-College Head Going to Germany. GREENVILLE, Sept. 16. The Rev.

C. Theodore Bense, who recently resigned the presidency of Theil Collosre here, has accepted a professorship in ine theological seminary of the Kropp Institute in Srhleswig, Germany. There he will preach practical theology and prepare younK men for the Lutheran ministry in the Northwestern states of the United States and the Canadian provinces. LOST. LOPT.

STOLEN OR STRAYED A co*cker spaniel, short tail (female dog), near Links Bridge. Beaver eounty. Reward for return or Information. S. S.

Balser. KU Bel! Sic-Kees Rocks, care Capital Hotel, or Strob's Farm. Murdocksville. LOST Woman's black leather handbag Tuesday about 2 o'clock, In Rosenbaum's store. Liberal reward for return, particularly the bag.

to superintendent's office, Rosenbaum's. or in Crafton Crafton Terrace. 14-INCH HIGH brindle bitch with bob tail; col.ar, but no license; Lincoln near Upland st. Reward if returned to 378 Princeton place, LOST Gold watch fob between Sheraden and Pittsburgh: Initials T. WT.

on fob. Return to C. T. Worlcy 1009 Arrott Bldg LOST Silver medal, engraved "Robert V. Hoffman." Reward if returned to U.

S. Express office. LOST Probably on Liberty 30x3 tire, has section repaired. Phone 116 Court- 5127 Jenkins Arcade. DETECTIVE AGENCIES.

CHARLES C. McGOVERN, DETECTIVE BERVICE Twenty years' successful experience. 339 Fifth Pittsburgh. Pa. 111 furnish, free it charsre.

booklets and folders Issued by dinerent Hotels. ateamsbiD railroad companies ndvrr- also all imfornia- rates, routes, ached. nquirlea may be made sfrwii or mail. OCEAN STEAMSHIPS BEST VACATION TRIPS TemiienUore Cooler than at the Middle-Atlantic Coast Resorts. Toars Inc.

Hotels, Shore Excursions, Lowest Kates. By Twin Screw S. S. "Bermudlan" 10,518 tons displacement. fastest, newest and only Steamer landins; paeseners at the dock in Bermuda without transfer.

bailings every five days In connection with H. M. 8. P. Co.

Tickets interchangeable. For full information apply to A. E. OtJT. ER1SR1IK.E a Agente, Quebec S.

S. 29 Broadway. New York: 3. 3. Me-(ormirk.

506 Mmithfleld -The National steamship Agency. 435 Ilfth Ave or any Ticket Agent. yours. 8. B.

"Kotlerdam," 24,170 Ions. 16th Annual; Feb. 2d. 84 days at (400 up, including short aicuralons, hotel, etc. (stopovers in turope.

Deo. and Jae. Round the World loart The National StrsmRhlp Asveney Klftmi Avenue-. 3. J.

McCormlck 506 bmlthfleld St. Frank C. Clark. Times Bulldinc. New York, ATLANTIC CITY, N.

J. THE larlborougbii Atlantic CfTY.ffJA Seotembcrdnd October arc particulorla deliqhtfuf. HOTEL DEnnis Facing the sea and overiooking the famous Boardwalk. EverV room connectPd with private bath or having hot and cold Hinnlrig water. Capacity 600.

WALTER J. BUZBY. THE WILTSHIRE S'J IrKlnia ave. and Beach. Ocean Vlaw.

Greatly improved. Capacity PrlvaU baths. Running wal'T In rooms, elevator, etc. Music Special S12.00 up weekly. up dally.

Open all the year. Booklet. SAMUEL ELLIS. MANrFACTCRER. OLIVER Iron and Steel Co KiTAULISBKU Ull Manufacturers of BOLTS, NUTS, WASHERS and RIVETS OF ALL KINDS Olfice and Works: South Tenth Street, Pittsburgh.


Aelbit Koett Mt. Oliver Margaretta Lanumann Mt. Oliver Hiillp Sykes Creek. Fa. Rose Sapersteln Tarentum Richard p.

MoCrea Pittsburgh Lillian M. Calvert. Pittsburgh James Peterson Canonsburg, Pa. Winnie Anderson William Monroe Kozella M. Bailey.

Clarence Cravner Gertrude Blyston Cletus Z. EKie Winand Canonsburg, Pa. Wilklnsburg Pittsburgh Apollo. Pa. Apollo, Pa.

Kensington. Pa. McKeesport East McKeesport McKeesport James Poole Sarah E. Dunston John W. Brown Fannie E.

Taylor Maurice H. Levlne Anna F. Hobbins Joseph Marie Madak James A. Johnson Kmma. F.

Alexander McKeesport McKeesport Pittsburgh Castle, Pa. Pittsburgh Piusburxh I GIL ill CHICAGO. Sept. 16. Big export miles of Manitoba wheat at the seaboard put backbone today into the market here.

Closing prices were firm at Hc to Me over last night. Corn finished to fte up and oats with a gain of to Provisions closed Irregular, varying from ii'ic lower to 5c advance. Shippers here reported it harder to btsy than to sell wheat, aud declared that they were unable to get any today, although ottering fcc to advance for bar dwinter. Primary receipts were less than a year ago, and there was expected to be a further slowing- up of the movement, rains acting as an interference northwest. In addition.

Pacitic coast ports were said to be outbidding Minneapolis for the Montana crop. Wheat strength did not develop much until nearly midday. Previously the market had been somewhat depressed, a liberal increase of the Kuropean visible sipply counting; against prices. The bears also had a temporary advantage owing to free Russian fU'erings and because of weakness at Winnipeg. In corn, as in wheat, there was a bullish Hurry after midday.

The Iowa state report indicated that the yield would be lighter than expected, the heat during the first seven days this mouth having permanently stopped the tilling process. Before noon, however, prices were inclined to su as result of plentiful mousture tending to Improve pastures. Receivers here are counting on lighter receipts next week. Oata proved relatively firmer than other grain. The best buyers were speculators who found they had oversold.

Buying thought to be for packers rallied provisions, late In the session. Previously, rather free liquidating sales had swayed the market downward. Moat of the trade waa in lard. (Reported by George Eberhardt Co.) I I I Open. High.

Low. IClose Monday's Articles. I Close. WHEAT. September December May coax.

September liecember May OATS. September Lie cember I SO'sl 74! 88 Wis 74's 71l 73 44-1, 7 SrWsl I 707 VS W4 73M, 71 72Vs 41 44 4Ti 706,1 71 73'! 4' 411. 46 4-1 May MESS PORfC i 4 January May la an. October January May SHORT RIBS 6ft 19 6T'4'19 50 IS 70 19 6215119 63 19 SU 119 82Vi 9 SO in otv jlO 821, 10 85' 111 00 05 10 85 11 00 11 07H 10 82Vi io so 10 95 October 110 92ii January 10 May jlO 60 10 S214110 SS 10 Kl-ilO 85 10 44 10 60 10 32: 10 'hMQ 37 10 47i.a10 55 10 Cash: Wheat No. 2 red.

92rn9Sc; No. 3 red 9tH92Uc; No. 2 hard. kgi8c; No. 3 hard.

No- 2 northern. 90n 92c; No. 3 northern. No. spring.

No. 3 spring. SSftiWc; velvet chart. is790c; durum, 87'ltyle Corn No. 2.

73t74c; No. 2 white, 74'u74c; No. 2 yellow, No. 3. 7o No.

3 wbite, 7474Vc; No. 3 yellow. 73fr74c. Oats No. 2 while.

4343c; No. 3 white. 42fi43i-; standard, 43a43c. Rye No. 2 67c; barlev MKeSlc; timothy, $4 505 50; clover, 19 O010 75; pork, 5o: lard.

ll 02 11 05; ribs. 110 37U 25. MINNEAPOLIS. Sept. 16.

Close: Wheat, September, 85c; December, 8Sc; May cash, No. 1 hard. No. 1 northern. 86-V'i vsc No.

2 northern. No. 3 yellow corn, 70c; No. 3 white oats. 39 fii39c; No.

2 rye. 60'62c; flour and bran unchanged. DULCTH. Sept. 16.

Close: Wheat No. 1 hard. 9ac: No. 1 northern. Sc; No.

2 northern. 86Vu S6vc September, STnc; December. 88c; May. 930. New York Curb Markets.

)ftATHLKj JYiiIID ASPINWALL FREE DELIVERY City Building Permits Squirrel Hill Acreage Transferred to New Owner. The city real estate market yesterday was devoid of any startling developments. With four or the brokers candidates for Council, it was not surprising that their brother brokers were, as a rule, working at the polls yesterday in their behalf rather than attending to office business. Some business was reported, but gueh sales were unimportant. The P.

J. Loughney property at 4825 Friendship avenue, comer Millvale avenue, figured in the sales reports, the price quoted being about $18,000. This property consists of a lot 61.93x150 feet, on which there is 4ullt a two and one-half story brick house. The property la across the street from the West Fenn Hospital. Ttie Commonwealth Real Estate Company sold for Leor Welsh to the St.

Nicholas Hungaro-Russian Autonomic! CatholiosChurch a lot 50x169 feet in California avenue, near Halsey place. North Side, for $2,600. A church will be built. The C. L.

Saxton company, by G. B. Baxton, sold for Perry A. Gibb to Thomas W. Xeely a three-storv frame flat.

lot 25x70 feet. at 613 Memlock street. Avalon, for $6,000. A brick house, lot 15x50 feet, at 514 South avenue. North Side, was given In part payment, at $3,700.

FEEE DELIVERY TODAY. Asptnwall Also Will Have Sea Lighting Sytitvm. The borough of Aspinwall will have free delivery of mail for the first time today. The postoffice was closed last night. A sub-station of the Pittsburgh postoffice lias been established with tho Aspinwall iews Company, in Freeport avenue, the Douglass brothers being in charge.

Supt. Harry Lea of the Aspinwall Department of Public Works. started yesterday to put up about 209 electric light poles on the streets. In a few weeks a new and up-to-the-minute street lighting system will be in operation at Aspinwall, and Supt- Lea claims that the borough will be the best-lighted town in the country. Aspinwall has few vacant properties.

Darby Bokermann reporting that they had but one house for rent in that town. These brokers also reported the following sales: For K. L. Cameron to Edward Kvans. 30x100 feet, improved with a frame house, at Second street, near Center avenue, for for Jessie Kllngensmith to William Patterson of Pittsburgh, 30x100 feet, Improved with a frame house, in Third street, near Western avenue, for J3.250.

The buyers in each case bought for a home. BUILDING INSPECTOR BUSY. Indication of Increased Actimty tit fall Construction field. fhe Pittsburgh Bureau of Building Inspection yesterday issued the following permits: Dwellings, Rebecca Lando, six-room brick, 154 Webster avenue. Third Ward, to cost H.

W. Vmpleby. eight-room brick veneer, 87 Ilarwood street, Eighteenth Ward, to cost Mrs. M. V.

Murnhv. three seven-room brick veneer and cement, Beechwood boulevard, near Shady avenue. Fourteenth Ward, to co.st Mrs. C'eiia hite, seven-room brick and tile, iijj (iHlMon street, Nineteenth Ward, to cost T. K.

ICithholz, 10-ruofn stone veneer and shingle, Beacon struct, near Wightman street. Fourteenth Ward, to cost $4,700. Alterations and additions John W. Garland, repairs to building at 522 avenue, Second Ward, to cost I. and H.

Jackson, new front at 934 Liberty avenue, aeeond Ward, to cost Joseph K. Daly, (tiree-story brick veneer extension to store and dwelling, Pacific avenue and Broad street, Tenth Ward, to cost $1,200: Margaret Neuenhagen. brick extension to building, 2216-22 Carson street. Sixteenth Ward, to cost Dr. F.

Sunseri, repairs to building at Webster avenue and Chatham street. Second Ward, to cost iL50Q. Injured Broker Out Again. John J. McKenna, president of the John J.

McKenna Company, who was hurt in a street "car accident about a week ago, is able to be out again, although he cannot attend to business for some time to come. Mr. McKenna sustained several fractured ribs and was otherwise hurt. Squirrel Hill Transfer. Mrs.

Maria E. Cannon has transferred to Gertrude E. Graver of Atlantic City, N. J.r 23.627 acres of landing fronting about 1.388 feet in the Beechwood boule vard. Fourteenth W'ard, for a private ronsideration.

This property 18 a valuable one, and probably figured in an exchange deal, one end which was reported several months agro In the sale of the Graver holdings In Forbes street. near Craig etreet. The Fourteenth Ward acreage is one of the largest pieces ot unimproved land in squirrel Mill, it is not known whether the new owner contemplates erecting any buildings. Auction Sale Today. The Safe Deposit and Trust Company, trustee of the estate of Michael McCui- lough, will expose at public sale to day much valuable property, the major ity of it situated in the La wrencevllle dis trict.

The outcry wiii start at 2 o'clock at the corner of Butler and Thirty-sixth streets. The character and variety of the offering has attracted much attention of investors and builders and there is much interest in this sale, one of the largest offerings of property under the hammer in many months. Polish Club Enlarged. The Polish Falcons St. Staszya Society No.

69 has let a cbntract for a one-story brick extension to its club house at 3026- 28 Brereton avenue. Sixth Ward, to cost $5,500. The addition will provide an audi torium and stage. Start of Lunch Season. The English room of the Fort Tltt Hotel has been secured for the Pittsburgh Real Estate Board's first weekly luncheon of the winter season today.

The speaker will be F. F. Nicola, while A. J. Kelly.

will preside. Brokers are urged to get to the meeting place an soon after the noon hour as possible. Mortgages Recorded. Jno Walkowiak to Blrm Ptme 1,100 2. os 3, 2,500 l.SflO 4.600 2.4O0 Kagan to .1 A Lash ley Chas OUagan to Jos Porter John Valas.k to Ksml Hazlett, tr Paul Schmidt to Colonial A Walter Fraser to Pgh Tr Co Peter Debacher to Met it I A No 2...

Ray Totubaugh to A Prelorenzo Rebecca ij Haines to Larimer Ave si A Augusta Stephany to Pleasant Val A Molll Hirmer to Pullihania State Bk Edgar hchvvartzman to Mt Ijehannn 1, A Iliirrv Edwards tn Haf- Invest I. A Win Thompson to Harmony A No 2 A Smith to Sanil Grubbs Jas A Hrnlth to Martin Mary Tesh Blrm Ins Co 5,5110 2.4H0 1.2W 1.274 2,150 Transfers Recorded. Marv Powell to Mis Al Br No 1 12th wd Pgh V2xl0. Auburn st, June I 4,700 A Johnston tn Johnston. Sept 4.

12th wd, Puh, 2rhi I'hiK ave 2.7't0 Harry A ShafT'-r to to Svvaney. Aug 29, wd. Pgh V'odHU st 1,750 Jno MKllnlev to Klentz, Aug 14. Harrison two, itNllf. l-iri-ltn uve 754 OCEAN STEAMSHIPS.

HAMBURGH AMERICAN Largest SS.Cci k-Over 400 Ships in the WORLD TONS NEXT SAILINGS IMPERAT0R World's Largest Ship Sept. 29, 12 noon Oct. 11, 3 P. M. Nov.

1, 11 A. M. Enabling passengers to arrive In LONDON' and PARIS on sixth and in HAMBURG on seventh day. Books now open for 'season. LONDON, PARIS.

HAMBL'KG. Imperator Sept 20, 12 noon KPatrcia to, 12 nootv Amerika Sept. 19 A. M. KaiVn Aim.

Vlc.Oct. 2. 10 A. M. SiPreturia Oct.

4, 13 noon Jd cabin only. JHamburg direct IT I. S. Pennsylvania and 8. S.

Pretoria tail from New Pier, foat of bouth Brooklyn. Take 39th St. Ferry. other sailings in this senHce from our Hoboken Pirrn. MEDITEKKANEAN Gibraltar, Naples and Genoa All steamers this service leave from PIER, ft-, So.

Brooklyn. Take 39th St. Kerry. S. S.

Moltke 12.r.00 Tnns), Oct. "7. 11 A. M. S.

S. Cincinnati Tons). Oct. yj ti'inn. from boji jN to M'lON 1WKI II AMBl It; Cincinnati September Si Cleveland October 17 isJhee titnamers offer exceptional in both first and Second Vttbins.

CRUISE AROl'ND THE WORLl Throuah the PAN AM CAN At, JANIARY, 1815. BOOKS NOW OPEN. tfOur Tourist Department arranges Tours by Rail or Steamer to all parts of ing ivoria. Writs for Information r.ElfE-mk Ch in Henry W. Oliver stn av.


Ask. 8 10 Vi 8 45 5S 30 32 2 2 6 8 23 Vi 1 6 7 12 14 3 7-16 3 9-16 2 2H 1 7-16 lt 2 2 ..4 92 "4 1 tai 3 i 1-16 1 1 24 26 1 15-16 2 1-16 4 4 1-16 13 15 2 2 3 4 5 30 STOCKS. Vaiue.Open. High. Low, Bid.

Ask. Adventure IS 1 1 1 2 Ahmeek -i 280 3(0 Alloues 25 38 Arcadian 2 14 2 Arizrma 25 6 a 5 514 Butte MS 36H S6'i 36 88' Cal. 10 6fl 68'i Cal. A 25 445 tentennial lii 1 15 14 Ij Cop. MO 0'j 4S 4m4 40 DhIv West 2 2 Kast Ilutte 10 12'B It', 12'i Kvanklin 25 4 4 4 4 4'.

Granby 10 77 78 77H T7? Isie 25 2Mi 31 21 22 Indiana 2i 4 44 Iike 25 7 7 7 6 7 Miami 5 "314 23 Michigan 25 114 1 Mohawk 25 43 '44 N'lplsslng 5 8 g'i North 15 2S 28 21 28 North i5 1 Olri Dominion. 25 54 5S'j 54 54 oseeola mk xs yg Pond C. 10 22 2L 22 22'-4 22 Qlilnoy 25 63 6.1 63 Santa Fe 10 2 21J Shannon 25 29 29 29 29 2 Superior 25 29 29 29 29 Sup. Boston 10 3 3i 3 4 Tamarack 25 33 34 83 14 34 Trinity 25 6 6 5 6 I'tah 10 5 r.68 56V, F.6. 5 Wolverine 25 46 46 46 45 46 CURB MINING STOCKS.

Alaska 10 20 20 l.7i 20 Davis Daly 10 2 2 Yukon 6 2 2 International Rubber U. S. Light Heat i io nref erred Beaver Consolidated Braden British Columbia Ely Consolidated liorence Giroux tlreene Cananea Jumbo Extension Kerr Lake Rose McKiniev Mines Co. of America Nevada Hills New Keystone Nipissmg Ohio Copper Pacific Smelterir Stewart Temiskaming Tonopah Extension Tonopah Mining Tri-Bullion Wettlaufer Yukon Gold El Paso Marconi Quoted in cents per share. Missionary Society Meets.

SOMERSET, Sept. 16. The forfy-ninth annual iL-onvention of the AV'estein Pennsylvania Christian Missionary Society and Christian Woman's Board of Missions opened this evening In the local Christian Church and will remain In session until Thursday evening. This evening a Christian Endeavor session was held. M.

Small of F'ittsburgh. state superintendent. presiding. fevotional services were conducted by J. P.

Allison of Connellsville. The Rev. S. Kuckner of Somerset welcomed tho 2no assembled. The Rev.

E. P. JVlsa of. tttsl, JJveipcKil responded. kot steady to 250 lower.

Ijunbs 507 15; yearlings. 14 5054 00; wethers. 14 60; ewes. 13 00. CHICAGO.

Sept. 11 Close: Hogs Receipts 13,000 head; market steady; bulk of sales at 17 908 40; lights, 8 00; mixed. 17 66 00; heavy, J7 50tf 8 65; roughs, 17 50g 7 75; pigs 14 008 55. CatUe Reoeipta 2.500 head; market slow, generally steady. Beeses, Oos 2i; Texas steers.

16 76 g7 90; stockere and feeders. tSSOtfSOO; cows and heifers, 13 Kjrs 80; calves, 75SI12 00. Sheep Receipts 45,000 head; market steady to 10c lower. Native sheep. 13 504 76; western.

$3 71; yearlings, 14 75-85 75; native lambs. 15 25. NEW YORK, Sept. IS. Beeves Receipts 1,715 head: no trading.

Dressed. ltSHr. Calves Receipts 146 head; market steadv. 19 f1150. Culls, 17 00t50; city dreswd.

15 20c; country dressed, 12H17'c- Sheen and lambs Receipts head; market steady, tx 60-. culls, t2 0(i2 75; lambs. 16 culls, Hogs Receipts 2,879 bead; hogs, 19 10.19 5t: roughs. 17 7Mm 00. CINCINNATI, Sept.

16. Cattle Receipts Titi head; market steady. Pteers. 14 75rS 00; heifers, 14 50fti7 60; cows. IS ooitl 5o: calves steady.

4 50aHOO. Hogs Receipts 1,659 head; market steady. Packers, 00; commrn. sows, 14 65; pigs and lights. $4 0UMS9O: stags, 14 9v7 09.

ffheep Receipts "9 heed; market steady at $1 754 10; Iambs steady. 70. Ca Ives Select, 11c; choice. 9-giOUe; commost. 5 Sc.

LIVE STOCK MARKETS, PITTSBURGH UNION STOCK YARDS. Tuesday, Sept. 16. 1911. Cattle Supply light; market steady.

Choice, 1.300 to 1.4'K) lbs, $8 50t8 75; prime, 1,200 to l.SuO lbs. 251j9 61); good, 1,100 to 1,200 lbs. 7 7.VSS 10: lldv butchers, 1.00ft to 1.108 lbs. 97 60 so; fair, SuO to 1,000 lbs, f7 50; common, 700 to 900 lbs, 16 SOjll 00; heifers, ta M7 common to good fat bulls, $4 00; common to good fat cows. 14 OIKor7 00; fresh cows and springers, 0085 00.

Sheen and lambs SuddIv ltchl: nteadv nn sheep; lamlts and calves lower. Prime wethers. to 100 lbs, 8o'o5 00; good mixed, 85 to 90 lbs. $4 504 75; fair mixed. 75 to 90 lbs.

$4 004 4 50; culls and common, 506 3 60; lambs. 15 wgi veal calves, tU 50ilZ 00; heavy and thin calves. 7 Oo'irS on. Hogs Receipts. 13 double decks; market slow.

Prime heavy hogs. JS wjs heavy mixed. $9 00 u9 mediums, heavy yorkers. 2ts8 light yorkers. Is 09; best pigs.

ISfMKjSoO; roughs, 17 26J 7L; stags, 8 1 00- Br Associateo Prkss to Gazette Tuts. KANSAS CITY. Spt. 6. uno head, market higher: bulk of sa ea at iS 60.

Heavy, Ltvas ii: packers and butchers. 25'rrS lighu. 10-ag SS; pigs, I'attle Keei'ipts head, including SIX? southerns; niaiket t-adv to strong. Prime fed steers. Ktifci 9 dressed beef steers.

17 atwis su; southern steers, la at? Ti: cows, S4O0i7 00: heifers. 15 004j8 74; mockers and feeders. (, hulls 4 Wfl calves. tuvwiOOu. tiliesp Rtjctujna- njfat iiead; mar 4th wd.

Pgh, 24x97, Brady st 4.0u0 Jno Frost to Harry Edwards. Aug 7, 27th wd, Pgh, 25x63. MiUtern st 5,000 Thus l'rpst Io Jos Walters. Spt 16. 9U.

wd. MeKspt. 50x125. Forest ave 1,500 Robt Swan to Arthur A Anderson. Sept 10, Ross tp.

12 Pi.t acrf-s. pub rd 4,500 Mawm to Thos i Frazler. Aug 12 twiv Bcwman ave 2.009 Henrv l.elKwitx to Win OMver. Sept a. Mift'lin two.

75x110. Belmont ave 700 Inn ord to Juo lAwall. Sept 5, Dra- voshur2 horo Fourth st 700 Wm Pirrro to p'ranK i.hmsn. pt tL 2 iiciiftptr irf iiuieOs I.i00 Cottonseed Oil Market. NEW YORK.

Sept. 11 Cottonseed oil prime summer yellow. etvt. 17 Oclobex. 07, Uneuibzi.

iitoi aIsfaVWuik.

Pittsburgh Post-Gazette from Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania (2024)
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Name: Tyson Zemlak

Birthday: 1992-03-17

Address: Apt. 662 96191 Quigley Dam, Kubview, MA 42013

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Introduction: My name is Tyson Zemlak, I am a excited, light, sparkling, super, open, fair, magnificent person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.