St. Cloud Times from Saint Cloud, Minnesota (2024)


1938 Kelly Loses Fight GRASS BLAZES Obituary WI See by the Times" 1 ARE REPORTED Boy Scout Troop News or Activities of Boy Scouts in St Cloud VANDERSLUIS AT STATE SESSION Republicans 1 a i Business for State Convention MONTH'S WEATHER (Stat Reformatory Bureau) Fire Damage at Granite Minneapolis 30 47 New Orleans 54 70 New York 33 43 Winnipeg 34 50 ANTHONY V. STIMLER. Anthony V. Stimler, of Foley, died at 6:45 p. m.

Friday after an illness of four years. He was born at Victoria, Carver county, and resided at Foley for the past 30 years. For 10 years he conducted the village school for senior patrol leaders, pa City Tool Works Set At About $3,000 A series of grass fires have kept trol leaders and scribes at the Lincoln school this morning. Norman 4 A Olson was in charge. smithy, and for the 20 following years was in the garage business.

Just to help fill up Ye Old Scouts Oat Ma.Min,F(f. At. Pr. Sn. April 1 27 15 12 21 Mi April 2 29 16 13 23 AO .00 April 3 32 19 13 25 1.50 April 4 29 20 9 25 1.25 April 5 30 12 18 21 .00 jOO April 6 34 2 32 18 .00 .00 April 7 34 10 24 22 .00 .00 April 8 45 29 16 37 .00 .00 April 9 42 32 10 37 .00 .00 April 10 54 38 18 45 J02 .00 April 11 55 35 20 45 .00 JO April 12 53 31 22 42 .00 .00 April 13 60 35 25 48 .00 .00 April 14 55 36 19 48 .00 .00 April 15 52 32 20 42 .00 .00 April 16 52 28 24 40 .00 .00 April 17 48 27 21 38 .00 .00 Troop No.

5, Roosevelt school, renewed its charter on its first anniversary reecntly. The new committee elected is as folows: Scoutmaster, August Ohman. Troop committee, Otto Palisch, chairman, Harry Plachecki, Ed Isaacson and Albert Johnson. On March 18 the scouts of troop 5 in and over the ninth grade scored an easy victory over troop 11, Pan Town, in a basketball game at the Roosevelt school. nMarch 28 the fire department busy for the past several days.

Four fire alarms were answered Friday, one from the vicinity of the St. Cloud Packing company plant where sparks had ig Colyum today we 11 do a little more talking about the summer camping Taking an active part In the determination of policies to be presented to the state Republican convention in St. Paul Saturday, Ed. Vandersluis, St. Cloud, and Mrs.

Gust Parsons, Pillager, represented the sixth congressional district in the preliminary drafting of plans. They met with the newly-created state advisory council meeting with the regular executive tee when the combined groups were activities which are available for advanced scouts and faithful scout ers. We have mentioned several outdoor trips before, Including the nited a few shingles on the roof. The damage was slight. Two additional alarms were answered this morning but there was no damage in either instance.

canoe trips in the northern wilds. The following are two more good the smaller boys of the same troops Mr. Stimler married Mary Kampa on May 10, 1397, at Duelm. She survives with these children Rupert, Mrs. Alma Hammer, Mrs.

Florence Sauer, Leona, Anne and De-loris, Foley; Marie, St. Cloud; and Joseph, Minneapolis. Brothers are Paul, Clear Lake; Dan, Minneapolis, and Max, Dalbo, and sisters are Mrs. John Dingmann, Clear Lake; Mrs. Ed.

Dingmann, St. Cloud; Mrs. Archie McDonald, and Mrs. George Beneoff, Minneapolis. Funeral services will be held at 10 oclock Tuesday morning in St.

John's church at Foley with Rev. Theodore Wrobel officiating. played No. 5 wininng by a small margin. Chief J.

J. Gillis this morning Weather Forecast Wednesday night troop 22 scouts warned persons burning off dead grass to be careful of their fires. Should the blaze get beyond control, the fire department should be noti In session. Comprising the membership of the state advisory council are one mart and one woman elected from each congressional district to sit in conjunction with the regular state executive committee. Establishment of the state ad at Cathedral had a marching drill and played "Kelly Says" and dodge ball.

At the next meeting they ex Farmers Used Tractors New Oliver 3-Bottom Tractor Plow $115.00 3 Used Cans; Plows Used 2 Row Cultivators Used Engine Van Brunt Grain Drills John Deere Plows John Deere Tractors Tractor Oil 45c a gal. Cup Grease, 10 lbs. 75c Gun Grease, lb. 8c Axle Grease, lb. 6c I1AUCK COAL SUPPLY CO.

St. Cloud and Foley fied immediately. Fire Thursday night caused dam pect to carry out a number of first tonight and Sunday: not so cold Sunday and in northwest tonight. Wisconsin: Fair tonight and Sunday; not so cool Sunday and in northwest tonight. Iowa; Fair tonight and Sunday; not so cool tonight in central and west portions; rising temperature age estimated at about $3,000 at a aid exercises.

visory council represents the most warehouse owned by the Granite City Tool Works, 13 Cooper avenue north. The fire is believed to have started from spontaneous combus MRS. NELS FREUDENBERG ROLEN Mrs. Nels Freudenberg Rolen of Alexandria, who has been living at St. Josephs home, died April 15, at the age of 69 years.

At the troop 44 meeting at Lincoln school Wednesday night Lewis Olds, an Eagle scout, gave the troop a snappy drill and urged the boys to work for advancement. He outstanding development in the Republican party organization ing the past year. The new govern- lng body establishes a means whereby voters in each county are given a voice in party management and Sunday. Minnesota: Fair in south, partly cloudy in north tonight and Sun bets: They are the Montana pack saddle trip about July 19 to 26 in the Beartooth mountains and the region ten University of Scouting from July 27 to August 1, Itasca state park. The former is for advanced scouts minimum age 15, rank Star, Life, or Eagle with approved camping experience and physical condition.

The total cost for everything on the trail will be only $16.00. The trip will be held if advance registrations warrant it, so if you want a real "high adventure" trip talk it over with Mr, Wiggins at once. The University of Scouting at Itasca Park is for scouters only, minimum age 21. The cost is only $13.00 for the entir week including U. of M.

short course fee, sleeping and all meals. There will be expert instructors from the University of Minnesota, and from national, regional, and local councils. tion in a pile of rubber hosing and spread rapidly. A truck was destroyed and a quantity of blasting Mayor Edward J. Kelly of Chi also gave a short talk on planets The funeral will be held at the serves as a direct connecting link day; not so cool tonignt; warmer except in extreme sand and plaster of paris were dam and their positions.

The boys then between the central organization went outside where Lewis pointed aged. How much can be salvaged from this property could not be de and the local country organizations out many constellations and told cago, who backed Dr. Herman N. Sundesen In an effort to wrest the Democratic gubernatorial nomination rom- Gov. Henry Horner of Illinois, Is shown as he started for home after receiving downstate returns which brought victory to Horner.

(Associated Press Photo) Methodist church in Alexandria at 2:30 Sunday afternoon with burial in the cemetery at Parkers Prairie. Rev. Blunt of the Congregational church in Alexandria will officiate and six nephews will act as termined. some of -the stories connected with The tool firm stored a large quan them. There will be no scout meeting tity of equipment in the warehouse and the loss has not been accurately set as yet.

next Wednesday but instead the North Dakota: Generally fair tonight and Sunday; slightly warmer in south tonight; cooler Sunday in west and north. South Dakota: Fair tonight and Sunday; not so cool in east and south tonight; warmer In south-cast, cooler in northwest Sunday. Weather Outlook for Week troop will meet at the court of hon Mrs. Rolen leaves four children or Thursday night in the court Mrs. August Sauer, and Mr.

and Mrs. John Zormeier, Royalton; Miss TRUCK DRIVERS room at the court house. The Green Bar council held throughout the state. Under the present set-up dele- gates are acquainted with plans and policies of the party and given an 4 opportunity to discuss the issues before arrival at the scene of the state convention where in the past they were required to. cast votes with little or no opportunity to study the platform proposals.

The members of the council, familiar with the problems of their own localities, are asked to return to their congressional districts and fcold meetings there to conduct discussions and familiarize 1 members with preliminary work. and a number of stepchildren. The children are Mrs. Gilmore of Menagha; Walter Freudenberg of Cook; Herman Freudenberg of Cushing, Oklahoma; and Mrs. A.

T. Schmid of St. Ottillia Meyer, Buckman; and Mr. and Mrs. Peter Britz, Ronneby; For the region of the Great Mr.

and Mrs. Frank Mrs. Mary Lakes: First part of week com ARE FINED HERE Britz, Mrs. Frederickson, Mrs. DEFENSE WINS ANNUALPOPPY paratively dry; precipitation likely i Fischer, George Zormeier," and MAYER FUNERAL Ready CASH Use your car as collateral for a loan.

If your car paymenta are too large, we arrange to, refinance and give you cash to pay other obligations. Low Rates Easy Terms Merchants Jobbers Credit Corp. 310 Granite Exchange Bldg. St. Cloud, Minn.

within latter nan; cooi lor ine The funeral mass for most part. Warrants7 Sworn Out by For the upper Mississippi ana Mrs. Crest ence Zormeier, St. Cloud; J. A.

Nicol and Mr. and Britz and children, Superior, and Mrs. Joseph Vogel, Grass Range Mont. DAMAGE SUIT Aloysia Mayer, who died March 29, will be sung at the Catholic church SALE PLANNED lower Missouri valleys and the northern and central great plains: in Pearl Lake Monday morning at Railway and Warehouse Agent Four truck drivers, charged in a 9 oclock and burial made in the Lillie Nelson Not Entitled To Be Held May 23 for Not much precipitation indicated; temperatures near or below normal in general northern portions St. Mary's Parish to Resume Card Parties MRS.

JOHANNA ALVORD The death of Mrs. Johanna Al- Pearl Lake cemetery. Since. the time of Mrs. Mayer's death, the body has been in the North.

Star cemetery vault because road conditions in March did not permit To Collect Third Case Still on Trial Relief of Vet- erans- warrant signed; by- R. Henry of the state railway and -warehouse and mostly near or above normal In southern portions. vord, 63, occurred at her home in Sauk Rapids Friday evening. She had been ill for a number of years. commission, with having violated the Mrs.

Alvord was a resident of Harry Campbell, defendant in a In suggesting that the citizens parish resumes its card parties on Sunday evening in the school basem*nt at 8 oclock. Skat, 500 and bridge will be the games and there will be a lunch following. Sauk Rapids for 20 years, her hus provisions of the law setting maximum loads, were placed under arrest this week by Sheriff Art Mc-Intee. suit for personal injury damages re of this community pay a minimum of ten cents each for the buddy Boston 38 Calgary 42 Chicago 34 Duluth 26 Kansas City ...38 band having died two years ago. 50 78 42 44 62 63 80 There are seven children surviving.

poppies they will purchase on Sat It suiting from an automobile mishap, was given a verdict in district court late Friday, the jury ruling that Lillie Nelson, plaintiff, was not entitl The four, men, all from St. Cloud and Waite Park, were W. G. Los Angeles 5 Miami They are; Mrs. Raymond Grablin, Faribault; Mrs.

Henry Brunner, St. Cloud; Frank Alvord, Sauk Rapids; Mrs. Edward Walsh, St. Lorge, K. Engen, M.

Ahles and urday, May 23, in the 15th annual buddy poppy sale of the Veterans of Foreign Wars of the United States, an explanation of the man ed to damages. The plaintiff claim REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS Mike Genz, All but Ahles have appeared in district court and have ed that she sustained injuries when ner in which the proceeds are ex been fined $5 and costs lor their vi travel to Pearl Lake. MRS. JOHN BESTGEN Mrs. John Bestgen, 38, died at 5 oclock this morning at her home, 231-19 avenue north, after a weeks illness with pneumonia.

body will be at the residence Sunday and remain there until it is taken to Sfes. Peter and Paul's church in Richmond for the funeral services which is to be at 9:30 oclock Tuesday morning with burial in the Richmond cemetery. Mrs. Bestgen was bora in Richmond, her maiden name Catherine Helen Schulte. Her marriage to Mr.

Bestgen took place August 6, She lived in St. Cloud eight Campbell's car figured in an acci dent near here some months ago. Cloud; Mrs. Bert Rechctte, St. Paul; Edgar Berg, Faribault; Fabian Alvord, Sauk Rapids.

pended given today, by De olations. partment. Commander W. Court adjourned this noon with The charge asserts that these Peter Lutgen to Agnes MuggU Stein B'j SEV4 Sec. and NBV NE'i Sec.

12- Funeral services will be held at Save On Screen Enamel Nimens. FIRE CAUTION URGED While it is necessary for people; to do some burning of old grass and rubbish in various parts of the city during the spring clean-up, a note of warning has been sounded, by fire oaf police officers for care the cases of Robert and Electa Cannon against M. A. Narurrt still on tri ten oclock, Monday morning at the truck drivers have violated the state law regulating the gross weights of "Each buddy poppy to be sold i-au smuu.uo lot acres. Charles Quinn and wife to Earl Finger Lot 6 In Cooper's Rearrange- Sacred Heart church in Sauk in this city was painstakingly fash trucks in operation on the highways al.

This action was continued to Monday but it was expected that Rapids, and burial will be made in 23 ment of Lots In Blk 39 In Wilson's Special! 1 quart size the Sauk Rapids cemetery. The re to be exercised so that the flames! ioned by one of the thousands of disabled veterans in our government hospitals or by one of hun it would be completed within a short Improvements Begin mains will be at the Alvord home time next week. The plaintiff's claim Survey la the City of St. Cloud (1.00 W. T.

D. Earl E. Finger to Charles and Helena Quinn Lot 6 of Cooper's ment of Lots In Blk 39 of Wilson's In until the time of the funeral. dreds of our needy veterans," Com Thislmn Hardwire Cs. to have sustained injuries in an au On Whitney Building will not spread.

Children should be especially careful with fires to prevent them from getting out of control. tomobile accident near Anoka some Mr. Bestgen survives "with the city of St. Cloud (1.00 Joint Ten ancy Deed. mander Nimens J'You will not be paying 10 cents for a little red flower.

You will be giving that sum time ago, Narum's car figuring in Freight Loadings two sons. Theodore ana Meivin. Oswald Fischer to Mary Fischer SE'i the crash. Mrs. Bestgen also leaves her may sec.

i ana wy2 bwv( oec. zz- Continue Increase ua-ai Executors as your own private contribution to the great humanitarian, work of relieving the sufferings of these Wilhelm Mueller to Bertha Helm- Richmond; one sister, Mrs. Mary 'stetter S'2'NEi' Sec. 20-123-33 $2000.00 EXPECT 4 BUSES Remodeling of the-Whitney Laiid company building at 505 St. Germain, which started Wednesday, will continue for about a month-Included in the work will be rewiring, installation of new lighting fixtures and redecorating on both floors and alterations on the sec- Washington, (P) The Association Ressemann in Richmond, and six BUY! WANT TO w.

r. u. Mamie Thlelman to Thrasllla Ahles brothers: Ben Schulte in Melrose; Easterly 200 ft of East half of lots 1 2 In Garden Acres St. Cloud Andrew, Henry and John in Rich muu.w w. T.

D. mond; William in Darfor; and HERE APRIL 22 ray sci Gustav Granzow and Louise Gran- Theodore in New Munich. zow to Fred Granzow SE'i Sec, end floor which will provide two complete office suites. When completed the second floor of American Railroads reported loadings of revenue freight for the week ending last Saturday totaled 622,138 cars. This was an Increase of 8571 cars, or 1.3 percent, compared with the preceding week; an increase of or 6.1 percent, compared with a year ago, and an increase of 42.157 or 7.3 percent, compared with two All Eight Vehicles Will Be 20 and SW'i 8W4 Bee, 21-122-27 (1.00 and other T.

Irene Dzlublnskt to Elmer Btresnak Fart of Lot 10 in Blk 2 in Townslte DOBMEIER FUNERAL Largely attended funeral services suites-will be occupied by the law were held in the Catholic church at or Wardvllle $1.00 and other Q. C. D. Bernard Heylng and wife to State Bank of Richmond Lots 1-2-3-4-5 6 BRING THEM LN UNSTRETCHED WE PAY HIGHEST MARKET PRICES St. Cloud Fur Shop 15 FIFTH AVE.

SOUTH ST. CLOUD St. Joseph for Mrs. Theresia Dob-meier, a resident of that village, Painted in Shops of Raymond Bros. Four of the new buses for the men, and their dependent wives and children.

"The entire proceeds of the nationwide buddy poppy sale, conducted annually by the Veterans of Foreign Wars of the United States, is devoted to the widows and orphans of World War veterans, and to the relief, welfare and service work which our organization supports among America's war veterans. "One cent from each buddy poppy sold will be sent to the V.F.W. national home at Eaton Rapids, where, it helps to maintain and operate this unique institution. Another two and one-half cents from each poppy sold is used to maintain the national and state rehabilitation service, which ad years ago. In Blk 37 Townslte of Richmond (1.00 Q.

C. D. Ina Ellen Johnson and husband to who died this week at Superior, offices of Henry H. Sullivan, present and the land company which will move from the ground floor. A new tenant will move in downstairs when the improvements are done.

The Whitney Land company has been located on the ground floor of the building. since about 1885. Wis. Edward E. BethXe Lots 12 13 In Blk 5 In Townslte of Kimball (1.00 and otner joint Tenancy ueea.

Rev. Father Severin, O. S. sang the requiem high mass, and interment followed in the parish bus transportation system which will start in St. Cloud early in the morning of Thursday, April 30, will arrive here next Wednesday, Floyd P.

Raymond, president and general Peter Jendro to Emma A. Jendro et al Part of Govt Lot 1 also NW'i-NW'i 'cemetery. tsec. ii.oo and other e. c.

Adolph Peterson to Roy Newman $1,500,000 is Paid As Phone War Ends Madison, Wis. (IP) The long battle between the Wisconsin Telephone company and the state tax commission over payment of income taxes assessed against the utility was settled for approximately $1,500,000. Part of SE'i SW'i Sec. 12-121-29 $350.00 manager of the Raymond Brothers Motor Transportation, said w. x.

u. Elsie E. Conlbear and 'husband to Henry Ampe NW'4 and part of lying north of Ry Co. in Sec. Social Justice Unit Meets Monday Night All members of unit No.

40, Na Mrs. John Feneis parried the cross, and the honorary pallbearers were Mrs. Henry Kuebelbeck, Mrs. Catherine Nathe, Mrs. Catherine Lamar, Mrs.

John Reber, Mrs. Max Meyer, and Mrs. John Danzl. Active pallbearers were Oscar Krebsbach, John Weber, John this morning. Several of his men left today for Lima, Ohio, to get the 21-passenger buses.

The other four vehicles are The company agreed to pay vises assists thousands-of disabled overseas veterans in the establishment of equitable claims for government compensation and hospitalization 000 for the years 1927 to 1930, the expected to arrive here the. following Saturday. Work will begin' im tional Union for Social Justice, are requested to be present at a meeting which will be held at St. An Reber. Anton Reber, Ed.

Pfannen-! taxing period involved in a case mediately on painting and lettering thony hall Monday night, April 20, stein, and Ed. Roth. pending before the commission, and Out of town people attending to settle about $700,000 additional the buses in the company shop at 8 oclock. Matters of importance were Mr. and Mrs.

Herman Sauer, for 1930 on. "Added to the small sum paid the veteran who makes the this three and one-half cents brings the cost of each poppy to approximately five and one-half will be taken up, especially relative here and will be completed on all machines in time for the opening April 30. to the convention at Melrose Sun day. cents. Since all proceeds over this A total of 21 men will be directly connected with the new bus system when it begins operating on a 10 and rJW'4 i of Ky in Bee.

15-1Z2-3Z $1.00 and other W. T. D. E. H.

and Maude Rich his wife to Henry Ampe Wlfc less Ry and part of EV2 NWV4 lying north of Ry Co. in Sec. 15 and part of S'i of SW'i Bee. 10-122-32 $1.00 and other Q. C.

D. City of Sauk Centre to Ole K. Aarseth Lot 6 In Blk 1 and Lo's 3 as 4 In Blk 3 In Houghton's Add to Sauk Centre $1.00 and other Q. C. D.

Ole K. Aarseth to Church of the Lutheran Brethern of America Lot 6 In Blk 1 and Lots 3 4 Blk 3 Houghton's Third Add to Sauk Centre $1.00 and other W. T. D. Louis M.

Jacobs and wife to Gertrude Jaeger Part of Lot 11 of Auditor' Sub. No. 8 City of St. Cloud $1.00 W. T.

D. Gertrude Jaeger to Mary Jacobs Part of Lot 11 In Auditor's Sub No. 8 City of St. Cloud $100 W. T.

D. Gertrude Jaeger to George Baltes An Und 18 of part of Lot 11 In And. Sub. No. 8 City of St.

Cloud $1.00 W. T. D. Gertrude Jaeger to Anthony Baltes TJnd 28 In Part of Lot 11 of And. Sub.

No. 8 City of St. Cloud $1.00 W. T. D.

Special Viaduct amount are devoted to our local relief, welfare and service work among disabled and needy veterans 30-minute schedule over routes Planned for Blind of this community-work which otherwise would fall upon local charitable agencies and taxpayers we are confident that the citizens which provide adequate service to Sauk Rapids, Waite the reformatory, Veterans hospital, and all main points within the city limits. Eighteen of the staff will be bus drivers who will be put through a school of instruction from Sunday, April 26 until the service Faribault, W) Students in the state school for the blind sensitive to touch will get preliminary training in finding their way down town by way of a new $150000 via of community-work which contribute a minimum of 10 cents o) dUrv for the buddy poppies they will wear oh Memorial day, in honor duct to be built this year. or America's soldier dead, whose sacrifices our entire nation will ob serve on Saturday, May 30." is officially inaugurated. Work painting bus stop marks on the curbing and installing the "bus stop" signs on standards at about 40 main locations is expected to start next week. A two-day celebration to com Ml Yon Ilesd to Enow Hfcsst a Ecfrigcratcr-It's a Gsnsral Electric -and it costs less to own! Marine Enlistments City and state highway department officials unable to visualize the proposed viaduct through mere blue prints had a complete model made to scale and showing every detail of the route.

J. C. Lysen superintendent of the school for the blind asked it be loaned to that institution. "We could use the model" he wrote to the highway department, "in explaining to our blind boys and Open for Four Weeks Lwelw M. Jacobs and wife to Gertrude Jaeger Lot 17 In Blk 2 in Pan Add to St.

Cloud $1.00 W. T. D. Gertrude Jaeger to Mary Jacobs Lot 17 In Blk 2 In Pan Add to City of Bt. Cloud $1.00 Q.

C. D. Carrie Clark to Edward A. Arnold NW'i and SW'4 NW4 Sec. 33-122-31 11 00 W.

T. D. Edward A. Arnold to Carrie Clark and Summer Hurd NW'i SW'i nd SW'i NWi, Sec. 33-122-31 $1.00 and other Joint Tenancy Deed.

Jacob Tschlda and wife to Joeoh and Jacob F. Techlda. WVi of NE'i of 6Ei Sec. 21-125-34 S1.00 W. T.

D. Peter Dombrockse to Alfons X. Dom-brovske Lot 5 in Blk 1 in Villa Park memorate the closing of street car service in the city after being in operation since October 3, 1887, at Is Pleased to Announce That IVES ICE CREAM CO. 1 Has Been Appointed Local Distributors Ask for the Famous first with horse cars, and with elec tric equipment since June 24, 1892, wm laice place Thursday and Fit girls how they may get down town via the new viaduct with the least day, April 30 and May 1. The exact time when street car service will! The United States Marine Corps is now accepting young men for enlistment during the next four weeks.

They will be sent to the base at San Diego, CaL, for training. The Marine Corps offers steady employment with' an opportunity for promotion, free education, travel, adventure and athletics. The Marines travel to the four corners traffic Research keeps G-E Refrigerators yeaxs ahead always all ways! Choose a G-E and you don't need to be concerned over your refrigerator's oper-iting cost. Nor need you bother your head about fast freezing speeds, proper temperatures of storage compartment or cabinet "gadgets." Today there are more G-E sealea mechanisms in use than all other refrigerator "sealed" settled Wheelrxk WWtoev Zn N- W- ElsberS' state hlhway com SJeof MSLrTsSB rld 156 company said today, but will de-imade available to the school. nonrl t-Vi 1 Add to St.

Cloud $1.00 W. T. D. Peter Dombrorske to Edmund A. Btotko Lots 14 15 In Blk 1 in Villa Park Add to St.

Cloud $1.00 W. T. D. Frank B. Daniel and wife to Mary Wruck Lot 8 in Blk 4 James Add to Sauk Centre U.00 W.

T. D. William Hohensee to John Stangler Lots 3-4 7 in Sec. 30-125-31 also part of lot 2 In Sec 30-125-31 $10.00 Joint Sealed-in-steel G-E THRIFT-UNIT has exclusive FORCED-FEED LUBRICATION and OIL COOLING Now gives "Double the Celd" and uses even less current than ever. 5 YEARS MEFOtMANCI PIOTECTIOM 0OQ.5O officially starts.

Transportation of of the earth and are in China, the Philippines, Guam, Panama and the Hawaiian Islands. Liquor Banned by Fairmont Council Burning of Leaves On Streets Barred mechanisms combined. Every Persons desiring further information are requested to write to the Marine Corps recruiting station, 824 New Poftoffice Building, -Chicago, Illinois. minute every day tome- GAVE AGED dElI! ''ICE CREAM CO. Tfttnhon.

2200 515-4th Str. No. t. Fairmont, Minn. VP) Declaring Et.

Cloud residents are requested i that state liquor regulation laws ry the city street department not! were practically wiped out by the to bum leaves or rubbish on the 1935 legislature, the Fairmont city rtreets, particularly on bithulitic council passed an ordinance pro- Prices art os low os with easiest terms Kiwanians to Hear Dr. Stewart Monday pavements or oil streets, durinz Tenancy Deed. Ale Lemmer and irtfe to Mike Wels-ter Lots 7 8 In Blk 1 Batz It Her-1 mans Add to Holdingford also Lots 1 is 2 In Batz's Add to Holdingford (3000 00 W. T. D.

Marion A. Stu1r and husband to Leo C. Btuder NW'i FE'i and NE'i NE'i Sec. 34 also B'j Sec. 27-124-29 11.00 and other Q.

C. D. John Welsman and wife to K. P. Rothstsln and wife W'j of Lots 11 12 less Great Northern Ry Bik 45 also lots 7-8-9 ft 10 In Blk 48 also all of Walnut Street Mn? between blk 45 te 48 North of Great Northern Ry Co.

(100 00 Joint Tenancy Deed. Ber-ha Lewerenz to Theckla J. Miller et al Lot 1 in Blk 8 in Oak Prk Add to PavnesrlKe also lot 1 in B-k 18 In Hins Add to Village of Paynes-ytile 1550 00 i -Arthur Emann et al to Jtamann EE4 NWi part of fee. 3-124-31 350Q.0Q X. Uhe annual spring cleanup and all hibiting sale and the transportation for Eale of litjuor within the city limits.

year. Fires on these two types of pavement melts the composition ar.d ment melts the composition ar.d Dr. N. E. Stewart, clinical director of the St.

Cloud Veterans hospital, TO WED IS SEATTLE will give a talk on "Occupational deteriorates the surfacing, Nat B. Seattle (AP) Joseph J. Carpent General Electric Dealers for St. Cloud Nest Door to Fostoftke Therapy" at the regular weekly commissioner of streets and er. 27, St.

Paul, and Martha M. meeting of th? Kiwanis club at the; public improvements, said this Peterson, 21, Deer River, Ereen hotel Monday. J. F. Bridges morning In urMcg that the prac-j yesterday were issued a marriage will presida, luce be stoppeC icense..

St. Cloud Times from Saint Cloud, Minnesota (2024)


Who is the famous person from St. Cloud MN? ›

  • Joel Gretsch. Actor. Producer Push (2009) ...
  • Gig Young. Actor They Shoot Horses, Don't They? ( 1969) ...
  • Jodi Thelen. Actress The Wedding Singer (1998) Jodi Thelen was born on 12 June 1962 in St. ...
  • June Marlowe. Actress Pardon Us (1931) ...
  • Rod McCary. Actor. ...
  • Drew Rausch. Actor. ...
  • Phil Schumacher. Actor. ...
  • Amanda Melby. Actress.

Is St. Cloud Minnesota expensive? ›

St. Cloud, Minnesota's cost of living is 2% lower than the national average. The cost of living in any area can vary based on factors such as your career, its average salary and the real estate market of that area.

What is the race population of St. Cloud Minnesota? ›

Download Table Data
RacePopulationPercentage (of total)
Black or African American12,52218.17%
Two or more races4,0755.91%
3 more rows

How many animals can you have in St. Cloud MN? ›

Cloud Police Department at (320) 251-1200 and request an officer be dispatched. ten (10) pets may be kept on residential property.

How many Somalis live in St. Cloud MN? ›

The most recent American Community Survey shows 3,542 residents report Somali ancestry in the 194,000 St. Cloud metro area, which includes Stearns and Benton counties.

What is the nickname for St. Cloud MN? ›

Granite quarries have operated in the area since the 1880s, giving St. Cloud its nickname, “The Granite City.”

How many people are homeless in St. Cloud MN? ›

The number of people experiencing homelessness in Stearns County has been steadily increasing. According to the Point In Time Count, the number of individuals living unsheltered any given night in 2023 was 359 compared to 173 individuals in 2019.

Why is St. Cloud famous? ›

St. Cloud is known for its granite quarries, which have been worked since 1868. It is located in the state's top agricultural region, which produces dairy products, poultry, oats, barley, rye, hay, corn, and soybeans.

What is the sister city of St Cloud Minnesota? ›

Cloud, Minnesota. On June 22, 2006, a city partnership was established between the city of St. Cloud, Minnesota and the city of Spalt, Bavaria.

Are there bears in St. Cloud MN? ›

The Minnesota Department of Natural Resources Conservation Officer Brett Fox told KNSI News they believe it's unlikely there are any breeding populations in St. Cloud. However, “It is possible that there might be a transient bear passing through.

Can you have chickens in Saint Cloud? ›

Up to 4 chickens may be kept on an occupied detached single-family or duplex residence.

What is St. Cloud MN known for? ›

St. Cloud is known for its granite quarries, which have been worked since 1868.

Who owned the Poseidon house in St. Cloud MN? ›

In 2020, current owner Kourtney Bradford acquired the house when she made a "low-ball offer" of $495,700 (it was previously listed as high as $1.2 million).

Who represents St. Cloud MN? ›

Dan Wolgamott (14B) - Minnesota House of Representatives.

What is the sister city of St. Cloud Minnesota? ›

Cloud, Minnesota. On June 22, 2006, a city partnership was established between the city of St. Cloud, Minnesota and the city of Spalt, Bavaria.

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Author: Tuan Roob DDS

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Name: Tuan Roob DDS

Birthday: 1999-11-20

Address: Suite 592 642 Pfannerstill Island, South Keila, LA 74970-3076

Phone: +9617721773649

Job: Marketing Producer

Hobby: Skydiving, Flag Football, Knitting, Running, Lego building, Hunting, Juggling

Introduction: My name is Tuan Roob DDS, I am a friendly, good, energetic, faithful, fantastic, gentle, enchanting person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.