The Courier-Journal from Louisville, Kentucky (2024)

'K sa aaeiaa-as THE COURIER-JOURNAL, LOUISVILLE, WEDNESDAY MORNING, MAY 17, 1939. CLASSIFIED AD EKT1sem*nTS. SECTION 2 -se sr sg- Deaths. Harold Snover, 101 1 E. Broadway, do-business at 1IH1S E.

Broadway, hereby declares his intention to apply for license as retail beer dealer. ItcJtitul the 3i ivrophotte Iva M. Zeller. Rt. 1, Buechel.

doing business as Clem's Place. Rt. 1, Buechel. hereby declares his intention to apply for license as retail liquor and beer dealer by "the drink under the State law. Maher Passamanech, 1R53 Rutherford Louisville.

doing business as Sanders Drug Store, 2116 S. Preston tAiiiisville, hereby declares his Intention to apply lor license as retail liquor dealer by the package and beer by Ute drink: under the Slate law. Summer Gain In Business Is Prophesied Washington, May 16 4, The Bureau of Agricultural Economics appraised economic conditions today as continuing to point to some -is rx DRAMA 7:45 A.M. WHAS Bachelor' Children 8:30 A.M. WAVE Just rfain Bill 2:00 T.M.

WHAS Betty and Bob 6:00 T.M. WHAS Oklahoma Prison Break MUSIC A.M. WAVE Viennese Ensemble 2:45 P.M. WHAS Bluegrass Brevities 6:30 P.M. WAVE Tommy Dorsey From Raleigh 9:30 P.M.

WHnS Whiteman's Swinging Strings TALKS 1:30 P.M. WHAS Round Table Discussion 3:00 P.M. WAVE Louisville Vs. Columbus 5:30 P.M. WHAS "Ask It Basket" 6f45 P.M.

WHAS Lieut. Gov. Keen Johnson VARIKTY (5:30 A.M. WHAS Early Morning Jamboree 7.00 P.M. WHAS "The Star Theater" 8:00 P.M.

WAVE: Kay Kyser's Kolleg 8:30 P.M. WHAS "It Can Be Done" eaf i ii in F'rancis X. Bushman, dramatic star of stage, screen and radio plays the male lead in "Stepmother" heard Mondays through Fridays. 8:45 A.M., WHAS. Wednesday Program 5:30 A.M.

HVir. WHAIMBtSi WAVE lll'l WM Wl.W 7WO TIME Early Risers' Emmy Sunset Rangers .45 Asbury fellege Jytiena Tennessee Ramblers Family Prayer Perleg is CJellea Itevatiene 1 eitnesse Ramblera News se i.rlT M.r n. Hillbillies West Cewbey Time Vmrtl Marning J. M.I.4C Kanga Kldara M.rnlng Newa uniting flaneer.

1 aVlyM7Ring Breakfast lab beekarbaard Tim Time Shine XT Marn n. Jsmb.rse Breakfast lab Tim. te Shine News uVrulTews Br.akfa.lCleb Breakfast 4 lub Beene C'ennty Carayaa 1:3 Vl" B.Vhel.r 4 bllMM Br.akf.sK lab Breakfast 4 1Mb The iespl Sing.r 1:45 "tTTkliTeimily Newa 4 entral City Central City IT! a4 M.cia J. hn'. Other Wife Other Wife Allis.n 8:15 hhh.1 H.aa.

Mat Plain Hill Ja. Plalc. Hill Heart J-li. Blake" King and Arrival the Air Hannah "a "'m Airll'nea- Buddy Br.rk Viennese Ensemble News Linda's First I.eye Klng Singer and III.

Seng. VI.and i 1 ia iSialer rranAlllaee rianAIH.en tranAllla.a Jenay Sl.rle. Peuaer I pper. ISM Mary Margaret MeBride The Fditer Daughter Alice Cornell The Editer's Daughter 10: News: Mr. Uit Kld.edler, The O'Neill.

,1".l Hrl'l Trnt arm and H.m. H.ur arm and M.ur News: F. and H. Our ial Sunday Farm and Heme Hear farm and Hair Farm and H.ur 1:45 The n.tdbergs arm and Hear Farm and Hear Farm and H.ur 11-1 I ife Can Be Beautiful Singing Sam Let's Tslk It Over News 11:15 it a ad I a I ife Tea bles Take. Charge Sennet, In Swing I.lye.lerk 11:3 114" This lIy Is Our.

Phil Br.te rhirBrite These Hap.y Oilman. 1I: 77m Warld New. King ierg l.unrheeu I'niy. ef Tennessee Belly and Bob l'l King I unrhe.n King 4. e.rge Luncheon hamber Orrhestra Arnold Grlmm'a Daughler Hmw 1 at'k- W'lh'r; Stiv.

Sayings 1 alk Livestoek Noontime Newa Valiant Lady lt: Coll'rge'of Agricultur. News "r't- Agrleultur. Betty 4 rorker tfm idTwalVVnooeers Man On the Htreet Mary Marlln MaryMarlin 1:1 Kunahine Rue and Ranger. l.unehe.n Matinee Ma Perkins M.rerhln. l-M Behind the Headline.

I.arlen. Pepper V.ung Family Pepper V.un, Family 1.3. 1:4.1 Behind the Headline. Rey. II.

M. OayU The C.uldlng Light la Light lob "nb Malice Club Matinee Ma ll.lterf leld. I5 Hymn, of All Churrhe. Stella Walla. Mell.

Dalla. Club M. line. IJ Your Family and Mine Treasure he.4 Club Matinee Life Can Ba Beautiful Bluegraaa Brevities Tr.aaura Cheat Club Matlne. One Woman Speaka :45 HlacioM nccrlllr.

I.ouIstIIIo ys. A Woman L.oha At Nlw. Midstream O. Of Men and Books Loui.yille ys. Columbus 4

1. He Ann. unfed Ftrt liar's Activities Louisville ys. Columbus hose Happy 4. iimans lionMlnslow 4J he Vee Want le Leulsvlll vs.

Celumbu. Old Sengs and N.w Vaughn l. I.ealh Wednesday9 Program i P.M. to 1 A.M. TIMS.

WHAmlNI SAVlimi WM AU Wl.W 7IM i-uai Rt lanmaa L.utsyill. vs. C.lumbus Fay Kitty Keene. Ine. 41 H.wl.

Wing Louisville ys. Columbus Hatel orrhestra. Adrian Rolllnl'a Trie 4:15 4 iw Herbl. Kerb l.eulsyllle ys. Columbus Romsnre Lyrlrs Hmllln' J.rk 4 4.1 Boil.

Rhode. Louisville vs. Columbus Market Reports News 4:45 widNeeT. Hit Kerue On lh. Bandstand Rsker and lirnlnn SOU I (tongmaaler 4 ailing All Star.

Wl.W Spot Kg hi SI1 tak It Basket Lane Ranger New. r.nt Paga facade 5:45 Aak It Baaket Lone Ranger BuekRogera Inside ef Span. 5:45 no Oanr Busters One Man's Family One Man's Family One Man's Family IS fiang Busters One Man'a amllv One Man's ramllv One Man's amity 1 yaur Favorite Hymn Tommy Oarsev's Oreh. Tommy lioraey's Orrh. Tommy Borsry's Orrhealra :45 Lieut.

Gey. Keen Johnson Tommy Dorsey'. Oreh. Temmy Dorsey's Orrh. Tommy Dersey's Orrhestra :4.1 7 IM star Theater Town Hall Tonight Town Hall Tonight Tawn Hall Tonight 7:00 7 15 Star Theater Town Hall Tonight Tewn Hall Tenlg hi Tawn Hall Tonight 115 1 Ml Star Theater Tewn Hall Tonight Town Hall Tonight Tewn Hall Tonight 7 7:45 Klar Theater Town Hall Tonight Tewn Hall Tenig ht Tewn Hall Tonight 1:45 g7a it Mao and a tilrl Kay Kyarr'a Kollego Kay Kyaer'a K.lleg.

Kay Kyser's K.lleg. ee III Men and a tilrl Kav Hyacr's K.lleg. Kar Kyaer's K.lleg. Kay Kyser's Kolleg. 5 Il4 Kay Kyaer'a Kollege Kay Kyser's Kollego Kay Kyser's K.lleg.

II 4 an Be Oast K.r Kyser's Kellrge Kay Kyaer'a K.lleg. Kay Kyser's K.lleg. Ames Audy News Vecal Varieties Mr. Diatrirt Attorney IMt IJ and" Abner Smeke Dreams The World In Review TheCe-eds Pael Whitemaa Russ Mergan (ieedw ill Hour 1 Re AnneunreJ Paul Whitemaa Russ Mergan Hour To Be Announced Paul Kulllvan. News Jaa Savitt'a Orebastre National Pleasure Time Newa Walsh Looks 'Em 4er Jan Sarin Orchestra National Pleasure Time Jan Savitt'a Orrhestra tirorge Olson's Orchestra Lights Out Lights Out Lights Out lo tieorge Olson's Orchestra Lights tint Lights Out Light.

Out 1:45 Bob Hulsell Orrhestra King's Jesters To Re Announced Ah Lyman's Orrhestra 11:15 Benny Strong's Orrhestra Te Re Announced Abe Lyman's Orrhestra 11:1.1 Serenade Bill Roberts' Orchestra To Re Announced Moon River 11:30 11:15 Dream Serenade Bill Roberts' Orrhestra To Announced Moon River 11:45 at 1 weleo to One Club MualeVouWant Barney Rapp'a Orrheatra CM Twelve to One MusleV.uWant Barney Rapp'a Orchestra It IS It: 10 Twelve to One Cleb Mailt Toe Want To Ba Announced It 10 12:45 Twelve te One Club King's Jesters To Be Announred 17:45 SWEET Monday, May 15. 1939. at 8 p.m., at the residence of her daughter. Mrs. John M.

Waggener. 2754 Graham Avenue. Annie Scully Sweet, widow of James G. Sweet and mother of Mrs. John M.

Waggener. Mrs. George M. Evans. Mrs.

Lillian Ditto and Misa Winhert Sweet. Funeral from Pearson's, 1310 South Third Street. Wednesday afternoon at 2:30 o'clock. Inter-ment in Cave Hill Cemetery. Lexington, Kent irky, papers please eopy.

TAYLOR Tuesday. Mav IS. lfli. 9 41 a Briget A. Tavlor (nee ConnellyV beloved sister of Mrs.

Nell B. Ru-C Remains at Barrett Funeral Home. 1230 Bardslown Rd. Funeral Friday, May IB. at 8:30 am.

from the funeral home and at St. Jame. Church at 9 a m. Interment in St. Louis Cemetery.

THOMPSON Monday evening. May 15. 1939. George Thomas Thompson, irt bis 69th year, at his residence. 4139 Reservoir Camp Taylor.

beloved husband of Annie Thompson (nee Montgomeryi. Funeral from the McAfee Funeral Home, Mt. Washington. Wednesday. May 17.

at 2 30 m. Interment In Fiverview Cemetery. Please omit flowers. WELCOME May 15. 1939.

at 3 30 pm. Sophia M. Welcome, in her year, beloved sister of A. J. Meunier.

aunt of M. L. Meunier. Louisville, and Julia Himrich. of Sunny.side.

L. I. Funeral from the residence. 4200 North Western Parkway. Friday morning.

May 19. at 8:30 o'clock and from the Church of Our Lady at 9 o'clock. Interment in Cave Hill Cemeterv North Vernon. Ind and Cleves, Ohio, papers, please copv. WII.Iir.I.M Mondav, Mav 15.

lHO at 8 30 at his residence. 1918 W. Main John Edward Wilhelm, in his 54th vear. beloved father of Karl Albert Earl Alma and Dorothy L. Wilhelm: brother of Arthur P.

Wilhelm. Mrs. Maggie Rush, and Mrs. Emma Higby. Funeral from Schoppenhort Funeral Home.

1832 W. Market Wednesday. Mav 17. at 2:30 p.m. Interment in Cave Hill Cemetery.

FlorlsM. FLOWERS Plants for porch boxee. Gladlnla, canna. tuberose bulbs. W.

L. PALMER, FLORIST. Broad way At 25th SHawnee 079. IBIS 100 varieties, some bloom nvtc. yearly: cut 1312 Hepburn.

A- bash 3790. FLOWERS Vegetable and bedding pTa it. all kinds; cheap. Florist. 222 S.

28th. Cemetery Ixyts, Monument. Panke Monument Co. Out of the High Rent Distnet. 817 E.

Jefferson, near Shelhy. JA CREMATION Free pamphleL JA 754. Has Public Approval LOUISVILLE CREMATORY, 841 Baxter. EVERGREEN 4-grave lot; Section 3t cheap for cash. Zettwoch.

WA 2834. Funeral Directors. Albert Neurath At Son Funeral Home. T25 B. Market St.

JAckson John II. Miller Miller Funeral Home. Ine. 1H1T W. Jefferson.

JArkacm M3t. Keenan's Modern Funeral Servie. 1529 W. Market. BARRETT FUNERAL HOME 1230 Bardstown Road.

HI 17Wt BLANFORD. T. A. 2815 S. 4th.

MAgnolia 0141-0141. P. J. DOl-CHERTY SON MAgnolia 1130. 1230 S.

3d JK. Godfrev RltSSMAN MORTt'ARY 1041 Goss Avenue. MAgnolia 748. H. BOSSE cV SON Broadway At Hanco*ck.

JOHN B. RATTERMAN 2114 W. Market. SHawnee 124.1. LEE E.

CRALLE CO INC. 1330 S. Third St. McDANIEL BROS. MAgnolia 1011-1012.

4339 Park Blvd. SMITH, GRAN SONS 1029 S. 6th. JAckson 42M. THE SCHOPPENHORST BROS.

Funeral Home. 19th and Market. Lodge Notice. 9 Ahraham Lndae Mumh.r a F. and A.

will meet in Mated communication in De-Molav Coininandery HH 212 W. Broadwav. this May 17. 1939. at 7.4T p.m.

for the transaction of r.ajiiiiMuuri. jii piaster Masons sojourning in the city and members of sister lodges are fiaternsily tnur'a io meet wnn us DANIEL GRAV. Mas'er. VILLIAM J. MANSFIELD.

Secretary. Banner Council. Numher 39 Junior OUA.M.. extends cor dial invitation to all Juniors at the the annual Veterans' Night meeting Wednesday. May 17th.

the 86th anniversary of our order. Awarding of 30-year membership cer tificates, quiz contest with mimerom cash address by Judge Luther M. Roberts. P. music by Banner Council Band.

Ref i eshments. Smoker. BENJAMIN LYNCH 17.. Councilor, STANLEY BURGER. Rec.

Secy. Preston Lodge, Number 281, F. and A. will meet in slated communication this Wednesday! evening, (May 17. 19391.

in Its home. 315 E. Broadway, at 7:30 p.m. af'er a brief business meeting. Work will he conferred in the Fellow Craft Degree.

Member, of sister lodge, are invited to meet with us. LEROY THURMAN. Matter. BYRON KIRBY, Secretary. Travel Opportunities.

9 HOLLYWOOD. San Francisco Gentleman driving; leaving Friday; take 3-4; reference. MAgnolia 4033-W. Lost. 11 BOSTON BULL Terriers 2.

females: 1 brlndle, other dark, half white collar. RewardSHawnee JSMl-W BOSTON TERRIER Female: black, white face, paws: vicinity 38th, Broad- way. SHawnee 03S2-W. BRIEF CASE Brown leather: initiale Walureen's, 4th and Broadway. Reward.

No questions askeit. Call JAckson 6309. COIN PURSE Near Water brown leather; money; reward. 67J CeciL COIN PURSE Double: black. metal top: First Bank: contained.

money. Reward. MAcnolia 4418-W. DOBERMAN Pinscher Black. brown marking: chain choke collar; reward.

Highland (1088-3195. FALSE TEETH -UppeT Monds vev-nine: 3d Broadway. Reward. A 5Ci3, POINTER brown- spots. ie tM no hunter just child's dog; please return.

Reward. J. R. Weir. Upper River Rd.

TIN BOX, 9x12, containing money and valuable papers; $73 reward for return of box and papers. Write W. care A- Times. Information Personals. 13 Old Photographs Copied SNAPSHOTS INCLUDED.

Regardless of how faded or otherwise marred; original pictures returned just as we received them. Walton Jones. Studio. FrancisBdg. JAckson 2013 Cash On the Barrel Head for old auto bodies, fenders.

sheet iron, drums, vviic. a m. materials, clc: d'-h paid al oi.r. AMERICAN COMI't! S. Si ,1.

30th and Slevin. Lotiisvil e. Sit 7 APFH AM.MER'S Attention Manager-, our heaiiMful i private dining-rooms are avaua sales meetin-, banciuets, rr i parties; reasonable pr.rr-; 'rj pirkmg facilities; dicnifi-d 1.VI8 Shelhy. MAgnolia S7TV NEWSPAPER MAI 5-3 1 (or n.l square ferti; svntahle for Ins'i'vi" garages, attics, summer chicken etc See or phone Mr L. Zoeller Mailing Room.

The Courier-Journal Times LADIES' HAT SALE Wholesale hmi-s ciuitting business; spring and summer bats; sacrificed, 2.V to 50. All tii't and colors. Harry S. Heinke Co 403 Mam. CINDERS for "drivewayi and cwds.

no chunks, no clinkers; delivered and sprc.d Attracitve prices Call Mr. Cnilton. HlKhland 4819-J U. ELGIN CHANDLER will repair your radio "while you Brina it in see it clone. Open nights.

13n Bardstown Road. MEN- Don't lie bald, scalp lieatnien'e fur dandruff and falling hair 11 vest-' expel lence. Ann ftlrttjeway Beauty Salon. Miondwav at 2'uli. GUARANTEED DEC At NG sir.

IAI.ISTS --Murals. ha'h. rooms Free estimate. C. M.

MiHer, MAgnolia SPECIAL TRAINING Home for the retarded; experienced woikers; Idea! rounds; homelike Green Haves ehool, Pewee Valley, Ky. The Great Atlantic Ac Pacific Tea 193S S. 3d hereby declares its intention to apply for license as retail beer dealer by th package under the State law. J. T.

Neighbor. Valley Station. Ky doing business as The Iron Skillet, Orell. hereby declares his intention to apply for license as retail liquor dealer by the drink under the State law. Fred K.

Hesken. 1720 F.dgeland doing business at 1M)0 S. Brook Louisville. hereby declares his Intention to apply for license as retail beer dealer. Mrs.

F. H. Harris. Chicago. doing business as Harris Forwarding 829 S.

ltth. lxHilsville. hereby declares her intention to apply for license as liquor transporter under the State law. John Pflster. 3WHI Tavlor Louisville, doing business as John Hfistrr.

39O0 Tavlor Louisville. hereby declares his intention to apply for license as retail liquor dealer by the package and drink under ttie Stale law. Louis Joseph. 132 W. Main, Louisville, doing business as Louis Joseph, 132 W.

Main. Louisville. hereby declares his Intension to apply for license as retail liquor and beer dealer by the drink under the State law. Milton Brill. S07 1st, Ixiulsville.

doing business as Brill Pharmacy. 100 E. Chestnut, liusvllle. hereby declares his Intention to apply for license as retail liquor dealer by the package tinder the State law. Hyman Jacobson.

1524 S. 2d. Louisville. doing business as Barret Avenue Liquors. 1015 Barret.

Ixnusville, hereby declare, his intention to apply for license aa retail liquor dealer by the package under the Stale law. L. S. Catinna. 4515 Varble Loui-vllle, doing business a.

Ideal Bar and Cafe, 501 W. Broadway, hereby declares his intention to apply for license as retail liquor and beer dealer by the drink under the Stale law. Harry Salrmun. 1923'-a Avery doing business as Salrman Drug 1030 W. Walnut, liulsville.

hereby declares hi. intrnllon of applying for license aa retail liquor dealer by the package under the State law. Sam Karris. 31.1 E. Ormsbv.

Louisville. doing business as Harris Drug S44 W. Walnut, lxiuisville, hereby declares his intention to apply for license as retail liquor dealer by the park-age under the State law. Irviit Zegart, 1000 Cecil Louisville. doing business as Zegart Drugs.

HI34 Cecil Ixiuisville, hereby declare, his intention to aooly for licence as retail liquor dealer by the package under the Stale law. David W. Huck. S00 S. Preston, Ixuiis-vllle, doing business as Muck's Pharmacy, 900 S.

I'reslon. Louisville, hereby declares his intention apply for license as retail liquor dealer by the package under the State law. Mra. Anna Vtrouel. 155 North Gait.

doing business as Strobel Pharmacy. 00 South Third. Louisville. hereby declares her intention to apply or license as retail liquor dealer by the package under the State law. Joseph Gallo.

Tyler Hotel. Louisville. doing business as Gallo'a Cafe. 2ns W. Market, l-oulsvllle.

hereby declares his intention to apply for license as retail liquor and beer dealer by the drink under the Slate law. R. E. Whitehead. 1242 S.

Brook Louisville. Kv, doing business as Whitehead Drue Stote. 1502 South 7th St hereby declares his Intention to apply for license as retail liquor dealer by the package under the State law. John Taohorn. 1053 Goss ville, doing business as Taphorn' Cafe, 1053 Goss hereby declares hts Intention to apply for license as retail liquor dealer by the drink under the State law.

Paul Marcus. 3020 South Fourth St. Louisville doing! business aa P. l.luuor TU120 S. Foulth hereby declares his intention to apply for license as retail liquor dealer by the package under the Slate law.

John H. Young. 1803 W. Broadway, Louisville. doing business as John H.

Younst. 1BII.1 W. Broadway, hereby declares his intention to apply for li cense as retail liquor dealer by the drinn under the State law. H. C.

Frederick. 929 E. Oak. Louisville doing husiness as Frederick's Cafe. 100 W.

Market. Louisville. hereby declares his Intention to apply for license as retail liquor and beer dealer by the drink under the State law. Frank 3hrvek. 3212 Dumesnil.

Louis ville. doing husiness as Royal Cafe. Ki) lr Jefferson I.niiiville. berehv I ki. Intention to intllv for license as retail liquor and beer dealer by the drink under ine state iaw.

Walter Probus. 2208 Greenwood. Louis ville. doing business as Probus Cafe. 416 S.

2th. Louisville. hereby declares his intention to apply for license as retail liquor and beer dealer bv the drink under the State law. M.tce Goss. B79 Eastern Parkway.

Louisville. doing business as Marf Gtiss Cafe. S. Shelby, hereby declares hist intention to apply for license as retail liquor dealer by the dunk under the State law. G.

O. Frederick. 2649 Bank. Louisville. doing husiness as Frederick's Inn.

niia I hereby de clares his Intention to applv for license as retail liquor and beer dealer by the drink under the State law. Fred A. Zlealer. 1481 S. Shelby.

Louis, ville. dome business as Fred A Ziegler. 1481 S. Shelhy. hereby declares his intention to apply for license as retail liquor and beer dealer by the drink under the State law.

Louis Matz. Buechel. doing husi ness as Ixiuis Matr. Buechel. here hv declares his Intention to apply for license as retail liauor and beer dealer by the package and drink under the Slate law.

Telford Hosick. 4034 Michigan Drive Louisville. doing business as Green wood Pharmacy. 1037 S. 32d hereby declares his intention to apply for license as retail liquor dealer by the package under the State law.

William Bleiweiss. 1818 Tyler Parkway. I.ouisville. doing business as Bards-town Koad Pharmacy, 2116 Bardslown hereby declares his intention to apply for license as retail liquor dealer by the package under the State law. Bernard Cohen.

1SOO S. 1st. Louisville. rioine business as White Owl Whiskey S4II W. Market hereby declares his intention to apply for license as retail liquor dealer by the package under the Slate law.

Manuel Friedman. 101 W. Broadway, doing business as Friedman's Pharmacy. 101 W. Broadway, hereby declares his Intention to apply for license as retail liquor dealer by the package under the State law.

Harry B. Melt, 1749 Shady Lane. Louis ville. doing business as Belmont Pharmacy. 1020 E.

Broadway. Louisville. hereby declares his intention to apply for license as retail liquor dealer by the package under the Stale law. C. D.

Atwell. 101 N. Longworth. do ing business as Atwell Liquor Store, 15ol Bardslown hereby declares his intention to apply for license as retail liquor dealer by the package under the State law. Louis Zeiden.

1317 S. Brook, Louisville. doing business as Zeiden Drug 1273 S. Brook. Louisville.

herebv declares his Intention to apply for license as retail liquor dealer by the package under the State law. Joe St. Charles. S19 Wataga. Louisville.

doing business as Old Kentucky Tavern. 2:152 Lexinaion Louisville. hereby declares his indention to appiv for license as retail liquor dealer by the drink under the state law. John J. Fisher.

2308 Frankfort Ave Louisville, doing business at 2308 Frankfort hereby declares his Intention to apply for license as retail liquor dealer by the drink under the State law. I. Shuster, t.t4 Ouerbarker Frank Purse. 21S W. St.

Catherine, both of Louisville. a partnership doing business as Shuster's Cut Rate Store, 921 S. hereby declare their intention to apply for license as retail liquor dealer by the package under the State law. Abraham Kohn. tleecher St Mar old W.

Krupp. 1251 Brook both of liuisville. a paitnership doing business as Kohn A Krupp, OIK) W. SI lieieliv decline their Intention to apply foi license as retail liquor and beer denier by the package under the State law. Clara Anivlioll.

presidenl. fH.S. rtartet; Lena Niroulin. vice president. I'm-versitv Ave Henrs' Amsholf.

secretary and treasurer, 913 Barret, all of I.ouisville. a corporation, doing business as C'hrntv Far. Incorporated. 914 IS Baxter Ate herebv declare their Intention to apply for license as retail liquor dealer bv the drtnk under the State law. Josephine Harrod, 1038 Weber, Louisville, doing business as Bvrne'a Cafe.

8M9 E. Grav, herehy declares her intention to apply for license as retail liquor and beer dealer by the drink under the State law. Edward Torstrick. doing: business as Edward Torstrick Transfer Line, 1109 W. Main Louisville.

herehy declares his Intention to apply for liquor transporters license under the State law. Sam Weisberg, 900 Fst Jefferson Louisville. doing business as Ken lucky Whiskey House. 323 S. Preston Louisville, hereby declares his Intention to apply for license as retail liquor dealer by the package under the State law.

T. R. and M. C. Hartmann.

Rt. Louisville. doing business as Market Cafe, 2.19 E. Jefferson, Ixiuisville. a partnership, hereby declare their intention to apply for license a.

retail liquor and beer dealer by the drink under the State law. Ben Jackson. 1524 S. 2d. Louisville.

doing business a. Shelby Street Cut Rate Whiskey Store. 1276 S. Shelby, Louisviile. hereby declares his intention to apply for license as retail liquor dealer by the package under the State law.

Philip Shelnherg. 1324 S. 2d Louisville. doing husiness as Phil's Cut-Rate Whiskey Store. 1448 Dixie Highway.

Louisville. herehy declares his intention to apply for license as retail liquor dealer by package under the State law. Deannie M. Atlas, 2015 Bonnycastle Louisville. doing business as Atla.

Liquor Store, Ron Market. Louts ville. herebv declare, his intention to apply for license as retail liquor dealer by the package under the State law. George J. Weber, of 1217 Story Louisville.

doing business as the Butchertown Liquor Store. 1401 Storv I.ouisville. hereby declares his Intention to apply for license as Hetall Liquor Dealer by the package under the Stale law. David R. Bass.

1V4 S. 2d Iaitila-ville. doing business as louisviile Wholesale Liquor 1018 W. Main louisviile. herehy declares his intention to apply for license as wholesale liquor dealers and wholesale beer dealers under the State law.

Benjamin Kohy, 2231 Napoleon doing husiness as Kohy Drug S. E. Cor. 2d and Chestnut. Louisville, hereby declares his intention to apply for license a.

retail liquor and beer dealer by the package under the State law. PEPSI-COLA LOUISVILLE BOTTLERS, 1104 Bardstown Road, Louisville. Kentucky, hereby givet notice of their intention to use bottles and rases with the following words imprinted thereon: "PEPSI-COLA LOUISVILLE BOTTLERS, INC." Harry C. Bohlsen. 108 Fast cm Parkway.

Louisville. doing business as Bohlsen Pharmacy. 2S07 Preston, Louisville, hereby declares his intention to apply lor license as retail liquor dealer by the package under the Slate law. William E. Weber.

222S Saratoga Drive: Hannah G. Weher. 222. Saratoaa Drive, both of Louisville. a partnership doing' business as Weher Drug 4.18 W.

Maiket Si, Louisville. Kv hereby declare their intention to apply for license as retail liquor dealer by the package under the Slate law. Zaeh Oppenheimer, 1801 Roanoke; Fannv Dinkelspeel. 113 W. Lee, both of louisviile.

a partnership doing business as Palace Pharmacy, 1132 W. Walnut. Louisville. herehy declare their intention to apply for license as retail liquor dealer by the package under the State law. THE COURIER-JOURNAL AND THE LOUISVILLE TIMES Classified Ads Indexed lor Quick Service CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING RATES Effective June S.

1933. Covering Insertion In both paper on week days or in The Courier-Journal alone on Sunday. LOCAL RATES (QUOTED GROSS! Applying to all of Kentucvy and New Albany and Jeff ersonvllle. Ind. Subject to 10-i discount for cash or Immediate payment of memorandum statement.

Rales for 3 or more days are for con secutive Insertions. Those not consecu tive each take 1 day rate. All classifications, except as otherwise noted. Set Solid. 1 time S'lac a word.

3 times 4'ac a word a day. 7 times 4c a word a day. With display effects 33c. 27c and 24c per line per day for 1, 3 and 7-day orders. Situations wanted price ipavaoie In advance) Non-commercial offers under Room.

for Rent. Lost and Found. Instructions. Articles or Livestock for Sale or-Wanted net I. 1 time Sc a word.

3 times 4c a word a day. 7 times 3c a word a day. (Minimum 12 words or 1 agala lines. I Ads ordered by telephone are ac cepted from patrons listed tn the telephone or city directory on memorandum charge only. NATIONAL RATE (QUOTED NETl Applying to all but local territory- (Minimum 3 agate lines or 15 words Set Solid.

With Display Effect. (Per Day. I (Per Day. I 1 time 7c a word. 42c per line.

3 times 14c a word. R4c per line. 7 times 28c a word. Jl.fiS per line. Cash must accompany all order, by mail.

CLOSING TIME Classified Ads accepted until 9:30 m. for The CouMer-Journal; 11 a.m. for The Louisville Times; 9 p.m. Saturday for The Sunday Courier-Journal. Ads to appear in Sunday mail editions should he received by p.m.

Friday. Ads ordered for seven insertions, but canceled before expiration date. are charged at the rate earned for the actual number of days they appeared. The Courier-Journal and Times will not be responsible for more than one incorrect insertion of an advertisem*nt. Notice of errors must be given in time for correction before next insertion.

YEARLY CONTRACT BATES FURNISHED BY REQUEST. Announcements Deaths. BFRRY Louis Samuel Berry, age 53 years, Tuesday, May 10. 1339. at a.m., at Sts.

Mary and Elizabeth Hospital, beloved father of Marion P. Berry; brother of Mrs. Ona Dunn, one grandchild. Funeral Wednesday. May 17.

from T. A. Rlanford's Funeral Home. 2815 S. 4th.

at 1 o'clock and at Point Pleasant Christian Church. Point Pleasant. at 3 o'clock. Interment in church cemetery. Bl'NGER Tuesday, Mav 18.

1939. at 12:40 a.m., Joseph E. Bunger. in his 7fith year; beloved husband of Josie Ritchie Hunger; father of Mrs. Annie Saunders, Nathan Samuel Robert A.

and Earl BunRer. Funeral service at 2 p.m., Thursday. May 18. at his residence. 1302 Bernheim Lane.

Interment in Bethany Cemetery. DASCHBACH Tuesday, May 18. 1939. at 0:10 p.m., Wilhclmtna I.uctol Daschhach, age 71 years, beloved wife of William Daschhach: devoted mother of Edward Daschhach. Mis.

Irvine Mehl and Mtt Ixircne Daschhach; aunt of Mrs. Ella I.indcnbrrner. sister of Georqe Lurtzrl of Indianapolis snd William Luetr.el. Mrs. Fred Glasscr and Mrs.

Ernest Cusick. Funeral from the residence. 1210 Larue. Time will be announced later. MOSIERMrs.

Mary M.csTer. ace 91 years. 731 W. Oak Street, Monday. Mav 13.

1939. at 4 p.m., beloved mother of Mis. Sadie Purcell. Mobile. Mrs.

Nannie Moore. Detroit. Mrs. Fhzaheth O'Hara. Louisville: Mr-.

Emma Bishop. Havanna. 111.: F.d. Frank and Claud Mosier. loulsvllle; Charlie Mosier.

DePauw. Will Mosier, New Albany: Ray Mosier, Fredericksburg. Ind. Funeral services Wednesday at 2 p.m. from Woods Chapel.

Ramsey, Ind. The Rev. J. H. Harrell.

DePauw. in charge of services. PRATHFR TuesJny. May 10. 1939.

at 12:45 a.m.. Archie Lee Prattler, aste 32 years, beloved bushand o' Carrie Busam Prnlher: father of Delia Prathrr: step-father of Margaret ltKivvn; litutlii-r of Mr Delia Jones. Orvllle, Cyle and Tilfuid Piathei Funeral from the residence. 1022 Kiank-lin Street. Thursday at 10 am.

In terment K.nstern Cemetery. VIHUIIIR At lndi.siiHvlia. Ind at 3(1 Monday. Mv IX 1 9.1!l. Fredrtr Straeffel.

ase 711 yers Remains will arrive tn Loutsvtlle Wcrlnci. day afternoon Funeral from Herbert Craile Tuneral Home. Frankfort and Peterson Ave at 2:30 Thursday, Mav 18. Interment Cave Hill W. A.

Radford. Parsons president; C. S. Radford, Lightfnod Secretary and Treasurer, all of Louisville, doing business as Kentucky Parfay Company, a corporation. 100 W.

Main, hereby declare their Intention to apply for license, as wholesale liquor dealers and wholesale beer distributors under the State law. S. O. Johnson. 1911 Central Chattanooga.

B. C. Johnson. 410 De-rnombreum Nashville. Bertha Walker.

1911 Central Chattanooga, doing business as Johnson Freight Lines, a corporation, 900 S. 13th Louisville. hereby declare their Intention to apply for a beer and liquor transporters license under the State law. D. H.

Sledge, president. Ambassador Joseph G. Sachs, secretary and treasurer, Kentucky Home lfe W. K. Thomas, general manager, 2341 W.

all of Louisville. a corporation, doing business aa Heliance Trucking Company, Eighth and Cawthorn Louisville. hereby declare their intention to apply for liquor transporters license under the State law. E. De Maria, president.

29r E. Naghten Columbus, Ohio; Glen R. Ward, vice president. 296 E. Naghlen Columbus.

Ohio; Fred Gierhart, secretary and treasurer, 20. E. Naghten Columbus, Ohio, a corporation, doing business as Commercial Motor Freight. 1319 W. Market.

Ixiuisvllle, hereby declare their intention to apply for liquor transporters license under the State law. Oppenheimer. president, 113 W. Lee; 7.arh Oppenheimer. vice president.

1801 Boanoke; Fanny Dinkelspeel. secretary and treasurer. 113 W. all of Ixiuisville.

a corporation doing business as Palace Pharmacy No. 2. '161 S. 2d, Louisville. hereby declare their Intention to apply for license as retail liquor dealer by the package under the State law.

C. F. Denny, president. 2023 East Oak, New Albany, D. H.

Sledge, secretary and treasurer. Sth and Breckin-rtdice. Louisville, Arthur Grajsm. Kentucky Home Life Louisville, vice president. A corporation doing business as Banner Transfer 1102 W.

Kentucky, Louisville, hereby declare their intention to apply for liquor transporter's license under the State law. G. E. Gans. president, Buechel, S.

B. Hoag. vice president. 1505 Rosewood. liOinsville.

C. R. Gregory, secretary and treasurer. 1222 Summit, Louisville, L. Fontaine, assistant secretary and treasurer, 1903 Lauderdale Louisville.

a corporation, doing business as Big Spring Golf Club, Dutchman Lane. Jefier.son County, hereby declare their intention to apply for a private club license as relull liquor dealer by the drink under the State law. Old Kentucky Distillery, a Ken. lucky corporation, principal office 4(1 1 W. Main distillery located on Dixie Highway, approximately one mile south of the city limits of Ixjuisville.

Jefferson County. Kentucky, proposes to file an application for a Kentucky distiller a license. Principal officer, and directors are Joseph J. Sass, president, treasurer and director; C. A.

Sullivan, secretary and director, and William W. Crawford, director, all of Louisville, Ky. TREASURY DEPARTMENT. Office of District Supervisor, Alcohol Tax Unit. Bureau of Internal Revenue, Louisville.

Ky. Date of first publication. May 17. 1939. Notice is hereby given that one 1933 Ford Coupe.

Motor No. 18-202009. with accessories, will be sold at public auction to the highest hidder, for rash, al fllh St Public Warehouse. Louisville, Kv on Mav 27. at 10 as pro.

vided In Section 3400, U. S. Revised H. B. Taylor, District.

Super visor. LIQUOR LICENSE NOTICE. This is a notice of an intention on the pant of the Canary Cottage Company, 821 South Fourth Street. Louisville Kentucky. R.

M. Wheeler. President. .122 Desha Road. Lexington.

Kentucky; John G. Chiles. Vice President. 2113 Maryland Avenue. louisviile.

Kentuckv; Sara Wheeler. Secretary. 322 Doha Road Lexington. Kentucky, to apply for license to operate a co*cktail lounge under the Alcoholic Beverage Control Law of the Commonwealth ot Kentucky. Joseph Schiff, president and director B.

R. Schiff, secretary and treasurer and director, both of 18'8 Douglass Louisville. and Leonard A. Schiff. vice president and director, of 74S Independence Chicago.

doing busi ness as Old colonel nistillery. a corporation, with offices and bottling plant at 7IS W. Main Louisville, and distillery at Smith Swith, Nelson County. do hereby derlare their intention to apply for a distiller's license and also a rectifier license under the state law. The Transamerican Freight Lines.

a Mtchfcan corporation, 1001 N. Western Parkway. Louisville. Kentucky. with general offices in Detroit, Michigan, will apply for a transporter's license for its Interstate common carrier routes on July 1939.

Its premises and terminal are located at the above address. The offi cers and directors are: R. B. Gotfredson. President. l.ith Detroit. Michigan; R. J. Thomas. Secretary and Treasurer.

751 15th Detroit. Michigan: J. P. Kelly, Kentucky Manager, 2106 Village Drive, louisviile. Ky.

F. N. Melius, president: H. W. Hurn- hain.

vice president-treasurer; C. A. vice president; A. O. Curth.

assistant vice president: R. J. Leihender-ier. secretary, all directors. 40 Rector New York.

N. doing business as Universal Cartage general headquarters. 40 Rector New York. N. local address of warehouse, 103 N.

Preston Louisville. operating within a ten-mile radius of louisviile, herehy declare their intention to applv for transporter', liquor license under the state law. E. J. Buhner.

Seymour. president and director; F. F. Buhner. Seymour.

vice president and director; C. J. Buhner. 1841 Trevilian Way, Louisville, vice president, secretary, and director: E. W.

Krause, 201 S. Birchwood. louisviile. vice president and di rector; M. R.

Buhner. Kentucky Hotel. Louisville. vice president, general manager and director: O. L.

Doud. 2540 Carolina louisviile, treasurer and director: C. J. I'eilfor. 2s3fl Meadow Louisville.

director, a corpora tion, doing business as Silver Fleet Motor Express. 218 E. Pearl Louisville. herebv declare their intention to apply for liquor transporters license under the State law. Glencoe Distillery Company, a Kentucky corporation, postollice Box 37.

Station H. Louisville, will apply for a Kentucky distillers license. The offi cers and directors are as follows: Louis J. Hollenbach. president and director.

1805 Windsor Edward F. Konr. vice president and director. 405 N. Western Parkwav: Chas.

H. McDonald, treasurer and director. 735 S. 44th Walter Doerting. secretary and director.

8nfi S. 45th Edward G. Oesterritter. assistant secretary and director. 1318 Bardslown Phil H.

Hollenbach, assistant secretary and director, 1025 Trevilian J. Hollenbach. assistant treasurer and director. 2540 Dell Seneca Gardens, all of louisviile. Ky.

Location of distillers' premises. Cane Run and Camp Ground Roads. Shively. Ky. RALE NOTICE.

Notice Is herebv given that fhe tinder-signed will on Mav 18th. 1939. at the hour of 10:00 A.M.. on the premises located at 943 South Third Street. louisviile.

Jefferson County Kentucky, sell at public auction to the highest bidder the following described personal prop, erty for cash: 1 1937 Plymouth Fordor Touring De Luxe Redan, Motor No. P4-58321. Serial No. 1 1937 Plymouth Fordor Touring Sedan. Motor No.

P4-328700 Serial No. 9H82874; 1 1937 Plymouth Fordor Touring Sedan. Motor No. Serial No. 9982873; 1 1937 Plymouth Fordor Touring Sedan.

Motor No. P4-334109. Serial No. 99833 1 1 Pbnivh I )e L'i' t-'o-dor Motor No. P4-277568, Serial No.

9978201; 1 1937 Plymouth De Luxe Fordor Sedan. Motor No Serial No. 9900127; I I93R Plymouth De Luxe Fordor Sedan. Motor No. Pfi-140451.

Serial No. 91010.11. Said automobiles will be sold to satisfv a morteitse indebtedness of the Checker Kentuckv Cab Companv, to the undersigned. FARMERS Ar DEPOSITORS BANK By W. D.

WINKLER. Cashier. ADVERTIsem*nT FOR BIDS. Sealed PrODOsals wilt he the Board of Education, at the office of 'r nusinesa lllrrrlnr. Administration Buildine.

southwest corner Fifth anH Will Streets, until 4:30 o'clock, P.M., Central oianoarn i ime, May 31, 19.19, for Fur nishing and Delivering Fouinment for the Theodore Ahrens Trade High School Addition, 54fi Soulh First Street. Louisville, i. at which time and place they will be publicly opened and read. Specifications and contract documents are open to puhltc inspection and mav be obtained by calling or addressing Samuel I). Jones.

Business Director of the Hoard of Ediicutlon. Administration Building, Miulhwrsl coiner Fifth and Hill Louisville, hy. No bid may be withdrawn after the acheduled closlnif time for the receipt of oins lor a period oc tlllilv l.llli days, Apioxlmatelv SIH.ihhi ihi la available for eo'l'pmcnl contracts The Board of Education reserves the right to reiect any or all bids, or any part of any bid, and lo wale tnformal- ltie Signed BOARD OF EDL'CATIQN OF LOUISVILLE. KY'. By Samuel D.

Jones, Business Director. WGRC Wednesday9 Program 6 A.M. to Improvement in business activity this summer and to a relatively table demand lor farm products through the balance of the year. In its monthly economic review, the Bureau said the outlook for foreijjn demand for American asiicultural products appeared a "snade" better in early May than It did a month ago. Commenting on economic de vHopments in general, the Bureau aid unsettled political conditions in Europe and the domestic coal trike had kept industrial activity from registering anticipated im rrnvemrnt during the spring months.

It said the proposed Introduc tion of 1940 model automobiles earlier this year than usual, in crder that they might be shown at the World Fairs, should con tribute a relatively favorable ah owing of Industry during the summer months. Other factors listed as helpful were an active building industry, progress of IWV.A. projects and partial settlement of the coal shut down. The Bureau said a general pint of caution on the part of businessmen probably would pre-ent any sharp business rise. Statistics Tell Story of Day I' In lie BuiMinp IVrniil F-nk Shnon, frame dwelling, 12 rinvrt, 1.200.

Jane Koon. uliirrfl addition, 2440 Brmi-nsboro Rd. 7no. F. Willman.

(ram dwelling. 3S33 Craig. S2.V Margaret H. Na.h. addition.

122. Sum-Hvtt. 1AVS. C. A.

Rowland, frame dwelling, 2330 Parne. I.l.nnn Real relate Transfer A RucklM to Frank Imnellirreni. tract renter line of Wilson. An, SI. Camp Tavlor Loose LeafTohacco Warehouse Co.

tn Cnllinga. lot 102 nn fat and auhdivtainn booh 1, pages 304 310, Inrlimve, $1. Acme Realty Co. In Edward Munich. 17 a).

12 noilh aid ftoaelane, weal ef Jarkann. and 20 li imith alc1a I'M east of Hanrnck, and ig .2 lr-rt tictrtu aid Marshall, oaat of Shelby. 1. Claronrc Riaden in fl. C.

Halhdav 1-12 feel et aide Shelby aouth of Kenmrky. C. Mav J. A. Lloyd, lot in Queen addition.

II. Ruth Roembka el l. by romrnia.ioner. to Redirk. 21 feet weat aid 2th ftor'h of Kentwrky.

S1.7M. A. Miller. by rommiMioncc, to J. Hinkebein, lot in Alfresco Place.

T. Winterhaher to Katie Ubelhart. feet aouth aid. Kentucky, eat of Brook. $:.

A. Hunter Mawn to B. Mason, lot Tranaylvania aubdiviAion and li0 feet beinnin northwest line tH lot 27 Transylvania, fl. Harry Fehl to Gladvn, wife of Dun-mi Weat. 51 leet went aid Sherman, "ti'h of Indiana, 1.

J. C. Bensmger to H. G. Hauck, lot In S'rathmoor auhdiviaion, Harry Fehl to Frieda, wife of Alex Gueat.

feet, aouthweat corner of Sierman and Indiana SI. JaeTh Ruechel to Christine Whltaker feel soutn lln of Central eaat PlaM. 1. E. R.

Reinaperf to Cliffcwd Di.tmang J-12 feet north lint St. Catherine of rioyd, $1. Franklin Pioneer Corporation to Kenneth deSpain. lot In Sunnydale. $1.

Joseph Krebsbach to Turner Dever. lot In Lenox Addition, 1. Portland Federal Savinga. Loan Aaaociation to R. C.

Snellen. 30 feet nyth aide west of 5th. 1. M. R.

Craile to Lillian FihriHu. feet north line Grtnvtead. Dr. where aai-ne interaeria th want line of Birch wood Addition. $1.

CM Rose et at to City of Louiaville municipal Hotiatnc Commisaion. 30 feet mnu'H aid Liberty, eaat of 13th. A Kincheloe to Charles Parker, lot -ennaie section 2. tl. Daniel Schenk to C.

D. Pence. Sn feet urnwest 1m Spring, aoutheaat of Short C. Parker to T. A.

Kincheloe, lot in Kenwood Village, (1. Z. O. Cannon to M. C.

Dolt, tract on tvper Chapel $1 J. D'inn et at. by Commissioner to Portland Federal Savies Ac Loan A-socition. 41 feet southeast corner of MMiwn and Zith. HM.

Hael Agee et at. by Commissioner to -oriiano fiavinga at Loan Association, one acre In county, Sl.ooS. Eugene Crawford et at. bv Commis-oner. to Portland Federal Savings Loan Association.

30 feet aouth side trair, west of 24th. S605. J. L. Smith et al.

by Commissioner, to same, lot in Holzheimers Rosebud A-ldMion. Sl.15. Mary S. French to W. A.

French. 30 reei ect ide Bohannan, aouth of Home Owners Loan Corporation, to H. Suddarth. 30 feet west side 34th. north of Cedar.

$1. Edward Hartlace to CI. A. Shepherd. 3 feet wet sfrie center line of 50-foot Avenue south of E.

J. Senn. SI. Henry Rickel Co. to H.

H. Devore, two lo's in Boulevard Heights, SI. A. D. Rurger et al, by Commissioner, to LouisviPe Aphalt four lots in Georee J.

Hartman's revised Subdivision. sn. Ruth McClure to Anna Roe Vaughn. feet east side Lyon, south of Bar-bee. Hallie R.

Leave!) to Louisville Asphalt C-v. two lots in J. Daw kins' tl. Title Insurance truatee, to Lively, lot in Dearborn SI. Louisville Title Insurance trustee, rt Freda, wife of Henry Davis.

35 4-12 feet west fide S'h, aouth of Madison, SI. Louisville Title Insurance trustee, to C. C. Hagner and wife and Sam Klein atrl wife. 23 feet southwest corner of Hanco*ck and Gray.

SI. R-vSert Gardtner to Louisville Asphalt Co. 1 3-12 feet wet side McDowell, of 3Rth. si. K.

A. Rarker. to A. A. Shanley, fiS.l.S feet of lot 74, Kenbar S-'Viivisinn, fi.

.1. R. Wilson to P. Rranham. lot fn Astoria Place No.

2. SI. Frank Implli7zeri to Louise E. Buckles, r-rth 13', fe-t of lot 3 and all of lot 4. bl-K-k 9.

Beechmont Addition. SI. Aery Rmlding Association to I. H. feet north line Winkler, west pf and 25 feet south side of an alley ln feet east nf fith, $1.

The Prudential Insurance Company to Amelia F. Searle. lot in Breckinridge Subdivision. S7.SOO. George P.

Ijiffell to K. A. Weber, lot tn Parkway Plana, 1. Prank Impellizr.eri to Rebecca, wife of L. Buh.

trart on the Middletown snd Jeifersontown Rebecca and R. Bush to Frank lm- All Make. sr Mrn so i rPAiRr.n Louisville TjptMvrltfr Co. Pbona IM IKS ft 4th' St. Early Edition Tewn Crier New.

5: CM! Concert Int. :5 News; Minute Maa :45 Weather: Traffie Merry-Ge-Round 5:. to In Louisville Tonight Minute Man News: uaie Hour I Merry-Go-Round 5:45 Spotlight On Sports Minute Man: New. Music Hour 1 :3 Midday Devotional Kentucky Home Songs 7:45 Minute Maa 1 raffle School 1:45 Siesta Isham Jones' Orrhestra Happy Ray's Farm Bevs 1 1 Open Hause oe Sports Page :3 News; Final Sports Almanac; Interlude 1 1 :4.1 i ll I37S 3:00 News; Spuria Jehnsea: Mrdilatiea tt.m Teuay'i Seng 4:00 Sports Psge Century Serenade I'LII l.lberalitr. 4:30 Sports I'sg to 4 P.M.

6:45 P.M. wr.RC Co. vs. Netda Ashbraner et on note. G.

M. Petrle. attorney. 2HOH22 H. M.

Kessier et al. vs. Kentucky co*ke St Coal for rent. G. M.

Peine, attorney. 200823-823 Henry Fischer Packing ompany et al. vs. Edward L. Eblnger on accounts.

G. M. Peine, attorney. 20082ft Mary W. Shawler vs.

Rudolph n. Shawler; divorce. J. W. Camhron attorney.

Court of Appeals The Courier-Journal Frankfort Bureau. Frankfort, May 16. Court of Appeals of Kentucky, Western Division sitting: 85 Esbeco Distilling Company vs Shannon, Franklin: reversed. Judge Bees. Whole court sitting.

8fi Sommers' Administrator vs. Peoples National Bank, McCracken; affirmed. Judge Hees. 87 Department of Revenue, etc. vs.

Lanham's Administrators et Jeffer son: affirmed. Commissioner Creal Whole court sitting. 88 DeLeuil's Executors etc. vs. Depart ment of Revenue et Jefferson: reversed.

Commissioner Creal. Whole court sitting. 89 Casey, etc. et al. vs.

Fidelity A Casualty Company of N. Pike; affirmed. Judge Cammack. SO Smith vs. Pure Oil Company et Laurel; reversed.

Commissioner Stanley. L. Ar N. R. R.

Co. vs. Pennington's Administrator, Perry; reversed. Judge Cammack. 92 Vater vs.

Vater's Administrators et Cempbell; affirmed. Commissioner Stanley. S3 Hull, et al Simon's Administrator et Campbell; affirmed. Judce Perry. Hearne's Executrix vs.

F. P. Gram Company. Boyd: Kresge Company vs. Schmidt.

Jefferson; Sommers' Ad ministratrix vs. City of Padurah. Mc Cracken: Sommers Administratrix vs. Langstaf f-Orm Lumber Company. Mc Cracken; Sommers' Administratrix vs.

National Savings Building Association McCracken: Sommers Administratrlv vs. Citizens Savings Bank. McCracken: ap peal denied. Judgment affirmed in each case. Duff vi.

Smith, Perry; appellant's pe tition lor rehearing overruled. Kentucky-Tennessee Light Power Company vs. Priest's Administrator. Breckinridge; appellant's petition for modification of opinion overruled. Funk vs.

Town of Strathmoor Village. Jefferson; appellee filed statement, no tice and motion to docket, advance ana submit; motion sustained and case ordered docketed for the present term, advance for hearing and submitted. Willis vs. Jonson et Muhlenberg: appellant filed copy of JuclRmrnt. affidavit, notice and motion that record on former appeal he placed with record on this appeal, and to docket, advance and submit, and for order allowing appellant to bring to this court original copy of proof heard upon trial of this case in court below.

Ordered that court adjourn until 11 a.m. Friday. May 19. Laura M. B.

Moore. Valley Station. doing business aa Dixie Lunch Room at Pleasure Ridge. hereby declares herr Intention to apply for license as retail liquor dealer by package snd drink under the Slate law. J.

W. McKenney. 243 Shawnee Terrace Louisville. doing business as Mc Kenney a Pharmacy, Market hereby declares ills intention to apply for license as retail liiiuor dealer by the puckage under the Stale law. linger 3d Si New Cut Jefteison County, doing business as Schardein's Place, ad Jlc New Cut tieiebv declMiea his Intention to apply for license as rclMII honor and iirrc dealer bv the drink under the Stale law.

HIGHLAND BEVERAGE COMPANY, 1104 Bardslown Road, Inilsville, Kentucky, hereby give, notice of their In tention to use bottles and rases with the following words imprinted thereon: HIGHLAND BEVERAGE COMPANY." and Thelma R. Gilleland. 3S. both of Chicago. Hobert Pickard.

49. farmer. Anchorage, and Luicy Johnson. 53. of 4332 S.

1st. Coiintv Court Will of F.rnest Brown probated. John E. Hudson appointed administrator of estate of Mrs. Anna L.

Hudson. Charles G. Middleton appointed administrator of estate of Margaret S. Mc-Ilwain. Suits Filed 200808 Marie S.

McLain vs. Charles R. McLain; divorce. K. J.

Newman, at-toorney. 280R1IS Transcript. 2011810 Petition for adoption. Abraham and Guthrie, attorneys. 200811 C.

I. T. Corporation vs. Addle Bailey; on contract. C.

E. Schlndler, at torney. 200812 Harold Gregory vs. City of Louisville: damages. Leibson and Leib-son.

attorneys. 2cK)813 Nellie L. Schacklett vs. Jesse D. Shacklett; divorce.

William Karraker. attorney. 20O81 4 Standard Mortgage Co. vs. Cornelia T.

Gaines et on note. L. Jv. Helman. attorney.

2611815 Monroe Bailey Gertrude Bailey; divorce. Brent Overstreet, attorney. Henry C. Saling vs. I.vdia Sahng: divorce.

A. F. Stiefvater. attorney. 2hli817 Frieda Berresheim vs.

Carolyn Gregory et for services. L. J. Sand-mann. attorney.

200818 Herman Scher vs. Anna Ruth Sheehy et on note. L. W. Gales, attorney.

200819 Anna R. Haas vs. Milner Hotels: on judgment. F. R.

Daugherty and G. R. Hubbard, attorneys. 2fi0B20 Olivie Crowe vs. James Crows; divorce.

Curtis and Bossmeyer. attorneys. 260821 The Boland-Maloney Lumber River News (Furnished hv V. S. Weather Bureau.) Louisville.

May IS, 1939 (S a m.i. Precip- Flood Pres't 24-Hr. ita-STATIONS. Stage Stage Ch'ge tion 1ft. i (ft.

I (ft.) (ins.) Pittsburgh 2 Parkersburg 36 Pt. Pleasant 40 Dam No. 29 51 Portsmouth 50 Dam No. 33 50 Cincinnati 52 Dam No. 37 50 Dam No.

39 48 LOUISVILLE Upper gauge 28 1-nwer gauge 55 Dam No. 4.1 57 Dam No. 44 S3 Dam No. 45 47 Dam 40 4t Dam No. 47 38 Evansville 35 Dam No.

48 38 16 ft 10 8 24 1 11.7 12.6 11.3 13 6 12 2 10.8 17 0 12 2 118 112 US 112 12 105 117 13 9 132 14 14 8 20 4 21 ft 40.1 0.1 0 4 1.3 0 3 0.5 .12 .25 .20 .25 ,08 0 2 0 7 4 0 2 0.1 -0 3 0 2 0 4 0 4 0 4 0 1 0 2 Dam No. 49 37 .01 Dam Nn. f.O 34 Dam No. 51 40 Dam No. 52 37 Dam No- 53 40 .04 Cairo 40 KANAWHA RIVER Charleston 34 KENTUCKY RIVER Frankfort 31 T.J 8 8 0.1 0.2- Louisville, Increase.

Decrease. River Forecast: Madison fall slowly. Dam No. 45. Cloverport.

not much change next twenty-four hours. Wrong: Name The Courier-Journal In its Issue of Friday, May 12, eironrous-ly described a man found drinking beer at 1:08 a.m. in Joe Lurd-ints rnfe a "William CI. Dresel." The last name should have been spelled nra.e!." William M. Diesel, insurance man.

vhf says he Is the only "William Dresel" in the city, ayked that the correction be made. pelli7eri. north 12'i feet of lot 3 and all of lot 4 block Beechmont Addition, SI. William Jetter, 5S. nf Sll E.

Madison, May 14. arterio sclerotic heart disease. Grayson F. Ijishbrook. 31.

Hines. 111., May 11. myelogenous leukemia. Douglas Williams. of 2925 W.

Broadway, May 13. cerebral hemorrhage. Anastosia V. M. Jaegers.

51, of 3107 Virginia. May 13. pneumonia. Clara J. Barth.

2. of 1R07 Algonquin May 13. dru poisoning. A Ion W. Phillips.

39. of 917 Lexington Mav 13, pneumonia. John MrNulty. 9. of 1S30 North Western May 14, tuberculosis.

Elizabeth Mimeinacher, 71. Rosemont Rest Home. St. Matthews, May 14. coronary occlusion.

Annie Trager. 82. of 21S E. College. May 12.

endocarditis. Mrs. Pyrtle Hack. 35. of 1331 S.

32d. May 13. carcinoma. Bernard Johmann, S3. 712 Swan, May 14.

nephritis. Annie Malia. 73, of 3020 Portland. May 4, nephritis. John F.

Kulp, 58, of 2014 Lytle. May 7. asphyxiation. Dorothy H. O'Keefe.

31. of 1212 Delor. May 11, carcinoma. John P. Brent.

R4. of 204 S. Preston, May 11. fractured skull. Edward O.

Risley, 75. Home for Aged, May 13. cerebral hemorrhaee. Christine Koch. 51.

of 955 Goss. May 13. hypertensive cardio vascular disease. John W. Kraushaar.

SI. of 4414 W. Market. May 14. cerebral hemorrhage.

Birth Harold G. and Doris S. McClellan, 3408 Ingle boy. May 3. Grosto E.

and Rose G. Gabhart. Valley Station, girl. May S. Bub and Flosste M.

Lewis. Route 2, Box 310. Valley Station, girl. May Joseph M. and Terry T.

Grace, Route 3. Box 573 bov. April 8. Charles J. and Mary B.

Treston. 1458 Catalpa. boy. Mav 5 John B. and Sara S.

Hitt, 602 Eastern boy. May 10. August F. and Irene M. Whitman.

1040 E. Caldwell, boy. May 111. Jerome ano MapHaUn. "VC r.r,iin.

4)7 S. Shelby, girl, April 28. Philip and Ella O. Nodler. Bedford.

girl. April 24. Adrian A. and Helen D. Daughertv.

Anchorage, girl. April 25. Bernard S. and Ruth O. Wilkinson.

1104 Lytle. girl. April 29. Robert J. ana Carolyn F.

lea son. 2015 Maryland, girl. May 2. License Albert Harrett 71 A BAii.n. -j Dorothy Koch.

20. nf 2102 W. Hill. Casper Schrlner, 30. cook, and Ann Grendel.

29. both nf Dearborn. Mich. William Mellor. 2S.

attorney. 14.15 S. James, and Virginia MrGovan, 22. of 137S S. 3d.

John Knapchlck. 27. exercise bov. 2937 S. 3d, and Anna M.

Junott, 12, of 3912 S. 2d. Edward J. Rnrders KS Lillie Emmons, 54. Eastwood.

Hobert Adkison. 28. Wayne. and Grace E. Anms.

28. Dearborn. Mich. Mavrtar A I 1 I 1 t. nd Dorothy Johns.

2.1. of 95 Lu-Salle Place. Wade H. Drury. 62.

Buechel. and Gertrude Killer. 60. LakeLind. L.

V. Rail. 24. electrician. 3737 Powell, and rieila Thum, 22, of 1127 Ash.

Jamea M. Giavcs. 27. attorney. Kentucky Home Life Building, and Beverly J.

McDonald. 2:1. of Ciestmoie. Theodoie N. Srhnif.

24. clerk. I.V.?K Pioton. and Mildred Scheeran. 2.1.

of l.tOJ Flovd. Sam Kabeeh 23. steward, I.vdia. and Armella Rrlgman. 24, of 1008 Mulberry.

Martin Eiseman, 72. exercts bov. Sf25 and Eunlre Hansel, 21, of Bromley. Clarence M. Staleton.

37, musician. 1 aacUa. a s. aaayaa A tArV.

The Courier-Journal from Louisville, Kentucky (2024)


How to read the courier journal online? ›

As part of your subscription, you can view your newspaper online at

How do I contact the Courier Journal Louisville? ›

How do I contact Customer Service? To get help with your account or subscription, call 1-800-866-2211 or chat online here.

How much does it cost to put an obituary in the Louisville Courier Journal? ›

Placing an obituary in The Courier-Journal Louisville starts at $94.00.

What is the local paper in Louisville Kentucky? ›

Courier Journal in Louisville is the region's biggest and best source of news, sports, entertainment and conversation.

How do I read journals online? ›

Background knowledge: Before reading the full article, skim the text very quickly. Look at the major headings and sub-headings. Look at pictures, graphs and tables.

How much is the courier newspaper? ›

6 issues per week. *Save 50% off the first 3 months is available for UK delivery when paying by Direct Debit. Only £74.74 for the first 3 months, then £149.50 every 3 months thereafter. One year minimum term.

How do I cancel the Louisville Courier Journal? ›

To contact Customer Care click here or call (800) 866-2211.

Who owns the courier journal? ›

This site is part of the USA TODAY Network and is owned and operated by Gannett Co., Inc.

Is the courier journal delivered on holidays near Louisville? ›

USPS Mail Delivery: If you receive your print edition via the US Postal Service, your print edition will be delivered with your mail service. However, when there is no postal delivery, such as federally recognized holidays, your newspaper will be delivered the next day there is postal delivery available.

Do people get paid to write obituaries? ›

The estimated total pay for a Obituary Writer is $129,646 per year in the United States area, with an average salary of $99,333 per year. These numbers represent the median, which is the midpoint of the ranges from our proprietary Total Pay Estimate model and based on salaries collected from our users.

Why does it cost so much to put an obituary in the newspaper? ›

The cost of a newspaper obituary depends on the size of the newspaper's circulation, whether there's a photo, the number of days it will run, and the size of the obituary. Small towns may charge $50, but on average expect to pay at least $250 for the typical short obituary.

Do you pay by the word for obituary? ›

Most newspapers charge by line, so the higher the word count, the higher the price. However, families and loved ones can save money by looking into online options. Publishing an online obituary costs between $50 and $100 and allows for more opportunities to share it through email and social media.

Why are gas prices so high in Louisville, KY? ›

Why is gas so high in Louisville? The first component to note is Kentucky's gas tax. The tax currently adds on 28.7 cents per gallon as of May 2024, a two-cent increase over 2023 after Gov.

How do I contact WDRb? ›

  2. Phone: 502-585-0811.
  3. Email:

What county is Louisville, KY in? ›

Louisville, largest city in Kentucky, U.S., and the seat of Jefferson county, opposite the Falls of the Ohio River.

Can I read the daily Mail online? ›

Enjoy a full-featured replica of the Daily Mail on your smartphone, tablet or computer! The Daily Mail E-Reader is a replica of our traditional printed publication with all the stories, photos, and artwork intact. You can read your favourite newspaper and our magazines anytime and anywhere.

How to read WSJ articles online? ›

Articles will be listed by date in a database. We recommend going to the WSJ website ( first to identify which articles you would like to read in full. The public version of the WSJ website allows you to view news headlines and a brief description of all articles, without requiring an online subscription.

How many people read the courier mail? ›

From September 2021 to September 2022 in Queensland in Australia, the leading news brand was the Courier Mail with an audience of approximately 1.9 million readers. The other most popular sources were the Sydney Morning Herald and the Australian with an audience of 1.28 and 0.98 million readers respectively.

What is the circulation of the courier journal? ›

Read by over 400,000 adults every weekday and nearly 600,000 each Sunday, The Courier-Journal delivers exceptional reach of every type of audience segment. On the digital front,, is Kentucky's number one local media site.

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Author: Gregorio Kreiger

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Name: Gregorio Kreiger

Birthday: 1994-12-18

Address: 89212 Tracey Ramp, Sunside, MT 08453-0951

Phone: +9014805370218

Job: Customer Designer

Hobby: Mountain biking, Orienteering, Hiking, Sewing, Backpacking, Mushroom hunting, Backpacking

Introduction: My name is Gregorio Kreiger, I am a tender, brainy, enthusiastic, combative, agreeable, gentle, gentle person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.